Wednesday’s Word![]() Go low to get high, go low to get high…the words were becoming familiar now after three+ weeks doing this workout. As I squatted as low as I could go – which wasn’t very far down – and then reached as high as I could, allowing my body to do what was being asked of me, my mind took me to another place. Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Today’s message may appear to have a hidden meaning, but then again, spiritual truths aren’t always so easy to grasp. Our prayer is that you grasp this in your mind and heart, and that it explodes in your actions. The workout I was doing was from Beachbody and was a Bar-Blend series. I can’t help but smile as I write this because it’s led by a former ballerina, which I am NOT! In fact, I am trying desperately to rid myself of an image I get all too often, especially when I am either angry or frustrated, and that is a bull in a china cabinet! 😊 😊 Anyway after hearing these words for several weeks, they started to take on an additional meaning, and not just physically but spiritually as well. Have you ever wrestled with your private-party logic, justifying why you said something, did something, felt something, and as you wrestle, you come up with the same answer every single time, that you weren’t in the wrong? Well, I literally could write a book on all my private party logic parties, but for the sake of time, let me just say that private-party logic rarely, if ever, leads you to a positive resolution. But you can’t know that if you don’t bring God into the party, and/or invite someone you trust into the situation that we keep mulling over and over in our minds and hearts. Well, this particular day, before this workout, I had actually reached out to one of my accountability sisters. I invited her into my situation that had started the private-party logic. She listened, and then she spoke, and as her gentle words made their way past my mind and reached the core of my soul, the truth exploded my private-party logic into pieces. Truth had collided with my reasoning and even though I had every right to feel the way I had, my sweet sister was able to help me see that fear had overtaken my mouth and once I opened it, there was no stopping it! “Maybe if you said this…” she very gently suggested and the light-bulb in my heart confirmed that her way was better than mine. Further confirmation came when I texted the friend and confessed that my fear had overtaken me and that I needed to focus more on encouraging all that is right versus focusing on what was/is wrong; the response I got was actually what I had tried to get from the beginning, but didn’t because of the way I went about it. Just like that it was resolved! Because I went low, in other words, let go of my “right” to be frustrated, and acknowledged my fear, I was able to take the high road. Yes, it’s true that surrendering requires humility but it ALWAYS takes us to high places. Friend, can I encourage you to join me in this short prayer: Oh, Abba, help me to remember to let go, let You in to my private-party logic so that truth and resolution would follow and lead me to higher ground. Thoughtfully, Kim-Evinda
Tuesday's Truthful HumorSally walked into the dentist’s office to make an appointment. “How much do you charge to pull out a tooth,” she asked.
The receptionist’s prompt reply was "$130." "$130! That’s ridiculous! There must be a way to do it cheaper." “Well, said the receptionist thoughtfully, I suppose if the dentist doesn’t numb it we could take off $30.” “Only 30 bucks? That’s still 100 bucks. I can’t afford that; can’t you go any lower?” “Well,” said the receptionist after a long pause, “I suppose if the dentist uses a wrench, we could knock it down to $50.” “Perfect,” said Sally. “I would like to make an appointment for my husband Jack next Tuesday.” Oh my goodness, there is a reason the Word of God says love others as you love yourself! Financial gain shouldn’t be at the expense of others well-being. For more encouragement, take a tour at and join our Facebook community at Read more at Monday’s MessageYour dreams
Are bigger than your wings Let them fly Let them soar Let them sing Reaching to the hilltops And every crevice in-between Your dreams are big Bigger than your wings But not too big for the Creator Who painted them inside of you Knowing that despite your small view This dream of yours Is something you can do It is engrained in every vein As you breathe in Let it rain Every drop filling the pain The longing Burning desire To fill that void inside of you Your faith calling Your body stopping Realizing the only way to go Is on with the show So show Show up And show them That you believe in more You believe in Him In victory and every win That may come with a loss But for better A slight pause and you are back in the ring But this time you will bring Every ounce of creativity Imagination And well being Your mind is able Though you may feel unstable The ladder is there One step closer One step into prepare Preparing for this season One soon you will reap in Planting your seeds With every small step Every big dream That will lead you into a realm Of finally feeling free That everlasting sense of peace A small slice of eternity -Abigail Rice For more from today's author, visit Faith-Filled FridayMost of us like a good massage, or a great workout, or doing anything where we feel accomplished, right? None of us like to feel defeated, or even alone. Why is it we shy away from His love letters when soaking in them will leave us feeling like we can conquer the world? Perhaps it’s time to empty ourselves of ourself.
Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. We trust that today’s love letter will leave you with a stronger faith. ~Love Letter~ My chosen one, though one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. You see, when you come to Me there is much help available to you. I said I would never leave you or forsake you and when you call on Me for help, you receive the Father, Myself and the Holy Spirit. All three of us stand with you and I will strengthen you in everything as you call out to Me. Read and study My Word that you will have healing for your body and strength for your bones, for My Word is full of life. All My promises are yes and Amen. I desire for you to walk in the light of My Word, to be whole and complete. There is not anything that I cannot do for you and whatever you believe when you pray, believe that you received it and you will have it. Come and let's partner together to work for the kingdom. Empty yourself of yourself that you may be filled with Me. The less of you and the more of Me you have, the stronger you are to accomplish My plan. Beloved, partner with Me that you begin to walk in wholeness, let Me heal you in your mind, emotions and in your body. ~DebraDolce Thursday's Truthful HumorThanks for joining us for Thursday’s Truthful Humor where we pull truth from humor.
Two little boys were known troublemakers, stealing everything they could get their hands on, even from the church. One day a priest stopped one of the boys and asked, "Where is God?" The boy shrugged and the priest repeated, "Where is God?" The boy ran out of the cathedral crying to his home where he hid in a closet. Eventually his brother found him and asked, "What's wrong?" The crying boy replied, "We're in trouble now! God is missing and they think we took him!" Nothing like scaring “the hell” out of a little one, right?!! Aren’t you thankful that no one can steal God from you? He can’t be contained in a box or confined to a church, but He dwells in each of us when we invite Him in….Oh, to live like we believe this! For more encouragement, take a tour at and join our Facebook community at and check out our Instagram @trenchclassesunited. Read more at Wednesday’s Word![]() We sat together and began the next session of our study. The question asked, “Why do you think God made us in His image?” The innocence of his response surprised me. Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Our prayer is that you will come to appreciate the significance of being “made in His image.” When asked if you know someone, and you don’t really remember if you do, usually we ask what they look like, right? Or when a guy or girl is going to meet a possible candidate for a date for the first time at the insistence of a “caring” friend who wants to set them up, usually the first question out of their mouth is, “What do they look like?” Have you ever wondered what Jesus looks like? We know Hollywood paints him as a guy with close-to-shoulder-length brownish hair, a beard to match, prominent cheek bones, beautiful gently piercing eyes and an incredible smile. But it doesn’t matter what He looks like; it’s His image we’re after. “When You said, ‘Seek My face,’ my heart said to You, Your face, Lord, I will seek.” Psalm 27:8 But let’s talk about the word “image” for a moment. Image has its roots in the Latin word imitari, meaning "to copy or imitate.” Another definition from the Catechism of the Catholic Church states that image is the “likeness of the Creator. ... Hence it means the capacity for relationship; it is the human capacity for God." As I read these explanations for both of us, it was as if a light bulb went off…it’s not His appearance we’re seeking, but His character which is found in His presence! The more we seek Him, the closer we will get to His intended image for us. He created us in His image on the basis of relationship: He desires to have relationship with each of us. Abba, teach me how to seek Your face as I strive to turn off the distractions that often interfere with my vision of your presence so I may reflect Your character! Love, Kim-Evinda Tuesday’s Truthful HumorWelcome to Tuesday’s Truthful Humor where we pull truth from humor
A man went to his lawyer and told him, "My neighbor owes me $500 and he won’t pay up. What should I do?" "Do you have any proof he owes you the money?" asked the lawyer. "Nope," replied the man. "OK, then write him a letter asking him for the $5,000 he owed you," said the lawyer. "But it's only $500," replied the man. "Precisely. That’s what he will reply and then you’ll have your proof!" Isn’t it so true that a broken promise can leave us feeling…well, kind of betrayed, right? His Word tells us let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one. I don’t know about you, but I want to partner with the One True Promise Keeper that I may keep my promises. For more encouragement, take a tour at and join our Facebook community at and check out our Instagram @trenchclassesunited. For more read Monday’s MessageThe moon still lingers in the morning sky
