To put the brakes on your thoughts is to not let them drive you crazy© ~Kim-Evinda“Driving Your Thoughts Instead of Letting Them Drive You.” PART 2 Why, God, does my mind continue to take these treacherous, time-wasting, joyless and sorrowful detours? She waited for Him to answer. Finally, Kim-Evinda, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Have you ever wondered how to train your brain to not think the things it does, or how to pull it out of the pit it can drag you into? Kim-Evinda shares how she is learning to be the driver of her thoughts thru a difficult season in this second part of her new series, “Driving Your Thoughts Instead of Letting Them Drive You.”
I’m not one for wasting time. When I set out to go somewhere, I go straight there; I don’t take any detours – well, I can think of one place that I would, Kauai! 😊 So here’s a detour 😊 😊 Whenever I’ve ventured out on an adventure, headed for a specific destination in Kauai, I have almost aways taken detours. Why? Because there’s always a reward in the form of a beautiful waterfall, or an ocean so blue it takes your breath away, or foliage so green and sweet-smelling it makes you want to stop and thank our Creator for such beauty. Yes, whenever I’ve taken a detour while driving, or walking, for that matter on the island of Kauai, it has been worth it! But that’s not real life. My mind is always driving me to and through emotional detours. Do you catch your thoughts drifting from where you are to something or someone else? In my Season of adultery recovery [SOAR] my thoughts keep going back to some of the same questions, over, and over, and over again, like a mouse stuck on a wheel going and going, expecting a different result but going in the same direction, around and around and around…crazy, less faithful and more flesh-full, pulling me away from the One who has my answers and will give them to me in His time. And before I know it, I’m drowning in a puddle of my own tears. ☹ I have read this scripture over and over and have never had it come to life more than in THIS season. It literally is a mind-altering scripture that can help us with these crazy detours that our mind tends to take us on, no matter what you are going through. Let’s look at the first two whatever’s: Finally, My child, whatever is true…STOP! My argument with this one, and yours may be as well, is this: it is true, they did what they did; there’s no dispute. “Okay,” God says, “but is it noble”? “Heck to the no,” I say; “what they did, said, thought was not noble. They may think it was but…” “Stop! You don’t know what they think; only I know their thoughts. Get off the detour, turn around and head back to Me.” Friend, can I encourage you this week to just take the first two “whatever’s” and practice putting the brakes on the car of your thoughts, lest they drive you crazy. His Word is there to help us do exactly that. Finally, My child, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Love, Kim-Evinda #WednesdaysWord #TrenchClassesUnited #HitTheBrainBrakes #LivingFearlessly #KimEvinda
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February 2025