WEDNESDAY’S WORD When Faith Meets Suffering-Part 7
As a child hunkers down on their mother’s lap, so I come to you, Abba, longing for comfort, for answers. Thanks for joining us for When Faith Meets Suffering, Part 7. Again we want to emphasize that we realize Social Media is all about the “happy” side of life, and this may seem like a real bummer, but the author wants to share from the side of pain, because pain is a part of real life, but also, she is claiming God’s victory in this season of suffering and will be just as transparent about the victory as she has been about the season of suffering. Let’s get back to where we left off. She was so grateful for the peace and safety of her BFF’s Mom’s home, a place she had called home years ago for a season. It was here she got back into the abiding with her Heavenly Father and feeding her soul. Sure, desperation had driven her there, unanswered prayer kept her there, but she knew that even when victory came, whatever it looked like, she would be changed for eternity. She didn’t realize until she was back in His Word that she had nearly starved her soul of true feedings from it. This season of longsuffering was beginning to reveal a lot of her own shortcomings. She began another study with Tony Evans on The Names of Jesus, of which there are 85 in the Old Testament alone! 😊 All of these names describe who He is and what He does. She listened and took notes, feasting on the spoken truths: Elohim, which translates to strong one, creator. He is our creator, my creator. He said let us make man in our image and He saw that it was very good. He understands what/who He has created. He is able to relate to us and with us no matter what we are going through. If we believe He created us, then why wouldn’t we believe He understands us and every emotion that runs thru us? “God, I have gone through so much already; why, oh why are you allowing this?” She wondered aloud. She kept listening and writing. Adoni: This name means the boss, the one who is over all creation. Why is it we want Him to be God in our lives without allowing Him to be Adoni, the boss? Lord: Means Covenant-keeping God, in other words a promise keeper! “Lord, you are all about covenant; please help me trust You to help keep our covenant intact.” These truths calmed and assured her; they began to work like glue for her shattered heart. As the days began to blur one into another without seeing him, her mind filled with despair because of the abstinence of answers or explanations and she drew on the names of God. After dinner, her phone buzzed to notify her of a text. It was from their realtor. The buyers who had just opened escrow had backed out…they changed their mind! This was the second time this had happened and she knew in her soul that God was fighting for their marriage. He had acted as her Lord, intervening to prevent something that could have made reconciliation even more difficult. She slept that night wrapped in His Lordship Feasting in His promises and principles… Kim-Evinda
MONDAY’S MESSAGE How can you better yourself
When you don’t truly know yourself Dig deep Embrace the seek The unknown The feeling of defeat It’s worth the battle It’s worth the fight To stay true to you and find your inner light Shine bright What you’re seeking It can be found Don’t listen to the naysayers Their boisterous sound Turn it down Tune them out You may not know where you are going now But your faith in Him That true trust It’s more than enough When one door closes Don’t give up! He closed it shut For you to keep going & Trust your gut That intuition Making you feel like your from a third dimension Just sit still, Darling Sit still & Listen The stars they speak Showering down Showing you His love Guiding you now As you stare at the sky Wondering why Know deep inside His way is the one way that will always get you by Love, Abi Faith Filled Friday Oh, I love this truth in Deb’s message from the Father to her. When we are wronged, we don’t have to be ruled by that wrongdoing; we can rest in Him, knowing He’s righteous and will handle it.
Love Letter~ My chosen, sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of My grace. Do you believe this promise? Some talk about "their addictions," but I say you are no longer a slave to that sin! You can walk in freedom, My freedom. You can do all things because I give you strength, no more worry or anxiety, no more fear that disguises itself as other "concerns." I say do not worry, but trust in Me for I have a plan for you and you can trust and believe it is for good and you will be pleased. Everything you have ever desired is wrapped up in Me, for if you seek after Me, I will give you the desires of your heart. Beloved, I will be with you and shall be in you, I will lead you and guide you every step of the way, for if I am for you, who can be against you? Wednesday’s Word When Faith Meets Suffering-Part 6
