In the heat of the moment, don’t take off your spiritual clothes ~Kim-Evinda “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” Colossians 3:12 She mentally went through each piece of clothing to determine which ones she had been without yesterday. Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. How many times have we been told or said the phrase “get dressed”? And when it’s hot, we tend to put cooler clothes on, right? Today’s blog brings some spiritual significance to the phrase “get dressed” with a bit of humor. As she went through each piece in her mind, suddenly she got a picture, a picture that made her scream out, “Yikes, I was half naked yesterday.”
The scripture from last Sunday’s message would not leave her mind…and as it stayed, it seeped into her soul bringing the flavor of truth in the seeping. “God, you are so good and I am dearly loved, for you know that visuals are good teachers for me.” Her ortho appointment revealed her near-nakedness and instead of being spiritually clothed, she could see herself white-knuckling through her frustration of waiting nearly an hour and a half for the doctor to finally come in and go over her MRI. Her first words out of her mouth were carefully chosen and fairly calm, and without an attitude: “Doctor, I think they’re over-booking you,” to which he sheepishly shook his head in response. After a physical examination of her knee, and discussion of the MRI, he admitted to not being sure of the resolution but said he would send in his medical assistant to set up an arthroscopic specialist. His last words as he walked out the door: “We all have a pair of old shoes and one of yours is wearing out.” She sat there confused, replaying the conversation in her mind. Why would he send me to an arthroscopic surgeon if arthroscopic procedures increase the arthritis? Ten minutes went by and no one came into the room. By that time, she had exhausted her piece of “patience” clothing, went out into the hall and was asked how she could be helped. She explained that Dr. G had said he was sending his MA in but no one had come in. “Let me go check on that for you.” She came right back with an answer that ripped the rest of her spiritual clothes right off: “She’s in with another patient. I’m so sorry.” In the heat of her frustration, she forgot all about her Spiritual clothing. Conviction brought clarity as she realized that it wasn’t necessarily her words that had taken her spiritual clothes off but her attitude of hot frustration, not getting her way…now! She had immediately gone to the front desk and explained calmly, albeit frustrated, what had transpired, explaining that she had been there almost two hours and needed to go and would appreciate a call back regarding this arthroscopic referral. “I can’t wait any longer; I need to go pick up my dog,” was the excuse she had given the receptionist. Long story short: while this situation would try anyone’s patience in our fast-paced world, this circumstance didn’t knock God off His throne and my attitude of demanding things in my time only revealed my need for control. He hadn’t let go of me so why should I take off my Spiritual clothes? Faithing through this circumstance, Kim-Evinda #WednesdaysWord #TrenchClassesUnited #SpiritualClothing #FaithThroughCircumstance #KimEvinda
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February 2025