Power Friday Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it; if I had a penny for every time I’ve said that to confirm I understood what was being said, I’d be a billionaire!
Thanks for joining me for Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Power Friday with Trench Classes United. Some of us have heard the term yada before, yada, yada, yada…and we’ve laughed at ourselves and with others about that term…BUT we probably didn’t really “know” what it meant. See in Hebrew, that word yada translates to “know,” and one of the definitions for this translation is: to experience with your inner being. Well that puts knowing on a whole different level, huh! So with that understanding here’s today’s power thought: We can’t really trust God unless we “know” Him, experience Him with our soul! May you press in and get to know the One who loves you more than anyone or anything that you may experience Him with and in your soul! Love, Kim-Evinda
Thursday’s Trench Truth Living Fueled by Hope is coming to a trench near you!
Join us on Facebook to stay updated on when and where www.facebook.com/trenchclassesunited Love, Kim-Evinda Wednesday’s Word Have you ever thought something was something else because you were too far away to see what it actually is? The older I get, the harder it is to see things accurately and it can not only be frustrating but embarrassing, too!
Thank for joining me for Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. Sometimes I need a magnifying glass to see the fine print! Why in the world doe they print so small? J J Physically speaking, they say as you approach the “Fs” in age, your vision begins to deteriorate…but I try not to “focus” – pardon the pun – on that and instead seek to see things even more from a spiritual/eternal perspective. For example, when we hold a magnifying glass over fine print one way, we may be able to see it somewhat better but then if you turn it and use the other side, the print becomes bigger…legible…readable…because it’s magnified a hundred times! When we keep our spiritual eyes on the not-so-positive things that are happening in life that tends to magnify them! And the more we share our problems, the more insurmountable they seem. Our “focus” needs to switch from the mountain to the mountain mover, from the ailment to the healer, from the problem to the problem solver that we may boast in Him and not on whatever is messing with our vision! 2nd Corinthians 12:9-10 Refocusing Kim-Evinda Tuesday’s Trench Truth If this is true, who has the power over your thoughts?
Join our community of Transformers on Facebook for more encouragement in the journey www.facebook.com/trenchclassesunited Love, Kim-Evinda Monday’s Mantra I love when I see such simple but profound truths on social media! Welcome to Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Monday’s Mantra with Trench Classes United! I just know you’re going to enjoy this post from Julie Held.
I believe the Bible has the answers to life. As a mother, it’s so easy to become entangled in finding answers to life in other parenting books, blogs, videos, etc. They have a place but they honestly can’t replace the Bible. The Bible is real, true, a rock to stand upon. We, as parents are not to hinder the Word of God but share it. Whatever season you may be in —-> littles, tweens, teens, young adults, grandkids ....don’t hesitate to just read out loud as we are instructed to in Deuteronomy 6:7 “Teach them to your children. Repeat them when you are at home and when you are away, when you are resting and when you are working.” This picture was a funny moment. I was highlighting 2nd Samuel 7 and my baby girl climbed next to me and started doing the “same thing” in a devotional book. I figured she would highlight something that would go with the study. The Word of God is never void. The Bible sharpens and shows me what real love is. The Bible is like looking in a mirror and really reflecting my heart. It brings my voice to the Lord to confess my sins; it helps me to thank God for His grace, love, mercy and faithfulness! I walk away so FULL of His love I can’t wait to share…and you will/can too! But then the opposite is this.... when I don’t read my Word I am just empty. Anyone relate? There is none like it, the B-I-B-L-E!!! Amen! Fulfilled, Julie Held Faith-filled Friday James 1:12 (NLT): 12 God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward, they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.