Every step of this journey of longsuffering, you are with me; you have never left me, nor will you. You have never lied to me, nor will You. You have always loved me and You will never stop. Though people fail us, leave us, You never will. Thanks for joining us for When Faith Meets Suffering, Part 6. Again we want to emphasize that we realize Social Media is all about the “happy” side of life, and this may seem like a real bummer, but the author wants to share from the side of pain, because pain is a part of real life, but also, she is claiming God’s victory in this season of suffering and will be just as transparent about the victory as she has been about the season of suffering. Let’s get back to where we left off. Father’s Day was tomorrow. The thought of it punctured her heart more and yet, it was immediately filled with hope. Maybe when he’s completely alone on this day, he will hurt and God can reach him, she thought. Let’s face it, oftentimes we only listen when we are in pain and in desperate need of a solution. Suddenly we remember our God and look to Him for help. It wasn’t more than two hours later that that thought was banished from her mind when she received a text from him: “I thought you should know that my sister called and said they had to call 911 for my dad and they’re at the hospital. He may have to have surgery.” She picked up the phone immediately, putting their issues to the side. He explained as best he could what was going on with his dad and ended with the confirmation of surgery. “Would you like me to be there?” “If you want to.” “Please just tell me if you want me there or not.” “That would be nice but…” “I’ll get ready to leave and see you down there.” She actually beat him down there and hugged and kissed two of her sisters-in-law that were there and her brother-in-law. They explained dad was being prepped to have his gallbladder removed and that they would come out and let us know when that would be; we would be able to see him before he went in. About 35 minutes later, her husband walked in. The family was so distraught over dad that they didn’t really connect that they had come separately. She wasn’t about to inform them that they were separated; that was his news to impart. Within a few minutes of her husband’s arrival, they let them all come back to the pre-op station. Dad looked great and everyone felt better knowing he was on board to have the surgery, a little nervous but more brave than nervous. As they made their way back to the waiting room, she looked at her husband, saddened by what she saw, the man who would have not allowed that surgery to take place without praying for him and over him was gone, hidden behind so much disillusionment and guilt. “Why didn’t you pray for him?” His answer was pathetically painful: “I don’t know.” They all made their way back to the waiting room and began the process of wondering and waiting. The time was filled with their family humor, which had finally grown on her and there were moments that the laughter was so loud they thought someone would surely come out and ask them to be quiet or leave. Minutes turned into hours and as the projected amount of time came and went, and more time came without any doctor coming out to let them know things had gone well, the laughter subsided and everyone began to get lost in their thoughts. Every now and then, someone would say, “What’s taking so long?” Three hours later, the doctor came out and there was like a huge exhale as she explained he had come thru very well and that they had gone in just in time as the back wall of his gallbladder had gone necrotic, meaning it had died. He could have gone septic and we could have lost him. As the news settled, and family members decided who was staying the night with him, she announced she would go ahead and go. Her husband just sat there. She asked if he could walk her to her car, disappointed that she even had to ask. She tried to exercise empathy, knowing he was feeling things he just couldn’t express, the fear of losing another parent too great for him. As they got to her car, she let him know she’d be there tomorrow to visit dad and to treat him to lunch for Father’s Day. She hugged him good-bye, and as she drove away, she couldn’t help but notice how lost he looked, depression seen all over his posture, and that look in his eyes, that same look he had had when he was unemployed for two-plus years. And the only way to describe it was empty…depressed…lost. She knew she had done the right thing by being a supportive wife despite being a separated wife; that this period of longsuffering was not an out for her commitment to support him during such a time as this. Join us next week for more of this season of suffering with the knowledge that a victory is coming. Love, Kim-Evinda Monday’s Message Highs to lows
Feel the blow His plan remains steadfast, even though The winds of our life seem to have a mind of their own The waves, they roll Blowing the sails to and fro Back and forth our ship may go But my faith stays strong; my hope lives on These chains that sustain me Anchor me down relentlessly Yet I keep running, keep chasing This journey He has placed before me Nothing in life can alter His love for us It does not falter My heart is not up for beg, borrow or barter My King is my captain No storm can contain me Dark clouds all surrounding But a touch I feel as soft as satin A glimpse of the Son My heart runs Seeking His Light My life no longer finite “He reached down from heaven and rescued me; He drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemies, from those who hated me and were too strong for me” –Psalms 18:16-17 FAITH-FILLED FRIDAY Everywhere we turn, people are facing incredible challenges, trials and tribulations that test their faith muscles. As I think about it, it makes me think of going to the gym. I surely don’t go to the gym to work out dressed in a dress or bathing suit; no, I have to wear the right clothes, the right shoes. Life is a workout; we must show up dressed up in the right gear.
