Faith Filled Friday Love Letter~
My Warrior, the eyes of the young man were opened and he saw… A wonder! The whole mountainside full of horses and chariots of fire surrounding Elisha! Just like I fought for Elisha, I WILL fight for you and just like the servant, you may not see everything, but nonetheless KNOW that I Am working on your behalf. Pray and ask that your eyes be opened, just like Elisha did. Come and spend time with Me like those who were Mighty. This is how you fight the good fight and fight you must, for the enemy is prowling around seeking someone he may devour. Use your weapons of warfare. Use My Word that I gave you, for it will defeat the fiercest attempts of the enemy. Put on the whole armor, that you be fully protected. Memorize My Word and declare it over everything in your life. Beloved, come and saturate yourself in My Presence, allowing My love to hold you and heal you as you sit at My feet.
Wednesday’s Word When Faith Meets Suffering…
The day dawned gray, cloudy, cold and wet. She climbed out of bed unwillingly, the weather colliding with her heavy heart. “When will this nightmare end, Abba?” The dogs were doing their crazy dance letting her know she needed to hurry and let them outside. Their need beckoned her out of her head and she hurried to let them outside. Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word and this series, When Faith Meets Suffering with Trench Classes United. I pray this real-life season will speak into your soul and inspire you forward in your faith. It was the morning after she had finally allowed truth to seep into her soul, though it had been knocking on her mind for months. And as the truth set in, clarity came, followed by a sense of peace, despite the pain. Let’s stop there in this true story and get to this topic of longsuffering. In this story, she admits to going through something for months. We will get into what it was in the blogs to come, but this is the first hint of longsuffering, which means to patiently endure lasting offense or hardship. As I looked to His Word for this word, I learned that the first example in scripture is found in Exodus 34:6, and it’s no coincidence that the first example is of God Himself exemplifying longsuffering. The context is Moses is meeting with the Lord, literally, and he requests to see God’s glory, to see Him, not just the back of His shadow. Now, God, being God could have done all sorts of powerful things to prove His sovereignty, His power, His omnipotence, but His response to Moses’s request was more about His characteristics of love and grace. Verse 6 says “And the Lord passed before him and proclaimed, ‘The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth… And then He backs it up with the next verse, sharing how He has been merciful, gracious, longsuffering, abounding in goodness and truth: 7…keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation.” Now, let’s close with a bit more of this true story. She let the dogs back in, finished making her coffee and made her way to her place of quiet time for reflection, prayer and devotions. She knew she needed to spend some time with God to sort thru this chaos, to seek His solution and His will and not rely on her emotions. This anger, pain and sorrow felt like an outfit she woke up in every day for the last couple of months, and each piece of it was beginning to drive her crazy. It was no coincidence that she was studying The Names of God along with a word that had been etched in her soul when it all started: longsuffering. She read the scripture in Exodus and allowed it to travel from her mind, to her soul and as it seeped in, she couldn’t help but ask herself, if God’s glory is revealed in His mercy, grace, compassion, faithfulness, forgiveness and justice – all of which are key ingredients of longsuffering, how do I measure up? How will my testimony be revealed? She closed her Bible realizing the only way she was going to get thru this was by receiving His grace so she could give His grace. Join us next week for part 2 of When Faith Meets Suffering… Love, Kim-Evinda Monday’s Message There is a darkness within us all
A trip that helps us fall Spiraling down Feeling as if no one is around Reaching for things that do not define us Bad memories that persistently remind us Of places we have been Shameful in sin Trapped inside this world that we live in Thinking to ourselves “When will this madness ever end?” When will we ever be Living in the land of prosperity? Shameful delight No longer gets us by That, sweet daughter, is when you look to the Most High The One reaching out When you feel those dark, dark doubts Call out to Him The One who frees you from your sins Always there Beckoning to listen Feel free again Faith Filled Friday Wow, this love letter aims straight to the heart of the subject of trials and troubles.