Ah, patiently enduring testing…what does that even look like? Welcome to Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Faith-filled Friday with Trench Classes United. Come on in for a picture of patiently enduring… Suffering well and with a thankful heart, this is easier said than done. Last week, I found myself completely overwhelmed. I had been suppressing my workload; however, I wasn't aware that I was doing this. A few mornings later, it all came gushing out with babbling tears. I was a complete mess. Immediately I realized my plate was too full. I began to seek the Lord with this question: What load could I take off my plate? "Lord show me your way," I cried. I went to church the next day, and the message was on suffering well. Some may say a coincidence, I say not! The message got me to thinking: Jesus suffered the greatest of all, and He suffered well. He knew His purpose on this earth was to solely spread Gods love. He could have chosen not to suffer, but He loved us so that he paid the highest price so that when we suffer, He could be there to hold our hand and pour His love out on us, even if the suffering is at times self-inflicted. I pray that I could suffer as well as He did; that during times of trials and tribulations I'd remember to seek His face and to be thankful that He is right beside me every step of the way. Each trail builds us into stronger warriors for Jesus, so that we will be able to sympathize, encourage, and love on someone else who is going through a trail we have already endured. Oh, and by the way, it was revealed to me what thing I needed to take off my plate. God does hear, listen and answer! Take courage Coffee Hour friends; He is with us. Let us remember to count our blessings every step of the way. Love, Ashley Thursday’s Trench Truth Join us for more encouragement at www.facebook.com/trenchclassesunited and like our page! We’d love to spur you on in your journey! Oh, and if you haven’t heard, we’re hosting A Night of Laughter so come and join us click the picture above to buy tickets now tickets are NOT available at the door. Love,
Kim-Evinda Wednesday’s Word Have you ever done something and then thought, oh no, I shouldn’t have done that? Oh, have I got a big uh-oh to share with you today.
Thanks for joining me for Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. So picking up where we left off on Monday, I’m on my way home and discover that my GPS must have been in the mood for my company because it took me the long/wrong way home and by the time I realized it, there was no going back so I just settled in and continued making phone calls until I finally reached my off ramp, and wanted to drive the rest of the way home listening to some uplifting music and unwinding as much as one can in the car after an emotionally draining day. As I made my way to San Timateo Canyon Road and turned left, I pulled up alongside and eventually passed a slow-going train. I thought, oh, I may have to stop up ahead when I make my right on Live Canyon. But I didn’t. There were a couple cars ahead of me that turned right and went over the railroad tracks, and I looked at the railroad crossing bars to make sure they weren’t coming down or that the lights weren’t on yet. They weren’t, so I proceeded forward. I looked to the right, quickly, and I saw the slow-moving train about 1.5 football fields down the track. No problem. I turned and as I landed on the tracks, the railroad crossing bar was coming down! Instinctively, and quickly, I tried to back up. Nope! The one behind me was coming down on me!! By this time, the train was about a football field down the track. I slammed the car back into gear and pushed the pedal to the medal. My car lunged forward so fast and I escaped as the rear crossing bar came down on the roof of my car. I drove in utter and complete shock for about a half mile and dared to look out my back window. I saw a piece of something hanging so I pulled over and got out. It was a rubber piece that encased the antennae on the roof of the car. The little red wing that covered the piece that encased the antennae was gone, but at that moment I didn’t see any other damage…until I got home. By the time I did get home, the reality of what had just happened had washed all through me and I was near hysterics. I went back and forth between thanking God for his provision of protection and beating myself up for not stopping and just waiting for the frapping train to pass. Why had I taken such a risk? I couldn’t sit still for hours; I was really wound up like an angry robot swimming between thankfulness, disbelief and trying not to drown in it all. I kept seeing the train coming and the forward and rear crossing guards coming down on my car, as if to trap me…but why didn’t they? There’s no other explanation other than to say: God met me in the midst of my problem and He rescued me, despite me! See, in my heart, I know that I am not supposed to be working more than ONE day a week; and I keep pushing the envelope. From the drive to get to work, to the computer problems trying to prevent me from working to the long drive to make it home to a near-death experience, God was there…despite my choices. Coffee Hour Friend, in what area of your life do you need rescuing? Can I encourage you that no matter where you are in any mistake you may have made that God is ready, willing and able to meet you there! Love, Kim-Evinda Tuesday’s Trench Truth and Invitation, too! We want to help you live transparently, love healthier, and laugh more… Click on the image below to buy tickets now! There will NOT be tickets available at the door. Love,
Kim-Evinda Monday’s Mantra Have you ever ignored the little gut feeling that tries to warn you not to do something? Well, darn it; I just did that and as the day continued, the warning got louder and louder and louder!