Enjoy Debra’s love letter from The Father’s heart to hers and now to yours. Love Letter~ My dear one, because of this, you must wear all the armor that I provide so you're protected as you confront the slanderer, for you are destined for all things and will rise victorious. When you wear the full armor, you can walk through any and everything that comes against you. Remember, you are not walking alone, for I am with you every step of the way. Stay in My Presence, learn to carry My glory with you when you leave your prayer closet. Take your freedom everywhere you go. Do not let people or circumstances cause you to accept the fear that will come as you step out. Do not fear, but be filled with Holy Spirit and walk in a manner that reveals My strength working in and through you. Beloved, let others see your dependency upon Me, that they too will recognize it and be encouraged in their own lives. Debra WEDNESDAY’S WORD When Faith Meets Suffering-Part 5
Welcome back to When Faith Meets Suffering with Trench Classes United and Kim-Evinda. While social media is sort of like the “in love” stage of a relationship, the “happier” side of life, for many it’s a sort of pretend world. While we get that trouble and tears don’t make for a lot of likes and hearts, we pray that as she walks through this season transparently, you will be encouraged when you walk through a difficult time of any measure, remembering who walks with you. Let’s get back to the story. The first night they were gone, she slept peacefully, without panic, a sort of relief bringing her soul some rest. The next night, well, not so much so. It was after 10 and still no good-night call from him and when her phone made a notification noise, she was startled to see it was from her realtor and not him. “Are you still up?” “Yes.” Her phone rang immediately. “We have another offer; it’s not great but”… She held her breath as he recounted the conversation with the other realtor. “I’ll have him call you; I’m going to let him make the final decision as he’s the one who wants to sell anyway.” By the time she went to bed, she was so entrenched in her private-party logic that sleep eluded her. If he accepted this offer they’d have to be out in 45 days. She went back and forth between wanting to leave and wanting to stay. Glimpses of his smile, echoes of his laughter followed by the realization of when and why they occurred – which involved her -- chased sleep away. She cried herself to sleep…and it finally came. After she said good-bye to little B, she said good-bye to him. He still looked shocked she was leaving, and so broken. She didn’t even hug him or kiss him good-bye but her parting words were spoken from her heart: “I’ll be praying you find your way back to us.” The days that followed were painfully peaceful. What intensified the pain is all the rejection of her past coming up to overwhelm her, so much so that she didn’t know if she would be able to endure it yet again. “I can’t do this again, Lord!” She soaked herself in His presence thru song and His Word. She begged God for answers, for truth to be revealed, and not just about him but about her as well. It was a minute-by-minute battle, trying to keep her focus off his betrayal and on The One who could turn betrayal into a blessing. At times she felt like a lost little girl despite being a grown woman, well into her 50s! At other times, she felt peace, knowing she had done the right thing in removing herself from the obvious rejection and work on her own soul care. She received a lot of encouragement, many scriptures that literally lifted her countenance, as if reaching out and physically lifting her head towards the heavens. God never left her and she was really experiencing that. One verse within a devotion on marriage convicted her so much that she journaled about it: Eph. 4:29 “Stop all corrupt speaking and start to say edifying things, and things imparting grace.” She had not had anything nice to say about her marriage, about him, and what was crazy was she was more empathetic about her, but still she had not edified her in her speech. “Speak life into your marriage” became a mantra that followed her, one that was like a promise from her Promise Keeper, but certainly not easy to do. She knew she had told too many people in the name of prayer…she was desperate for answers, but God wanted her to be still and learn, to know that He was God and He was/is with her, even in the midst of her pain. Again, know that though I am writing from my pain, I truly look forward to the day where I will write from the side of victory, for our God never forsakes us! Join me next week for some unexpected twists and turns in this season of suffering. Kim-Evinda Monday’s Message Who are you striving to please?
Is there something more than love you are hoping to achieve? If it is fame you are seeking Troubles may come creeping Prosperity of an overflowing proportion What would you do with it if it came in the morning? Praise His name Stand up tall, shout and proclaim That He is Lord, the One who always provides you with more Or throw it all away? Let it make you insane Appointed to bear You have been given your share So share it wisely and give it widely A burden it should not be But a true gift in its entirety As His goodness surely flows The gifts you receive will continue to grow Your purpose revealed only by His word In His mercy let your humility show With interests of others truly beyond your own “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of other.” - Philippians 2:3-4 Faith Filled Friday Happy Friday!!!
Today’s love letter is short, but powerful. After all, when you know WHO wins, what else matters! Enjoy… Love Letter ~ My warrior, you know that when your faith is tested, it stirs up power within you to endure all things. So when you are struggling with the issue, know that I have already put the power you need to overcome all things within you. That right there is the good news for you today-OVERCOMING POWER! Wednesday’s Word Nine years ago today, I answered the call to lead the ministry that began as Chicklit Power Ministries and is now a non-profit doing business as Trench Classes United!
Wow…and to think it wasn’t just for the benefit of others, but for me as well. He continues to transform me as I lead others in learning how to bravely face their past so they can courageously live in the present, thriving in life and love! I’d like to say a big thank you to those of you who have continued to support us, whether that be thru prayer, monetarily or physically as you’ve joined us in the trenches. Here’s to another year of serving, learning, un-learning and growing more into the likeness of He who has the power to take any circumstance and use it for our good and His glory! If you’d like to know how you can be a part of making your community even better by helping others learn to thrive in life and love, go to our website and take a tour. Discover our history, what’s happening now and what’s to come with Trench Classes United! Oh, and mark your calendars for our upcoming FREE community event August 11th starting at 2:00 p.m. You won’t want to miss it. P.S. We’ll continue with my current series When Faith Meets Suffering next week; I promise! Happy Birthday CPM-TO GOD BE THE GLORY! |
January 2025