Wednesday’s Word Have you ever had one of those weeks where you felt as though you were juggling so many things that your brain would burst and surely something important would fall through the cracks? And when everything was all said and done, your body collapses but your mind keeps running around like mouse in training for a triathlon? It’s not a good feeling and the older I get, the more I dislike that craziness.
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. There is nothing like scripture to rein it all in, mind, body and emotions! And yet, scripture needs to be our first go-to daily in order to accomplish any and all things that we do throughout the day, whether you’re a mom of little ones, teenagers, or someone who has the freedom to enjoy volunteer work for a cause or causes, and then of course, if you’re married, maintaining that marriage in a way that we are called to. Philippians 4:13: says: I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me! But…why do we do all that we do? See, the truth is, we can get so busy being busy that we lose focus and when that happens, it’s time for a three-point balance check:
What we are doing reveals who/what we are pursuing! So as we move forward in this new year, remember when feeling overwhelmed, push the pause button and ask yourself: why am I doing what I’m doing for whom I am doing it? This will reveal if you are working WITH Abba or for Him! There truly is a difference! Love, Kim-Evinda
Faith Filled Friday ~Love Letter~
Good morning, My warrior. My grace is always more than enough for you, and My power finds its full expression through your weaknesses. So celebrate your weaknesses, for when you are weak you sense more deeply the mighty power of Me living in you. I desire that you look to Me in all things; that you learn to trust Me and rely on Me; that you train your ear to hear My voice, to know the leading of the Holy Spirit. I don't lead you into bad situations and if you are listening to Me, you will never find yourself there. Take an inventory of your life. Are there things that cause you to compromise yourself, your faith? Are you full of worldly desires, selfishness or bitterness? You say that I am your Lord, but you never let Me sit on the throne of your heart and life. I desire to be your Lord, your Savior, the King of your life. Beloved, I desire to be the God that leads you out of the desert and into the promise land, where there is milk and honey. From the heart of God thru… Debra Monday’s Message I love when someone is so willing to share their heart, and especially when that heart is so in tune with God’s! Thanks for joining us for Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Abby, and Monday’s Message w Trench Classes United.
Those burdens your carrying Look up to me That weight you’re feeling my hand is reaching Let it go; give it to Me reaching towards you My love is for you I have made you I have created you Let your worries become mine and I will sustain you and your troubles they will be lifted You worry about the days ahead Ask and it will be given But I have said I will carry you Seek Me and listen I will rescue you to the words I speak and I will sustain you Feel the whispers I breathe of My love, freely given Child of mine Do not fret Child, I will make your doubts disappear I am always near Your knees They buckle Your heart It trembles Abby Wednesday’s Word I just love scrolling thru our Facebook newsfeed and discovering posts of people learning something, or sharing an a-ha moment, a revelation that will take them far in the journey of life. That’s what today’s blog is, an a-ha moment from one of our friends, who is also one of our occasional bloggers.
Thanks for stopping by for Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. I just know you’re going to enjoy this one today. "Even when things aren't good, God still is." This made me think. If I don't ultimately believe and trust that God is ONLY GOOD, I won't be able to trust Him when things are hard. I've thought a lot about this recently in my personal faith struggle. Here's the thing…we put blame on God for everything that happens, and that's a sad and misleading habit. For example, how often have you heard, "Well, that was God's will" in regards to something bad? You lose a loved one and you're told "God wanted him home" Forces of nature cause destruction and you hear "God was trying to teach them a lesson" It goes on and on.. I am sure you can come up with some of these so called 'faith' gems. We cannot call God good and simultaneously blame Him when bad things happen. It doesn't work that way. No wonder we are confused. We also can't call things as His will when it only aligns with our own agenda. Guess what? The devil rules this earth. He is the one to blame for ALL the chaos, evil, cruelty, despair, anxiety, death. The Bible says he is actively searching for who/what he can destroy. He deserves the finger pointing, not God. So, where is God in all this? Beside me. He might not step in and change circumstances as I wish, but it doesn't change that He loves me and is walking through it with me. For too long I bought into the twisted belief that trusting Him meant I'd have no problems. (This is a very common theme in church by the way) I need to feed my soul with things that show me His Heart. I have to build trust in His ultimate goodness or I'll always be unsure in difficult circumstances. Unlearning and re-learning Jenn Faith-filled Friday How many times have you felt like He’s not listening? Or the answer you got didn’t look like what you thought? You’re going to love God’s love letter today. Thanks for joining us for Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Faith-filled Friday with Trench Classes United and Debra Dolce. Good morning My love. I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you received it, it will be yours. The key is to believe! If you believe something then you act as though it's a done deal. So if you pray and believe for rain, you better carry an umbrella; that’s believing! The same applies to all you are believing for. No plan B. Just plan G = God! Many make this back-up plan in case I don't answer on time, or like you think I should, but that nullifies your belief, which nullifies your faith. It actually looks like you're telling the God of the Universe how to answer your prayer. When your faith is applied with no plan B, beloved, stand back, for then you will see much more than you could have ever thought or imagined. I am a good, good Father and I know how to care for My children. Even before you ask, I know what your need is. Beloved, let Me be the God I am in your life today. Love from the Father above thru… Debra Monday’s Message Have you ever tried to accomplish something and it just wasn’t working? Oh, this is the perfect message for you…Thanks for joining us for Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Monday’s Message with Trench Classes United. My child. I will continually revitalize you, implanting within you the passion to do what pleases Me. I even help you with your ability to live your life serving Me and doing the things that please Me. You will learn that as you come and spend time with Me, get to know Me and My heart for you. As you read and study My Word, you see Me and you can be encouraged by all of the things I did for those people both in the Old Testament and in the New. And that is just the beginning! I have new and different things for you. As you believe My Word and declare it over your life and your desires, you will see Me work for you just as I did King David. You can have My Spirit coursing through you, causing you to believe and speak declarations. I desire for you to stand on My Word and to proclaim it. I desire that you take down the enemy, first in your own life and then in the land I have promised you. Protect what I have given you! Guard your heart! You do all of this by speaking what My Word says. The enemy hates the words, "It Is Written," so use them much and use them often. Love from His heart thru mine, Debra Monday’s Message Oh, what a great reminder we have today. Thanks for stopping by Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Monday’s Message with Trench Classes United and Debra Dolce
Be strong in Me! Draw your strength from Me; be empowered through your union with Me and in the power of My boundless might. When I said in My Word that you can do ALL things through Me, I meant just that. If you trust and rely on Me, there will be nothing you can't do or accomplish. As you follow Me, taking me with you daily, I will empower you. Because I have a plan that is for good, I will enable you to accomplish it. Do not become weary in doing good, but draw away to our secret place and let My Presence flood your spirit. Let Me encourage and strengthen you as you draw close to Me. Things become clear in the Light of My Presence. Understanding will open up to you as you spend time with Me. Beloved, there is nothing better than quality time with your Abba Daddy, with the lover of your soul, with your Creator and Lord. I call to you each day to come and leave your cares behind where it's just you and Me..... From His Heart thru mine… Debra |
February 2025