When weary, return to The Source of your strength © |
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I’ve seen this played out over and over again, in my life as well as others I come alongside. If you continually tell yourself something negative, something that contradicts His Word, you will follow that up with behavior that aligns with that truth.
I remember when this truth came to life for me: it was when I was selling Princess House crystal and they had announced a travel trip to Hawaii. I had never been out of California at that point! I began telling myself daily that I was going to Hawaii…and I won the contest three months early!
But it can work the opposite: For example when we say something like “They’re never going to change,” or “they’re never going to do what it takes to change,” we begin to treat them like they will never change.
What if we were to leave the “changing” up to the One who loves us too much to leave us the way that we are, and change how we love and/or treat them?
See, thoughts start in our head, make their way down into our souls and seep into our behavior. Can I encourage you today to align your thoughts with His.
#TuesdaysLifeCoachingTruth #TrenchClassesUnited #LearningToUnderstand #LiveYourTruth #KimEvinda #RootOfRigidity
I remember when this truth came to life for me: it was when I was selling Princess House crystal and they had announced a travel trip to Hawaii. I had never been out of California at that point! I began telling myself daily that I was going to Hawaii…and I won the contest three months early!
But it can work the opposite: For example when we say something like “They’re never going to change,” or “they’re never going to do what it takes to change,” we begin to treat them like they will never change.
What if we were to leave the “changing” up to the One who loves us too much to leave us the way that we are, and change how we love and/or treat them?
See, thoughts start in our head, make their way down into our souls and seep into our behavior. Can I encourage you today to align your thoughts with His.
#TuesdaysLifeCoachingTruth #TrenchClassesUnited #LearningToUnderstand #LiveYourTruth #KimEvinda #RootOfRigidity
Intimacy with The Shepard brings knowledge for direction©
Did you know at some point in your life, He left the 99 just for you?
Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. Today’s message is a continuation of last week’s message and is such a beautiful illustration of the lengths He goes through to keep you by His side.
You one lost sheep
He has left the 99 to bring you back to His feet (Matt. 18:11-13)
and whether you are religious or not
Religion is not what you need
You need to be brought back to
Because in intimacy
There is knowledge
and in knowledge there is power
and in wisdom there is strength (Proverbs 24)
A strength will set you free
From being stuck in this place of captivity
I am not one to say I know everything
Far from it at that
But I do know one thing
And that is majority of this world
Is living in lack…
Lack of whatever it may be
Deep down their true desire is to be set free
Many church goers are living in lack of the full truth of His Word
Believing whatever any preacher may preach
While there are plenty out there stewarding these deeper needs
Still many believe that if I just go to church, fill my cup, and express love then that is all i need…maybe so , but are you lacking intimacy?
Do you speak to your Maker and Creator as if He is sitting right next to you? Do you walk in a room with bold confidence because the Holy Spirit indwells within you?
Or are you just simply going through the motions and checking off your boxes because that’s what a "good" Christian would do?
Dig deep
For others that maybe just believe in a "higher power" or that the higher power is within themselves if they just do X, Y, and Z and stay on this course of manifesting prosperity than what else do they need?
How exhausting….to believe that everything in life happens because of you and what you do…if that’s true then why did Christ die? Was it all in vain and humanity is to blame…? Far from that, but that’s for another day…
I am simply here to say
Be vigilant
Be wise
For the enemy he prowls like a thief in the night
As you sit there debating what show to watch or food to eat or how to go about manifesting prosperity, he is keeping you there in that place of captivity...
It’s time to stand up
It’s time to be set free
You are a child of a KING
Who cares and loves you more than anything
You are a creation
A masterpiece
That is so precious in the sight of God
He would do anything
Even send His only Son to die a death
Taking His last breath
To fill you with His
So stop searching
and stop yearning
You have been found
and with the knowledge of His love
You have been crowned
In sweet, sweet victory
For all the world to see
and grab others who for so long have been blind
and those who have been trapped in the darkness of their mind…
For there is only One who saves
and there is only One Way
and there is only One Truth
Yeshua is His Name
We need you
and He needs us
To stand up!
