Faith-Filled Friday Such an encouraging reminder that no matter what you’ve done, how you are, where you are, He’s there for you and with you.
~Love Letter~ My child, I, the Lord will guide you always; I will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. You, My love, can relax in My care knowing that I have ALL that you need or will ever need. I have a good plan for you. One of success and not disaster. Sometimes you run ahead of Me and you go left where I want to go right. Then when things seem crazy or out of control, stop and ask Me what is going on. Be in constant communion with Me and you will be hearing My desire. Be patient with what I have for you, remember there is a time for everything and I know when the time is right. Beloved, trust that I have you where I want you and don't be discouraged through this season, rise above the desire to complain, for you are a child of the Most High God and My love for you goes on and on.
Wednesday’s Word Did you know that you qualify as a witness? Yep, that’s right, a witness to what He has done for you, not what you have done!
“To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood and has made us kings and priests” – witnesses –to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever.” (Rev. 1:5) Thanks for joining me for Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. As a court reporter, I have reported many types of witnesses, for example, hostile witnesses which are those who are angry at being called to testify about what they’ve seen, heard or experienced. There are third-party witnesses, those who say he said/she said, in other words, gossipers or unrelated parties. There are those, what I call, unprepared witnesses, those whose answers are 90% of the time “I don’t remember or “I don’t recall,” or “I don’t know. Then there are expert witnesses, those called because of their expertise in the subject that the attorneys are there to fight about. But the most common witness is the percipient witness, or an eyewitness. This is a witness who testifies about what he/she actually has seen, perceived with their own senses. As I was reading John’s first letter to the churches and to all of us, this thought hit me: if we all qualify as witnesses for Christ, what kind of witness are we? Are we the hostile witness, angry at or with God because of a tragedy and our need to understand everything? Do we tend to slip down the slippery slope of gossip in the name of “prayer,” acting as a witness to someone’s misfortune or bad choice, or talking about our own mountains, making them bigger and bigger instead of looking to our Mountain Mover? Are we so focused on others that we are a third-party to our own walk and relationship with God? Or are we the type of witness who forgets all He has done for us, allowing our troubles to outweigh His triumphs in our lives, forgetting our attitude of gratitude? Or are you an expert witness, one who professes their faith and lives it and is paid by His provision, protection and promises, and guided by His principles? Oh, how I want to leave a legacy that says she lived what she believed and she was so in love with Jesus that many considered her an expert in her faith, walking by His grace. Love, Kim-Evinda Monday’s Message Earthly love does not complete us
Even more so we find it can defeat us Thinking it is the answer we are searching for When all along He’s been standing there arms open wide waiting at our heart’s door Yet we beg for more… more love More life, more money, more time Why waste what little life we have thinking about things that shall pass and will never fulfill our hearts, souls, & minds true asks Give me HIS love Because He gave me HIS life Give me His time That is more precious than gold Let me sit in his presence as His story unfolds I pray my life, love, and worth all come and flee in His time Not mine His will be done His Kingdom has won No earthly love can complete us and I pray no earthly desire come between Us Only His love can fulfill us and it’s up to us to Monday’s Message Happy Monday, and thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Trench Classes United and Abigail!
You weep in the morning though you should rise with grace As the daylight saves, we tend to lose our place Our hearts grow weary and our dreams glean leery Worrying about the day ahead when our mind should be at rest instead Will spring ever come? Will we ever see the sun? With fields full of flowers in bloom we reminisce on the past When we were young and so giddy yet all we feel is pity Forgetting that today is a new day, a day the Lord has made great and we should rejoice, and be glad in it Because right now, this time is what we are given living in a story that is has been well written So, we wake up with a smile on our face knowing that today is the day the Lord has made Yes, I will choose to make it the very best day Abigail |
February 2025