THURSDAY TRUTHFUL HUMOR Thanks for joining us today for Thursday’s Truthful humor.
A cop pulled over a car weaving in and out of traffic, walks up to the window and sees a young couple in the car, but the guy didn’t have his seatbelt on. So the cop asked him about it. “Oh, I just took it off now when you were walking up to our car.” “No, you didn’t,” exclaimed his wife. “You never wear your seat belt.” The cop was a little taken aback and then asked to see the guy’s license. “Aw, crap, he said after pretending to reach for his wallet, “I must have left it at home.” “Yeah, right,” the wife said rather loudly, “You know it expired three months ago.” The cop was again taken back by the wife and asked, “Are you always this tough on him?” “No, only when he’s had too much to drink.” Oh, it’s true that while God’s role for the wife is to be the helpmate, which also translates to compass, how we help guide determines if we are doing so out of love or fear and/or impure motives. For more encouragement, take a tour at and join our Facebook community at Read more
WEDNESDAY WORD Go low to get high, go low to get high…the words were becoming familiar now after three+ weeks doing this workout. As I squatted as low as I could go – which wasn’t very far down – and then reached as high as I could, allowing my body to do what was being asked of me, my mind took me to another place.
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Today’s message may appear to have a hidden meaning, but then again, spiritual truths aren’t always so easy to grasp. Our prayer is that you grasp this in your mind and heart, and that it explodes in your actions. The workout I was doing was from Beachbody and was a Bar-Blend series. I can’t help but smile as I write this because it’s led by a former ballerina, which I am NOT! In fact, I am trying desperately to rid myself of an image I get all too often, especially when I am either angry or frustrated, and that is a bull in a china cabinet! 😊 😊 Anyway, after hearing these words for several weeks, they started to take on an additional meaning, and not just physically but spiritually as well. Have you ever wrestled with your private-party logic, justifying why you said something, did something, felt something, and as you wrestle, you come up with the same answer every single time, that you weren’t in the wrong? Well, I literally could write a book on all my private party logic parties, but for the sake of time, let me just say that private-party logic rarely, if ever, leads you to a positive resolution. But you can’t know that if you don’t bring God into the party, and/or invite someone you trust into the situation that we keep mulling over and over in our minds and hearts. When God is invited to the not-so-positive party, Truth will always collide with reasoning and self-pity, even when we feel we have every right to reach out and lash out. It’s when we go low, in other words, let go of our “right” to be frustrated, and acknowledge what is behind it, usually fear, we will be able to take the high road. This week, in my current S.O.A.R. (season of adultery recovery) I have learned and put into practice the value of saying nothing at all. And if you know me…well, I’ll just leave it at that 😊😊😊 Friend, can I encourage you to join me in this short prayer: Oh, Abba, help me to remember to let go, let You in to my private-party logic so that truth and resolution would follow and lead me to higher ground. Thoughtfully, Kim-Evinda TUESDAY TRUTHFUL HUMOR Sally walked into the dentist’s office to make an appointment. “How much do you charge to pull out a tooth,” she asked.
