When we linger with Jesus, we won’t wander© Psalm 46:10 says to be still and know that He is God. What does being still look like for you? This verse took on a whole new meaning for me a couple of years ago when I looked up the Hebrew translation for the word “know.” It still excites me to this day. It means to “experience with your inner being”! Isn’t that amazing, that our Creator, maker of Heaven and earth, loves us so much that He literally longs for us to experience Him with our inner being?
Friends, God is spirit and when we tap into our spiritual self, and linger in His presence, we won’t wander. Truthfully, Kim-Evinda #TuesdaysTruth #TrenchClassesUnited #KimEvinda #HealthyRelationships #FaithBased
Every day is one day closer to a better day© ~Kim-EvindaDo you ever wonder if things will get better, slow down, or be less confusing? Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. Abigail’s message today emphasizes that no matter how crazy or unpredictable life becomes there is coming a better day when we will see Him face to face. This house is a mess
But my soul is at rest Knowing that this isn’t my home and in my mind I can go to the depths Of the unknown As you have shown Your power and Your glory Writing every word of Your story My past slowly washing away Like the waves as they break Reminding me I am an ocean and Your love creates every motion Calming every storm and always bringing me back to Your shores Where I get a small glimpse Of all that You have in store and at the sound of Your name All falls silent Yahweh Give us this day Another chance Another breath To proclaim Your great name For it is You Our souls honor and it is You Our souls thank… “O God, You are my God, earnestly will I seek You; my inner self thirsts for You, my flesh longs and is faint for You, in a dry and weary land where no water is. So I have looked upon You in the sanctuary to see Your power and Your glory. Because Your loving-kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You.” Psalm 63:1-3 Love, Abigail #MondaysMessage #TrenchClassesUnited #AbigailRice #KimEvinda #HealthyRelationships #FaithBased When we are plugged into The Light of the World, we will shine brightly.© ~Kim-EvindaWhen you walk into a dark room, what’s the first thing that you do? Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. Today’s love letter is a great reminder that as long as we are plugged in, we’ll never be in the dark. ~Love Letter~
Your lives light up the world. For how can you hide a city that stands on a hilltop? And who would light a lamp and then hide it in an obscure place? Instead, it's placed where everyone in the house can benefit from its light. So don't hide your light! Let it shine brightly before others so as to reflect His love. Do whatever it takes to shine your light on Me. Don't get stuck in comparisons but get stuck in showing your love for Me. Be better today than you were yesterday. Let your voice be stronger today than it was yesterday. Let every day be a day of shining your light for the whole world to see and know that I am your God, the maker of Heaven and Earth. When you spend time in My Word, others will hear your voice through your actions. They'll understand that there’s something different about you. When you spend time in prayer, people will see the works that I do in you and that you do for others. Continually give praise to Me. When you let your light shine so brightly, people can't speak against Me and doubt cannot fill them. Pray for the Holy Spirit to surround them, to open their eyes and their ears. Show people how My Word comes alive in you and through you. Beloved, let your light shine brightly for Me, like a city on a hill. ~DebraDolce #FaithFilledFriday #TrenchClassesUnited #LoveLetter #DebraDolce #LivingFearlessly Being alone doesn’t have to mean lonely© ~Kim-Evinda Do you tend to feel upset when you feel others are distancing themselves from you and/or do you have a hard time being alone? The fear of rejection, not fitting in, not measuring up, the fear of conflict, well, these are relationship interrupters often steering our important relationships in the wrong direction.
I’d love to help you do the same by helping you overcome your fears. Plan to join us in January for our Living Fearlessly Life-Experience Class where you will not only be given the information to understand your fears and where they come from, but you will get the tools to overcome them and get those relationships on the right track. Truthfully, Kim-Evinda #ThursdaysTruth #TrenchClassesUnited #AloneIsntLonely #KimEvinda #LivingFearlessly From our organization to you and your family, may this Christmas fill you with a sense of awe and wonder, and my His light shine brightly in you and out of you this Christmas, to and through the New Year! Much love, Kim-Evinda In order to live, we must die to ourselves© ~Kim-EvindaI remember when I finally understood what it meant to die to flesh…what a real eye opener. When we think of death, we usually don’t have pleasant or feel-good feelings, but, when we understand this principle of dying to flesh, then we can really begin living. Let me share an example:
When I think of doing something snarky to someone that has hurt me, if I act on it, I’m allowing my flesh to control my actions. However, if I deny the temptation, I am dying to my flesh, denying myself. I can tell you the more you die to those things that take you away from our loving God, the more you will live. Truthfully, Kim-Evinda #TuesdaysTruth #TrenchClassesUnited #LifeCoaching #HealthyRelationships #LivingFearlessly Life is fuller when we live with our whole self© |
January 2025