Thanks for joining me today for Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Monday’s Mantra with Trench Classes United. Please, come on in and get comfy for a true story, from my heart to yours that actually may take us to Wednesday’s blog as well. I was pretty tired this particular morning and by the time I was dressed and ready to head to my deposition in Temecula, I had made a decision: beginning in two weeks, I would no longer work more than one day a week; I would trust God to meet us in our financial needs and hunker down as we prepare to launch a program that will truly help others live more transparently, love healthier and laugh more. Oh, how many times have I said I would do this? I groaned aloud as I loaded my car and got the dogs situated. But I mean it this time! Sound familiar? Oh, thank you, Abba, for your grace that out-waits our unfulfilled promises to you and to ourselves. I asked Him to help me be a light to someone in that room today. Looking back on the day, there were actually plenty of warning signs of a tough road ahead. For starters, I’m not sure how it happened, but my GPS sent me on a crazy hunt for my location. I mean it had me going on and off the freeway and what felt completely out of the way and instead of being early enough to be calm, cool and prepared, my equipment set up and a job dictionary built, I arrived with only 10 minutes to accomplish all of that. Talk about hot flashes running down my back! But it doesn’t stop there. As I’m getting set up, I turned my computer on and it’s telling me “Preparing updates; 30% complete; don’t turn off computer.” WITW? (What in the world?!) And then just like that, it let me into my court reporting program…and then proceeded to freeze! At this point I had only five minutes to be ready and waiting for counsel and the witness. To top it off, when I finally took a moment to look at the caption and let it sink in, I groaned – to myself of course, as I realized we had a minor in the witness chair with a claim of molestation by a teacher. As I was frantically trying to get my computer to cooperate – ever have one of those moments? – I invited God into my frustration and literally offered up some honest-to-goodness begging! HE HEARD ME! I was ready to go by 10:01, thankful, trying to put the previous warnings behind me and focus, focus, focus! Within the first hour, I could tell that this witness had definitely been molested…but the teacher wasn’t the first person who had molested her. When I hear cases like this, it confirms my knowing that dysfunction is a cycle, whatever flavor, and is cross-cultural, non-denominational and worldwide. Don’t get me wrong; I don’t keep the cases stored up in me, allowing their truth to weigh me down; but I do use this information for others good and His glory. Several times the witness and her counsel had to confer off the record – which means we stop and they go outside and chat. No big deal; I begin editing my transcript so there’s less to do at the end. There were some questions that you could tell that while she may not have been lying, she was trying to be very careful with her response as it was a tricky question; and then there were others that she just flat-out didn’t get. To top it off, she is an African-American high school student with lots of Ebonics and once fired up, wow, all I can say is my fat fingers were all over that keyboard and my machine was smoking as the speed indicator kept flashing. They actually got up to 310 words per minute!!! Towards the end of the day, as we tread on the waters of this witness’ promiscuity, her attorney asked to confer with defense counsel outside. I was totally a proponent for this girl, but as the case began to unfold, I began to realize she has been a troubled child since grade school, and the teacher was not the only contributing factor. In fact, when a jury hears her case, her promiscuity may deter them from the facts, from the root of it all, but is really a symptom of it all. Oh what a complicated web of dysfunction that I long for the world to understand. I’m not sure what came over me but in the first few minutes that both attorneys were out of the room, I took the liberty – I could get in trouble for this – to begin talking with her and at the risk of incriminating myself, let me just say, it was a pretty powerful conversation and as I said the last thing, I returned to my computer screen and the door opened and the attorneys returned; I breathed a sigh of relief, and we went back on the record. By the time we finished for the day, I was pretty wiped out. I sat in my car for a moment, allowing the air conditioning to cool me from the inside out, shaking off the oppression of the case, and then pressed my destination of home. I didn’t even give it a second thought, just expecting it to take me home the right way, not the long way. I began to return phone calls and it wasn’t until I had been on the phone for a while, that I realized I had followed the voice on GPS and gotten off the freeway. But WITW Why? Unbelievable! It took me home the same way we came and I’m still perplexed as to why. So what should have taken about 45 minutes turned into an hour and 45 minutes! Needless to say by the time I got to my next mistake, I was pretty wiped out! Have you ever noticed that one mistake often leads to another? Join me Wednesday for part two of this blog where I will share something that I am still trembling about, and probably will every time I think about it. What comforts me is I know that I know that He was there at the beginning of my mistake, and He certainly met me in the midst of another one. Love, Kim-Evinda |
February 2025