The receptionist’s prompt reply was $130 $130! That’s ridiculous! There must be a way to do it cheaper. “Well, said the receptionist thoughtfully, I suppose if the dentist doesn’t numb it, we could take off $30.” “Only 30 bucks? That’s still 100 bucks. I can’t afford that; can’t you go any lower?” “Well,” said the receptionist after a long pause, “I suppose if the dentist uses a wrench, we could knock it down to $50.” “Perfect,” said Sally. “I would like to make an appointment for my husband, Jack next Tuesday.” Oh, my goodness, there is a reason the Word of God says love others as you love yourself! Financial gain shouldn’t be at the expense of others well-being. For more encouragement, take a tour at and join our Facebook community at Monday Message You are stepping into something new
So fresh So precious You may think you know How it's going to be How it going to play out This little dream But in the end it is only you You with Me For all of eternity I have held your soul before you became known I filled your breath Even as you pondered letting go For you I will go to the depths To the ends To fill the void and magnify the light Hidden beneath your dark sheets at night I am there I am here I am all around I am everywhere You feel the wind As I filll your breath Again And Again And Again You wake up not knowing if this day will be filled with dread Or if you will dive into the depths Of pure joy, peace, and happiness And the reality is this: This soon will end This life Here on earth From dust to dust No rebirth You are all whole All one A soul as bright as the noonday sun You shine like no other To fill others with awe and wonder You draw them And lead them here To Me My waters Fulfilling your thirst Your every need Even as you fall on your knees Begging "Lord, please Remove this cup from me Take my burdens and shatter my doubts Because I I will never truly understand what this life is all about This human body so failing And so flawed Yet, I know in the depths of my soul I have been called I hear You calling my name Saying it is you I have made For such a time as this For such a moment like this Where you are Plant Root and Grow Go deep You will never fully know The depths of your magnificent soul The battle that rages Between the good and the evil in between all the stages The spirit the flesh The constant wonder of what is next? Darling, let me tell you this What is next Is taking a breath Breathing in that life And knowing that you are blessed So, beyond blessed Of this gift This shift of wind and light That runs through your bones Shining at all hours of the night Darling, you are light Look in the mirror and see You, Yes you, Are exactly who I created you to be A beautiful Wonderful Predestined Magnificent being Now breathe And know That you can let go Because I am here to carry it To remove your yoke The only question is, will you let go? “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all.” -Psalms 34:19 ~Abigail Faith-Filled Friday Have you ever looked around at those closest to you and wondered, how come they have all they have, or how come she gets to go traveling all the time, or how come they never struggle?
Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. This love letter is a great reminder that when we compare ourselves to others, we will always come up with the wrong answer, but when we imitate our Heavenly Father as much as we can, well, then we are clothed in righteousness and won’t lose our way. ~Love Letter~ My chosen one, be imitators of Me in everything you do, for then you will represent Me, your Father as My beloved sons and daughters. This should take away any and all tendencies to compare yourself to anyone else. Since I created you in My image doesn't it make sense for you to imitate Me? As you move closer to Me letting go of the things that hinder you, then you will see what I desire for you. When you continue to pattern your life after Mine you will be pleased with how it is beginning to take shape. There is nothing better than having your life centered around Mine. No, it's not hard, nothing is impossible for Me, I will be with you and I'll empower you to do all that is needed for you to run hard after Me. You see, whatever I ask you to do I will also give you the ability and the resources to accomplish the task. Just like a father that helps his child, so I do even more because I knew you before the foundation of the earth and I had a plan for you way back then. Beloved, My plan for you is so good; your heart will be truly satisfied and you will bring glory and honor to My name. ~DebraDolce Thursday Truthful Humor Welcome to Thursday’s Truthful humor with Trench Classes United where we love to laugh and pull truth from humor!
A police officer attempts to stop a car for speeding and the guy gradually increases his speed until he's topping 100 mph! The man eventually realizes he can't escape and finally pulls over. The cop approaches the car and says, "It's been a long day and my shift is almost over, so if you can give me a good excuse for your behavior, I'll let you go." The guy thinks for a few seconds and then says, "My wife ran away with a cop about a week ago. I thought you might be that officer trying to give her back!" Oh, friends, Isn’t it so true that relationships have become so…well, so disposable? We unfriend on Fakebook, stop following on Instagram, Twitter, throw in the towel on friendships and marriages, but isn’t it so comforting to know that Jesus never wants to give us back, to throw us away or discard us, or even let us return to our old ways, but He continues to love us, refine us, guide us to be more like Him that we may love like He does. To be a covenant keeper is better than to be a relationship runner. For more encouragement, take a tour at Thoughtfully, Kim Wednesday Word Have you ever been watching an action-packed movie where the main character is in the midst of a horrendous death-defying adventure, hanging on with all their strength, trying their best to not let go.
