Wednesday Word Lord, I woke up groggy and grumpy, she wrote in her journal. Why didn’t I just say no to
working, she scolded herself. Her thoughts all seemed to land on some unsettled piece in her life, and as each thought parked itself in her soul, agitation seemed to rise. Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Have you ever had one of those days that began with feeling like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Today’s transparent blog talks about that very thing and how to rise above flesh-it is by She stirred her coffee, her thoughts already swirling and swirling and returning to the current conflict in her life. Tears of anger rose and dripped down her cheeks as she made her way to her comfy chair. She was still too emotionally invested in the situation and needed to step back and pray before jumping in and falling again…into her flesh. Revelation began to separate the anger and hurt and all she could think of is the miracle God performed for the Israelites when He parted the Red Sea so they could get across. Just like the Israelites wanted desperately to escape their situation, to be rescued from unfair treatment, she too had needed a sort of rescuing not necessarily from but in her situation. “Oh, Father, I’ve had a horrible case of flesh-itis!” she cried out. “I’ve been so focused on all the hurtful and wrong things in this situation that I let my flesh swell up, get larger than You in me. I’ve been so focused on what was wrong that I couldn’t see the blessing in disguise.” The anger and frustration that had been building up over the last almost two weeks began to melt away and, in its place, peace returned, bringing clarity, and understanding. And while she knew in her heart getting across to the other side of this situation may not be the easiest, she didn’t have to concern herself with the details for He had parted the sea in this situation, and He would take her to the other side. Friends, whatever needs a Red-Sea miracle in your life, can I encourage you to surrender to the One who can part, join, empty, or fill any sea of circumstances. Remember, what He brings us to He will bring us through. Love, Kim-Evinda
Tuesday Trench Truth Thanks for joining me for Tuesday’s Trench Truth.
Last week, a few of our trenchers and myself got together to just get together…and wow, it turned out to be an evening of sharing and caring. We did a little exercise of writing down a situation or circumstance that wasn’t just concerning us but consuming us in a way that had us feeling frustrated and even hopeless. When each of us had shared, I asked them to tell me if they saw any sort of common thread…the answers were even more powerful than the circumstances: They each were tied to another person! One of our trenchers quoted this quote which summed it up incredibly accurately: “When we stop looking for the differences, we can start to see all of the similarities and that’s where true connection exists.” Our time of sharing turned into a time of caring as we discovered our similarities…which ushered in hope! Can I encourage you today to share what has you consumed that you may experience a time of knowing you are cared for? Thoughtfully and truthfully, Kim-Evinda Monday Message Sometimes our mind plays tricks on us with lies that we come to believe.
Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. Today’s message is a great reminder to take control of our thoughts that we may distinguish between a lie and the truth and extinguish the lies with His peace. And that’s the true test Believing that you can truly rest in His arms With No doubts No fears and no qualms A peace that draws you near Amongst this war Of treachery and drear With only band-aids Of lies As they hide By playing tricks in your mind It’s time It’s time to take a stance Draw a line in the sand Because what’s at stake Is more than free will In this land It’s souls That don’t know The Truth Because there’s no excuse With all we’ve been given To light the fuse It’s time It’s time to use The strength of His Spirit From the wings of the Dove Flying in the Wind of His love to the Fire of His desire Because to die is to gain Through the heartaches and the pains The darkness will never Never be the same Draw near Because Dear, It’s here “There [in death] the wicked cease from troubling, and there the weary are at rest. There the [captive] prisoners rest together; they hear not the taskmaster’s voice. The small and the great are there, and the servant is free from his master.” -Job 3:17-19 Faith-Filled Friday Have you ever been on the receiving end of a broken promise? Most of us have at one
time or another. Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. When our faith is in The One Promise Keeper, His promises will see us through. Today’s Love Letter affirms just that. ~Love Letter~ My dear one, My daughter, be encouraged. Your faith has healed you. This should speak volumes to all My children, for what I do for one I will certainly do for you. Be encouraged by all My promises. Every single one can be yours if you ask, pray and believe. Stand on My promises and fight off any attack with more of My Word. Fight against doubt, fight against unbelief, those are things that will hinder you. Read about the man whose son had a demon and how I set him free. What a wonderful thing it is to believe My promises and see them come to pass. If you struggle with believing, then bring your unbelief to Me in prayer. Fill your spirit to overflowing with My Word until it fills your heart and your mind. Yes, saturate yourself in My Word and watch as things change into a joyous blessing. Instead of mourning, His promises will enable you to offer festive praise. Instead of despair, His promises will assure you of His sovereignty that says He turns beauty into ashes. Doesn't that sound like a good trade to you? Remember, My Word is full of promised blessings as you follow My precepts. Beloved, best of all, I am with you always even unto the end of the ages, now that's a promise. ~DebraDolce Thursdays Trench Truth When you hear the word provision, what comes to mind?