For His people will perish for lack of knowledge…
#MondaysMessage #TrenchClassesUnited #TrueIntimacy #HeLeftTheNinetyNine #ToFindYou
Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. Today’s message is a continuation of last week’s message and is such a beautiful illustration of the lengths He goes through to keep you by His side.
You one lost sheep
He has left the 99 to bring you back to His feet (Matt. 18:11-13)
and whether you are religious or not
Religion is not what you need
You need to be brought back to
Because in intimacy
There is knowledge
and in knowledge there is power
and in wisdom there is strength (Proverbs 24)
A strength will set you free
From being stuck in this place of captivity
I am not one to say I know everything
Far from it at that
But I do know one thing
And that is majority of this world
Is living in lack…
Lack of whatever it may be
Deep down their true desire is to be set free
Many church goers are living in lack of the full truth of His Word
Believing whatever any preacher may preach
While there are plenty out there stewarding these deeper needs
Still many believe that if I just go to church, fill my cup, and express love then that is all i need…maybe so , but are you lacking intimacy?
Do you speak to your Maker and Creator as if He is sitting right next to you? Do you walk in a room with bold confidence because the Holy Spirit indwells within you?
Or are you just simply going through the motions and checking off your boxes because that’s what a "good" Christian would do?
Dig deep
For others that maybe just believe in a "higher power" or that the higher power is within themselves if they just do X, Y, and Z and stay on this course of manifesting prosperity than what else do they need?
How exhausting….to believe that everything in life happens because of you and what you do…if that’s true then why did Christ die? Was it all in vain and humanity is to blame…? Far from that, but that’s for another day…
I am simply here to say
Be vigilant
Be wise
For the enemy he prowls like a thief in the night
As you sit there debating what show to watch or food to eat or how to go about manifesting prosperity, he is keeping you there in that place of captivity...
It’s time to stand up
It’s time to be set free
You are a child of a KING
Who cares and loves you more than anything
You are a creation
A masterpiece
That is so precious in the sight of God
He would do anything
Even send His only Son to die a death
Taking His last breath
To fill you with His
So stop searching
and stop yearning
You have been found
and with the knowledge of His love
You have been crowned
In sweet, sweet victory
For all the world to see
and grab others who for so long have been blind
and those who have been trapped in the darkness of their mind…
For there is only One who saves
and there is only One Way
and there is only One Truth
Yeshua is His Name
We need you
and He needs us
To stand up!
For His people will perish for lack of knowledge…
#MondaysMessage #TrenchClassesUnited #TrueIntimacy #HeLeftTheNinetyNine #ToFindYou
When we share our burdens with Him, He turns them into a blessing ©
Have you ever had to move something that required more than one person; in other words, you had to ask for help?
Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. Today’s Love Letter reminds us that He is waiting to be asked for help in carrying whatever has you weighed down.
Love Letter~
Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Come to Me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with Mine. Learn My ways and you'll discover that I'm gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in Me.
This burdening happens to everyone at some time or another. Wouldn't it be great if you could learn to share it with me so that you could rest in Me and to stay in that spot. But this is hard for most to do with all the ups and downs of life, but I assure you, it is possible. Anything is possible as you come to Me.
Come and tell Me what has you feeling weighed down and I will refresh you, your life. When you share your burdens with me, you will learn how I always work for your best interest. You may not know what I'm going to do but you can bet it will be for the best.
Look at all My promises of My love and care for you. My plan is always for good and not for evil. This should give you such peace. You should be able to rest knowing that I'll care for you even in the hardest of times and heaviest of burdens. As you learn to rest in My promises, you'll find rest for your soul and this is exactly what you need. I have everything you need no matter what comes your way.
Beloved, I can turn your mess into your message and your burden into a blessing for all to see and hear.
#FaithFilledFriday #TrenchClassesUnited #LoveLetter #DebraDolce #KimEvinda #LearningToUnderstand
Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. Today’s Love Letter reminds us that He is waiting to be asked for help in carrying whatever has you weighed down.
Love Letter~
Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Come to Me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with Mine. Learn My ways and you'll discover that I'm gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in Me.
