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This January, we will be hosting both "How To Love Who You Love" and part 1A of our Transform the Series: called Living Fearlessly.
TCU exists to help others learn how to live transparently and love healthier because we believe that growth happens in relationships. What is a "trench"? Trenches are vibrant communities where you can join with a small group of people who meet together regularly for personal/emotional/spiritual growth and friendship through our curriculum.
Our trenches (small groups) offer three things:
Our trenches (small groups) offer three things:
- Connection, because life is better when connected than disconnected. In our trenches (small groups) you will experience contagious love and powerful encouragement in your transformational journey of emotional, physical and spiritual healing.
- Protection: It is okay to not always be okay and in the process of physical, emotional and spiritual healing, what is shared in the trench stays in the trench
- Direction: it is our mission to help you move forward in life transparently, confidently and happily.
How To Love Who You Love
A 8-week study to help you have healthier relationships and deeper connection to those around you.
Living Fearlessly
A 10-week study which helps us conquer any internal insecurities and rise to your calling
Living Forgiven & Forgiving
A 10-week study that delves into the beauty of true forgiveness for self and others and the freedom that follows
Living Fueled by Hope
A 6-week study that reveals the five things that we unconsciously put our hope in as well as how to have healthy relational expectations
Surrendering to Serenity
A 7-week study that helps us face any unresolved emotional triggers and empower us to walk in serenity daily
Embracing Truth
A 7-week study which helps us to thrive honestly in the journey of love, parenting and family
Learning to Understand and be Understood
A 7-week study that teaches flexibility in a critical world through the art of active listening and understanding others
Finding & Embracing your Identity
A 8-week study reveals how to get comfortable with our God-given identity and rise to the challenge of our God-given purpose
Rising above Chaos and Confusion
A 9-week study especially geared for anyone who has endured a traumatic childhood of any kind.
A 8-week study to help you have healthier relationships and deeper connection to those around you.
Living Fearlessly
A 10-week study which helps us conquer any internal insecurities and rise to your calling
Living Forgiven & Forgiving
A 10-week study that delves into the beauty of true forgiveness for self and others and the freedom that follows
Living Fueled by Hope
A 6-week study that reveals the five things that we unconsciously put our hope in as well as how to have healthy relational expectations
Surrendering to Serenity
A 7-week study that helps us face any unresolved emotional triggers and empower us to walk in serenity daily
Embracing Truth
A 7-week study which helps us to thrive honestly in the journey of love, parenting and family
Learning to Understand and be Understood
A 7-week study that teaches flexibility in a critical world through the art of active listening and understanding others
Finding & Embracing your Identity
A 8-week study reveals how to get comfortable with our God-given identity and rise to the challenge of our God-given purpose
Rising above Chaos and Confusion
A 9-week study especially geared for anyone who has endured a traumatic childhood of any kind.
Do you have an unlovable or difficult person in your life? Is there someone you haven’t forgiven for something? Do you find yourself being critical of those closest to you? Is there something you haven’t forgiven yourself for? Do others’ behavior embarrass you? Do you resist spending time with family, for any reason? If you answer yes to ANY of these, then you won’t want to miss what’s coming to a trench near you! DATES FOR THIS TRENCH TBA |
Rising Above Chaos and Confusion
Relationships can be so confusing, can't they? But the more we look at our history, the easier it becomes to rise above the relational chaos. At TCU, we believe, and history shows, that oftentimes, we need to dig in our past toward a brighter future! Join us in the trenches and in just 9 weeks, we give you the tools to rise above relational chaos and confusion! |
Surrendering to Serenity

There are five things we often unknowingly put our hope in, causing unrealistic expectations to raise and relationships to fall, and as the cycle perpetuates, hopelessness and anger can become two emotions that drive our emotional cars. These studies will reveal how to have realistic relational expectations that fuel us with hope and free us from anger.
Join us in the trenches for 7 weeks to learn powerful tools to practice self-control while living free from anger.
Living Fueled By Hope
Living Fearlessly
Do you avoid taking risks with others because it is hard for you to trust? Do you take more than your fair share of responsibility for tasks that have to be done? Are you afraid to approach others directly with a conflict, particularly your family/friends? Do you spend a lot of time thinking about the next thing on your to-do list or the next place you are supposed to be? Do you avoid taking risks with others because it is hard for you to trust? If you answered yes to any of these, then you won't want to miss Living Fearlessly |
Embracing Truth Would you like to be more easy-going, not feel like you have to have everything manageable, or managed? Join us in the trenches for 7 weeks to learn how to live life more flexibly while still preserving productivity happily! Life was meant to be embraced, not lived on the run! DATES TBA |
Finding & Embracing Your Identity
What and who we look to, to define us can send us into identity crisis. We tend to think that we need to be the "same" in order to get along; that our own identity, opinions, likes and dislikes cause conflict. Finding and Embracing Your Identity will not only reveal who you really are but will provide tools to help you embrace your God-given identity. Do you have trouble asking for what you want and/or need? Do you feel like you have to have another person around in order to feel normal or worthwhile? Do you worry a great amount about how others perceive you? Do you find yourself involved in any way in many people's lives? If you answered yes to ANY of these, then you won't want to miss this trench! |
If you have any questions about the trenches above please contact us at
951-797-8713 or [email protected] for more information.
951-797-8713 or [email protected] for more information.