The Webster’s Dictionary definition is: The act of providing, or making previous preparation. -- 2. That which is provided or prepared; that which is brought together or arranged in advance; measures taken beforehand. So let me give you an example: When you miraculously avoid a collision with another car, do you proclaim provision or complain about the other driver? There are so many forms of provision that are being given behind the scenes; are you willing to change your perspective so you can see the provision? Wednesday Word Click here to eI didn’t have to ask twice. She had patiently waited for me to finish my quiet
time and she was ready to play, ready to have all my attention. Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. How many times do we realize something, whether it is something we need to change or start practicing, something that we can apply to make this journey of life a bit more rewarding, and still we resort to our old ways? Today’s blog is meant to encourage you to pay attention to those revelations that are meant to not only open our eyes but make what we see so much more meaningful As I threw the ball and waited for my little four-legged fur baby Aniesi to bring it back to me, I realized if I would just do this with her first thing after my quiet time, the day just seems to go better. Besides, as my sister reminded me a while ago, I’m all she has. I need to be sure she feels loved. That took me a bit deeper. I know that I have a need to feel loved and I truly have come to know that I am loved by my Heavenly Father. I know He’s beside me, ahead of me, behind me and I’ve experienced Him in so many details of my life. I am learning to see my season of betrayal recovery thru His eyes, and not see Him through the eyes of my pain and sorry. But – and this is a big one -- I can’t know (to know translates to Hebrew word yada, which means to experience with your inner being) that without putting Him first, first thing in the morning. When I sit still first thing in the morning and connect with Him, whether through worship music, journaling, reading His Word, I experience with my inner being so many times throughout my day this sense of contentment, even amid crazy chaos and yes, even in the sorrow. Can I encourage you today to try connecting first with He who longs to be first in your life? You’ll be amazed at the results. Love, Kim-Evindadit. Tuesday Trench Truth I’ve developed a new habit, a good one, one that helps me sleep like a
baby. What is incredibly mind-blowing is that this new habit has helped me with my inability to sleep right away! As I lay down each night, I begin voicing, out loud, to God people and things I’m grateful for. Many times, I fall asleep and don’t remember where I left off That’s it! It sounds simple and it is. Gratitude influences your attitude to a whole new altitude! It takes you to higher ground. Monday Message One of the most emotionally painful experiences is loneliness.
Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. This is a great poem that emphasizes we are never alone and life proves that two are better than one… You are free Free to be God-breathed Scripture, breathe life into me Show me Your ways For I am not here to please anyone But my King My Lord My Savior The God who has poured out His favor Upon me My family My dream Never was mine Yet, in due time By His power & His might He turned this darkness into light To die is to gain & though I be slain I am awake To see the dawn of a new day My spirit may break My soul may shake A crack in my heart A new start From this flesh I will part But my spirit is like a dart A shooting star Thrown across the sky There to remind That there is Always a way To get through the night “But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, & might) When the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria & to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth).” - Acts 1:8 Faith-Filled Friday Do you find the older you get, the less you need possessions, power and
position and the more you yearn for the gift of peace? Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. Today’s love letter is a great reminder of a free gift give to all of us…if we would just accept it. ~Love Letter~ I leave the gift of peace with you-My peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but My perfect peace. Don't yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts- instead, be courageous! Now this is some good instruction for you. My perfect peace comes from you trusting Me. If you trust Me you won't fear. I know at times it's difficult but relinquish those fears. Where do these fears come from? First let's deal with the thoughts that roll around in your mind, the "what if" thoughts that make you afraid: What if I don't take care of you? What if I don't protect you? These are the things that cause you to fear, that cause you anxiety. Thoughts of destruction, thoughts of disaster, or harm, these are the things that cause fear and anxiety. The way to exterminate those thoughts is to continue to fill yourself with My Word; then you will begin to believe what I say is true. Scripture continually reminds you of how I have good thoughts towards you, not evil! Will you spend time with Me and in My Word so you can believe these? Will you trust in Me? Will you let My love permeate your very being and take over those thoughts so that you can relax and trust in Me? Yes, this is a process but as you continue to surrender your fear to Me, I will fill you with My love and little by little it will become easier to walk in it. Beloved, at some point you have to decide is My Word true or is it not? ~DebraDolce Thursdays Trench Truth Thanks for joining me for Thursday’s Trench Truth.
In our current trench class, we are learning how to live fueled by hope in and through all circumstances. We were talking about the despair David is suffering as a result of being pursued to the point of death and the despair that Saul is suffering as a result of his jealousy. I love the differentiation that Steve, my co-author shares: “Fear rings of situational, external pressure or threat. Despair is what is going on inside someone. It isn’t what one thinks about the situation; it’s what they think about themselves ‘in’ the situation. Despair is internal anguish and says: ‘it’s not worth it;’ ‘I’m not worth it.’” Let me ask you, are you worth what it takes to be free from the internal pain caused by external pressures? God says you are! Thoughtfully, Kim-Evinda |
February 2025