This burdening happens to everyone at some time or another. Wouldn't it be great if you could learn to share it with me so that you could rest in Me and to stay in that spot. But this is hard for most to do with all the ups and downs of life, but I assure you, it is possible. Anything is possible as you come to Me.
Come and tell Me what has you feeling weighed down and I will refresh you, your life. When you share your burdens with me, you will learn how I always work for your best interest. You may not know what I'm going to do but you can bet it will be for the best.
Look at all My promises of My love and care for you. My plan is always for good and not for evil. This should give you such peace. You should be able to rest knowing that I'll care for you even in the hardest of times and heaviest of burdens. As you learn to rest in My promises, you'll find rest for your soul and this is exactly what you need. I have everything you need no matter what comes your way.
Beloved, I can turn your mess into your message and your burden into a blessing for all to see and hear.
#FaithFilledFriday #TrenchClassesUnited #LoveLetter #DebraDolce #KimEvinda #LearningToUnderstand
To be rigid about religion is to present a wrong image of God © ~Kim-Evinda
There are six things that we tend to be rigid about: Religion, values, absolutes, parenting, lifestyles and politics.
Let’s talk about religion for a moment. How can you tell if you’re rigid when it comes to religion? Well, have you ever said if God’s word says it, there’s no need to discuss it? Or anything like this?
Let’s talk about religion for a moment. How can you tell if you’re rigid when it comes to religion? Well, have you ever said if God’s word says it, there’s no need to discuss it? Or anything like this?
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Saying anything like that shuts down conversation. Maybe the more appropriate thing to do when discussing religion is ask questions that invite understanding, like, What do you believe about God or spirituality? What did your family believe when you were growing up? What do you think happens after you die? What has been your experience with church and/or others who say they are Christian?
These kinds of flexible curious questions invite communication which leads to a better understanding. When you show that you not only care but are trying to understand where they are coming from, most of the time, you will receive the blessing of being understood.
#ThursdaysTruth #TrenchClassesUnited #TheRootOfRigidity #LearningToUnderstand #KimEvinda
These kinds of flexible curious questions invite communication which leads to a better understanding. When you show that you not only care but are trying to understand where they are coming from, most of the time, you will receive the blessing of being understood.
#ThursdaysTruth #TrenchClassesUnited #TheRootOfRigidity #LearningToUnderstand #KimEvinda
Letting go is not giving up; letting go is letting God ©
Have you ever been watching an action-packed movie where the main character is in the midst of a horrendous death-defying adventure, hanging on with all their strength, trying their best to not let go. The gritting of the teeth, the grunts and groans, the pained expression of will power and sheer determination are captured by the camera and then suddenly, almost unexpectedly, like an assault to our senses, they let go and plunge to…
Welcome to Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United and Kim-Evinda.
Welcome to Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United and Kim-Evinda.
There are circumstances in life that have us doing just that, holding on with all our might, sheer strength powered by determination and a belief that if only…but there comes a point where we must surrender our will, let go and let ourselves fall into the love and protection of our Father.
It is in that letting go that we discover that we don’t have to give up hope, but letting go is letting God. We don’t have to help in the matter; we just need to let go of the matter that has us in such a fight or flight plan of action.
If you’re anything like me, especially when I’m hurting emotionally, the propensity to say, “Yeah, but what if I do this, or say that, or say this” is so great sometimes that I lose sight of the freedom of falling into His love, His grace, His plan for my life.
That’s what this type of letting go is like: free-falling and landing on the foundation of love and grace ever so gently while experiencing healing for the hurt that found me grappling for control in the first place.
And when the temptation comes to grab ahold of whatever it is we’re supposed to let go of, may we allow ourselves to fall once again into the presence, protection, and provision of Him whose plans are to lift us up, to prosper us, give us a future, and a hope.
May the God of hope fill you, (put your name here) with all joy and peace (by-products of hope) in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (for it is HIS Spirit that fuels our hope so stay plugged in).