A crescent smile As the sun slowly begins to rise Creeping up above the horizon And I breathe in a world so quiet Yet your nature does not sleep A beauty held still Running deep Only changing as the seasons meet and as Your nature sings Your presence seeps into me A feeling of pure peace Unsurpassable Unfathomable Relinquishing peace and Your steady hand Steadies me As I prepare my day You prepare Your feast Chaining up my inner beast Calming the monster inside of me That speaks lies and constantly pries Gripping it’s claws into the inner corners of my mind But You, my God You see behind those devil eyes and as I pray for peace You shod my feet Proclaiming steps so sweet Fluidity As a gazelle runs free As mighty as a trunk of a tree and You gird my loins Preparing me For the truth that I so desperately seek Wrapping Your belt around me My heart still rapidly pounding About to burst out of me But the coolness of Your breastplate confounds me Reminding me I am a warrior and the heaviness disappears The monster no more and as I hold Your sword in the air Declaring victory In this life given to me My shield of faith Bigger than me Warping me into the soldier you called me to be You place Your helmet on my head Crowning me With all salvation surrounding me No weapon formed can bound me And the sky painted pink Now turns a perfect blue As You tuck away the moon And the sun shines Giving light to a day anew Now I am ready to fight for You -Abigail Rice For more from our author, visit Faith-Filled FridayAhh, how many times have we struggled in a relationship, or a situation? Why do we think we have to figure it all out when The One who holds our future is waiting to help?
Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. May this love letter inspire you to really living like you believe He’s there for you through it all. ~Love Letter~ My dear one, My grace is always more than enough for you, and My power finds its full expression through your weakness. So celebrate your weaknesses, for when you're weak you sense more deeply the mighty power of Me living in you. As you look to Me and trust in Me, I will help you through everything that comes your way. When you look to Me for guidance, I will not only show you the way to go but I will empower you to walk through it. I know some things are hard and uncomfortable but I walked through very difficult things, this is called dying to the flesh. There is no such thing as a completely comfy life and it's not a time to be soft and mushy. Now is the time to be armed for battle, to rise up strong and bold. You never saw an example of Me backing down, or shying away from an issue. Do not back down but be bold and speak the truth in love, that people are astounded at your words of wisdom that come from the throne. Beloved, you don't realize the wisdom and power you're granted by being in My Word and My Presence. ~Debra Thursday's Truthful HumorThanks for joining us for Thursday’s Truthful Humor where we pull truth from humor.
Okay everyone, said the instructor at the birthing class trying to get everyone’s attention. We are going to do an exercise and the purpose is to help the men sympathize with their partners. The couples looked up expectantly at the instructor. We have here a “pregnancy suit” she said, holding up an artificial stomach with a strap. This imitates the feeling of being pregnant. Who would like to volunteer to be the first husband to try it on? “I will,” said one of them. He took the suit and tried it on. “This isn’t too bad he said as he walked around. I think I could get used to this. Okay, said the instructor smiling. She dropped her pen on the floor and said, “Now I’d like you to bend down and pick up my pen from the floor. You want me to pick it up, he asked, hesitantly, with this pregnancy suit on? Yup, that’s right. The husband looks to his wife, “Honey, would you mind picking up that pen for me?” Ahh, isn’t it so true that until we are walking in someone’s shoes, in other words, experiencing what they’ve experienced, we don’t truly understand their struggle. The next time you see someone struggling, instead of pretending you understand, ask if there’s any way you can help share their burden. Read more at: For more encouragement, take a tour at and join our Insta Fam @trenchclassesunited or our Facebook community |
February 2025