The gritting of the teeth, the grunts and groans, the pained expression of will power and sheer determination are captured by the camera and then suddenly, almost unexpectedly, like an assault to our senses, they let go and plunge to… Welcome to Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United and Kim-Evinda. There are circumstances in life that have us doing just that, holding on with all our might, sheer strength powered by determination and a belief that if only…but there comes a point where we must surrender our will, let go and let ourselves fall into the love and protection of our Father. It is in that letting go that we discover that we don’t have to give up hope, but letting go is letting God. We don’t have to help in the matter; we just need to let go of the matter that has us in such a fight or flight plan of action. If you’re anything like me, especially when I’m hurting emotionally, the propensity to say, “Yeah, but what if I do this, or say that, or say this” is so great sometimes that I lose sight of the freedom of falling into His love, His grace, His plan for my life. That’s what this type of letting go is like: free-falling and landing on the foundation of love and grace ever so gently while experiencing healing for the hurt that found me grappling for control in the first place. And when the temptation comes to grab ahold of whatever it is we’re supposed to let go of, may we allow ourselves to fall once again into the presence, protection and provision of Him whose plans are to lift us up, to prosper us, give us a future, and a hope. May the God of hope fill you, (put your name here) with all joy and peace (by-products of hope) in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (for it is HIS Spirit that fuels our hope so stay plugged in). Letting go… Kim-Evinda Tuesday Truthful Humor This single guy named Bill wanted a horse. He began to shop and saw an interesting ad on Craigslist which was advertising a “Christian horse.”
He sent an inquiry and made arrangements to go see this horse. When Bill got to the ranch, he introduced himself to the horse's owner and they talked small talk on their way to where the horse was. As soon as Bill saw the horse, he couldn’t help but get excited and asked if he could ride him, take him for a test drive, so to speak. The owner said, sure, "It's easy to ride him. Just say 'praise the Lord' to make him go, and 'amen' to make him stop." Bill got on the horse and said "praise the Lord." the horse started to walk. "Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, praise the Lord" and the horse is running. Now Bill sees the cliff and says: "AMEN." The horse stops and Bill says: "Whew! Praise the lord!" The Word of God says that He inhabits the praises of His children…can I encourage you to find at least five things to praise Him for each day? For more encouragement, come take a tour at Monday Message What are we
But space and time A little piece Of this world gone by By and by The time will go History repeating Until who knows? But what we do know Is this We were created for specifically A time like this A time when the world is raw Vulnerable & Scared Caught completely unaware of the trap that's been laid All due to the price The sweet price that He paid He paid so we could be set free Be set free from the chains we are bound to from within The thing you feel inside That you are unsure if it is at all times just your mind But a different creature from within Full of wisdom Knowledge And The breathe from the beginning From the beginning of time When it was just You and I The only ones on the earth Before this world gave birth To a new people A new promise One of milk, honey, And pure honest Joy Happiness Beyond measures Of Texas bluebonnets But as the sunrises So the sun sets To a new day - A bright night Waking to a feeling of such delight Knowing that "These things I have spoken to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 ~Abigail Faith-Filled Friday Have you ever caught yourself talking about someone else’s “sin” and later realize their “sin” is something you have either committed or are still committing? Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United.
Today’s love letter is such an important reminder to not judge others because we are all equally human and no one else’s sin is better than another’s. Love Letter~ My blessed child, for all have sinned and are in need of My glory. Yet through My powerful declaration of acquittal, I freely give away My righteousness. My gift of love and favor now cascades over you, all because I, Jesus, the Anointed One, have liberated you from the guilt, punishment, and power of sin! Oh, what wonderful news. Because of My atonement you can come and stand before Me as pure and holy. What good news! I paid the ultimate price so that you would be able to walk in wholeness. Remember when the children of Israel left captivity, there was not one that was sick or feeble. That is My great power at work. That same power works in you. First to save, then to heal and restore. I am constantly working to make you whole and complete. I have liberated you from guilt, punishment, and the power of sin. Believing this will strengthen and empower you to walk in all My ways. When you stand in my ways, you stand in My place of blessing that I may pour out to you. Where is that place? It's in your heart where your attitude is one of worship, where you're thankful. Beloved, most of all be open to Me and to the move of My Spirit. ~DebraDolce |
February 2025