Letting go…
#WednesdaysWord #TrenchClassesUnited #KimEvinda #LearningToUnderstand #LetGoAndLetGod #LeanIn
It is in that letting go that we discover that we don’t have to give up hope, but letting go is letting God. We don’t have to help in the matter; we just need to let go of the matter that has us in such a fight or flight plan of action.
If you’re anything like me, especially when I’m hurting emotionally, the propensity to say, “Yeah, but what if I do this, or say that, or say this” is so great sometimes that I lose sight of the freedom of falling into His love, His grace, His plan for my life.
That’s what this type of letting go is like: free-falling and landing on the foundation of love and grace ever so gently while experiencing healing for the hurt that found me grappling for control in the first place.
And when the temptation comes to grab ahold of whatever it is we’re supposed to let go of, may we allow ourselves to fall once again into the presence, protection, and provision of Him whose plans are to lift us up, to prosper us, give us a future, and a hope.
May the God of hope fill you, (put your name here) with all joy and peace (by-products of hope) in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (for it is HIS Spirit that fuels our hope so stay plugged in).
Letting go…
#WednesdaysWord #TrenchClassesUnited #KimEvinda #LearningToUnderstand #LetGoAndLetGod #LeanIn
Rigid routines lead to more frustration and less joy © ~Kim-Evinda
I remember when I was so rigid that I wouldn’t do anything that wasn’t scheduled and on my to-do list. I was so focused on the next thing that I often missed the blessing from the moment I was in. And if someone needed something from me and it wasn’t scheduled…well, then I didn’t help.
But that was before His love and grace changed me from the inside out, transforming everything about my life in my life.
I realize now, there’s almost always a blessing you receive when you allow something that wasn’t on your schedule to become part of your day.
Can I encourage you today to be on the lookout for an opportunity to reflect His love and grace to someone in need.
#TuesdaysTruth #TrenchClassesUnited #RigidRoutinesForegoFrustration #KimEvinda #LearningToUnderstand
I realize now, there’s almost always a blessing you receive when you allow something that wasn’t on your schedule to become part of your day.
Can I encourage you today to be on the lookout for an opportunity to reflect His love and grace to someone in need.
#TuesdaysTruth #TrenchClassesUnited #RigidRoutinesForegoFrustration #KimEvinda #LearningToUnderstand
The Gospel of the Good News is better than the news.
~Abigail Rice
In a fast-paced, social-media driven, microwave solution world, today’s message hits several bullseyes…if you allow them…to the heart, reminding us to choose the Gospel of the Good News over any other news.
I see people
A mass crowd of people
Pushing and shoving
Trying to get on the other side of this chain linked fence
With high barbed wire at top
Like a prison
Bright light’s shine through the dark clouds above
As the people continue to push and shove
Because all they want
Is to be free
God’s people are in prison
But who the Son sets free
Is free indeed (John 8:36)
But the question remains…
What is it that you believe?
Do you believe in prosperity,
tarot cards and psychics?
Or do you lean on the Holy Spirit to guide you and lead you in every aspect of life?
Does God do your house cleansing
Or do you choose sage and crystals?
Do you consume the media and the news
Or the Gospel of Good News?
His Word is alive
Yet we still cling to death…
Whether you are a believer in God
Or simply trying to hold on
Majority of us lack
a knowledge
and that’s
what is holding us back
It’s keeping us stuck
and we run and we run
Seeking for something
Anything to fill this void
in our hearts
Until it departs…
and we are back at it again
Searching again
For anything to bring peace, love, joy, success
Whether that is in finance and business
Love and romance.
Spirituality or a new religion
What we are looking for does not need to be searched…
For He is chasing after you
Searching for you!
#MondaysMessage #TrenchClassesUnited #AbigailRice #KimEvinda #LearningToUnderstand #TheGoodNews
A mass crowd of people
Pushing and shoving
Trying to get on the other side of this chain linked fence
With high barbed wire at top
Like a prison
Bright light’s shine through the dark clouds above
As the people continue to push and shove
Because all they want
Is to be free
God’s people are in prison
But who the Son sets free
Is free indeed (John 8:36)
But the question remains…
What is it that you believe?
Do you believe in prosperity,
tarot cards and psychics?