Thanks so much for joining us for Faith-filled Friday with Trench Classes United and Debra. May this word encourage you on. ~Love Letter~ My chosen, be brave and don't be afraid. I am here! The disciples had Me physically there with them speaking to the elements and speaking the words the Father spoke. But you, My love, have Me living in you and you have the written Word. When I left earth, I gave you all authority. You can speak to the mountain and command it to move. What is your mountain, your trouble? You can tread on serpents and scorpions and not be harmed. Who are your enemies, those who have hurt you? So if I gave you this authority, can you not take the authority over the things in your own life that cause you pain, that cause you stress, that cause you anxiety? The enemy knows your weaknesses, do you? Do you build yourself up in Me that those weaknesses no longer control you? How do you do that? Fill your mind and your spirit with My Word, for in that is your truth, and your freedom. Beloved, come and spend time with Me that you can be strong and courageous for I, My chosen, I fight for you Wednesday’s Word Oh, Lord, take this pain away! Help them see their part in this problem. Please, please, Lord, work this out for my good and Your glory…
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. Any of these requests sound familiar to you? None of us like trials and troubles, nor do we like to sit in the painful seasons of life, physical and/or emotional. In fact, suffering is contradicted in our society today. We want the microwave solution for any type of pain, don’t we? And yet, there is something to be said for “longsuffering.” The book of Job is probably the most popular example of suffering, on every human level possible, and there are others, Joseph, David, to name a couple, and yet perhaps the greatest example of suffering is found in Christ Himself. While I don’t claim to be much like Him, I will suggest that I strive to be more like Him, which means I must embody His attributes. See, we as Christians who believe in our hearts that He is Christ (my rescuer and deliverer) and confess with our mouths that He is Lord (ruler over my life) then we must believe that we serve the One who came to this earth in the form of man, endured trauma, temptation, bereavement, torture, hunger, thirst, persecution, and rejection. What more is there? So if I suffer for doing wrong, what good is that? Every bad choice has a price. But to suffer for doing good…well, that’s where the true heart of longsuffering is. Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines longsuffering as patiently enduring lasting offense or hardship. How in the world…why in the world…What are you telling me, Lord? What do you want me to share in the midst of one of the most painful seasons of my life? Help me learn how to suffer long in a way that pleases You, brings You glory and changes me to be more like You. Join me next week as I begin a series called When Faith Meets Suffering, a series about longsuffering, the why, the how and the joy that’s in it…I will be learning these ways as I go and share them with you as they come to me. In the meantime, hold fast to Him whose plan is not to hurt you but to lift you up, to prosper you… Love, Kim-Evinda Monday’s Message Be patient, Be kind
For there is suffering of all kind Painted behind visages of peonies and roses Lives a vast world filled with pain in multiple doses Beyond what the eye can see The truth speaks to your reality He is always listening Listening to your thoughts, hearing beyond your prayers Hold on to that, my dear for He truly cares Cares for you and the life He has set before you The times of trouble You know them well don’t you? But His love is greater Far beyond the depths of the ocean Past the Earth’s boundless equator This world so full of hatred Thirsting for His radiance Yet these gifts, He has bestowed upon you And when the days feel gloomy That my friend is when the world needs the “true me” The true you that nobody can replace The you that brings hope So filled with His grace Darling, give that light away There is no reason to hide it No point to fight it His love, you can’t deny it Let that sink in And shine His light Just give. Faith Filled Friday Wow, today’s word goes right to the heart of the matter! Thanks for joining us for Faith Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United.