Or do you lean on the Holy Spirit to guide you and lead you in every aspect of life?
Does God do your house cleansing
Or do you choose sage and crystals?
Do you consume the media and the news
Or the Gospel of Good News?
His Word is alive
Yet we still cling to death…
Whether you are a believer in God
Or simply trying to hold on
Majority of us lack
a knowledge
and that’s
what is holding us back
It’s keeping us stuck
and we run and we run
Seeking for something
Anything to fill this void
in our hearts
Until it departs…
and we are back at it again
Searching again
For anything to bring peace, love, joy, success
Whether that is in finance and business
Love and romance.
Spirituality or a new religion
What we are looking for does not need to be searched…
For He is chasing after you
Searching for you!
#MondaysMessage #TrenchClassesUnited #AbigailRice #KimEvinda #LearningToUnderstand #TheGoodNews
Faith is to Christianity what the steering wheel is in cars ©
When you think of the most important part of a car, what would be your answer?
Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. Today’s Love Letter is a great reminder about the power and importance of faith in our Creator. To step back and take in His creation can be fuel for our faith.
Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. Today’s Love Letter is a great reminder about the power and importance of faith in our Creator. To step back and take in His creation can be fuel for our faith.
~Love Letter~
Faith empowers you to see that the universe was created and beautifully coordinated by the power of My Words! I spoke and the invisible realm gave birth to all that is seen. The beauty of all that is seen around you had to be created by Me. How is it that you acknowledge My creativity? I hope you are able to see all of the details I put into the world around you. The beauty and the functionality could only be put together by Me. This shows you My great power.
I created the universe, and every good and perfect thing comes from Me. For example, I could put together the things that function to make things work. When you experience the birth of a baby, can you not see how wonderfully created they are? The human is My greatest most complicated creation of which I am so in love.
But consider even the wild animals, how they function together to care for their young and how to survive in the wild. It's so wonderful to look at the heart of the forest, the mountains, and the seas. Look at the oceans and how all the animals survive there. Could anybody make all that besides Me your great King?
Can I not move and work in you like I do the earth? As you surrender all to Me, I can take every bit you offer Me and turn it into a wonder of wonders. My plan for you is glorious just like My plan for the wonderous things you see on the earth. Why would I care for the trees, the animals, all that is in the oceans and not care for My best creation, you? My love for you spans the world.
I cannot express to you how limitless My love is. This is why I can have an amazing plan for you and cause it to fold out like I desire.
Beloved, come and surrender your will to Me so that My plan will be accomplished.
#FaithFilledFriday #TrenchClassesUnited #LoveLetter #FaithEmpowersYou #DebraDolce #KimEvinda
Faith empowers you to see that the universe was created and beautifully coordinated by the power of My Words! I spoke and the invisible realm gave birth to all that is seen. The beauty of all that is seen around you had to be created by Me. How is it that you acknowledge My creativity? I hope you are able to see all of the details I put into the world around you. The beauty and the functionality could only be put together by Me. This shows you My great power.
I created the universe, and every good and perfect thing comes from Me. For example, I could put together the things that function to make things work. When you experience the birth of a baby, can you not see how wonderfully created they are? The human is My greatest most complicated creation of which I am so in love.
But consider even the wild animals, how they function together to care for their young and how to survive in the wild. It's so wonderful to look at the heart of the forest, the mountains, and the seas. Look at the oceans and how all the animals survive there. Could anybody make all that besides Me your great King?
Can I not move and work in you like I do the earth? As you surrender all to Me, I can take every bit you offer Me and turn it into a wonder of wonders. My plan for you is glorious just like My plan for the wonderous things you see on the earth. Why would I care for the trees, the animals, all that is in the oceans and not care for My best creation, you? My love for you spans the world.
I cannot express to you how limitless My love is. This is why I can have an amazing plan for you and cause it to fold out like I desire.
Beloved, come and surrender your will to Me so that My plan will be accomplished.
#FaithFilledFriday #TrenchClassesUnited #LoveLetter #FaithEmpowersYou #DebraDolce #KimEvinda
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