~Love Letter~ I love each of you with the same love that the Father loves Me. This is the highest and purest love there is. My love is not conditional and you can choose to accept it, or not. But as you move into My love, you will discover the many, many facets of it. It's not secret or hidden, but it's deep and I desire you to come and drink of My love which produces healing and deliverance. As you lay your life before Me, I will pick up all your pieces and I will make for you a beautiful song of love, of healing, for you are a child of the Most High God. My love draws you into My Presence where there is joy forevermore. Beloved, what do you desire of the lover of your soul? What is the desperate cry of your heart? Lay all of that before Me and leave it with Me, without continually picking it back up and trying to be your own god. Wednesday’s Word He walks down the stairs all groggy this morning and keeps stumbling along and suddenly stops and stares at the top of the piano and gasps. 😱 Literally it took his breath because he wasn’t expecting it. He points and proclaims. 🙌(As his Father was at the top of the stairs)
“THAT is pretty awesome Dad! Dad, DAD that is pretty AWESOME!! You KNOW THAT!” As I watched this, my heart was stirred.... this is how we should be with the Lord and ALL He does for our life! PRAISE the Lord for his creation. STOP and recognize Him and Give HIM a shout of praise! Proclaiming for all to hear of his worthiness!! Luke 5:26 says: Everyone was gripped with great wonder and awe, and they praised God, exclaiming, “We have seen amazing things today!” Challenging you and myself to stop and give God the glory He deserves today and every day. 🙌 Instead of grumbling let us PROCLAIM HIS FAITHFULNESS from the smallest things to the greatest! 🙌🎉❤️ Love, Julie You know those days when your wi-fi is not wanting to work and your computer just won’t cooperate. You have a pounding headache come on, and that coffee is just not kicking in like the barista PROMISED it would. That co-worker with the VERY loud voice is jabbing away at 9am, and you may feel like you’re on the verge of a mental explosion. Yes, I think we all have days like those.
Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Trench Classes United 😊 Whatever your scenario of morning madness may be, it happens to us all. You may start the day all positive and perky, but as soon as you sit down to get productive, your mood goes from 0 problems to 600 in a matter of minutes. Maybe it’s that jerk who cut in front of you in line for your usual cup of joe; maybe it’s your small child that threw a fit on the way to school; maybe it’s your demanding boss at work throwing more deadlines your way, or maybe…just maybe…it’s all just mind over matter. It’s something you feel like you cannot possibly control, but the truth is, you CAN. And you’re probably thinking, “Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard it all before; I’ve read all the self-help, better me books on the shelf and nothing kicks. Nothing gives.” Except, you may be missing that one piece that puts it all together. The piece that cannot be replaced. The piece that sometimes seems broken but is really just turned upside down. That piece, my friend, is prayer. That piece is a love that cannot be replicated, a grace that can only be given, and a hope that holds on. Hold on to that piece because it is that piece which fits perfectly into your incomplete puzzle of positivity. It will not tell you how to be a morning person, make your deadlines disappear, or keep your child from kicking and screaming, but it WILL help you turn those situations around. A simple prayer in the morning can create a small smile to the barista, a learning lesson taught to your child, and a determination to take on those deadlines; that is just the beginning of what your pivotal piece can bring. Challenge yourself today to change your perspective, say a small prayer, and promise yourself to be positively pieced. Abigail Faith-Filled Fridays
Thanks for joining us @ Trench Classes United for a faith-filled word from Debra Dolce. I am confident that you will enjoy these truths that were spoken to her from our Father’s heart and poured out for you. ~Love Letter~ My Warrior, I am not finished. I'm waiting to be gracious to you. I'm waiting to show mercy to you. I take the time to do everything right - everything. Those who wait around for Me are the lucky ones. I long to grant you patience, that thing nobody wants to pray for. The enemy has lied and said you will suffer and hurt if you pray for patience; this is a fear tactic. As you are patient, it produces endurance which grows stronger; it releases perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking. You see, you are continually being changed from the inside out and the patience you are now praying for will produce a harvest of blessings, if you don't grow weary and give up. Beloved I am continually and deliberately desiring to pour out My blessing of love, peace, joy, understanding and wisdom as you come and sit with Me each day. Love, Debra |
January 2025