Wednesday Word The pull was on so many levels that made it so difficult to ignore, let alone not
give into it. Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. As usual, she shares from her heart about a real-life experience with the hope that it will encourage you in your life’s day to day temptations and struggles. She was on the dance floor dancing with a couple of her girlfriends from her community group and she saw him… He was standing, and dancing, staring at her. She didn’t even think about it before she said, “Get out here,” and she motioned over the music for him to join them. He came immediately, and they danced, and danced, and danced. At first, she didn’t think anything about it or him, except he looked so young; she was just having fun doing what she loved, dancing like no one was watching. But by the third dance, there was no denying the attraction. By the end of the evening, they had exchanged numbers.
Faith-Filled Friday with Brandi Linai In our social media world, why have we become less sociable?
Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Brandi Linai and Trench Classes United. Today’s blog points us to some good reflection time as we ponder how we can be better together outside of social media. Recently, I had the honor of speaking at a Christian women’s conference. The conference theme was “We are better together.” Ever since speaking, I’ve really been thinking about what it means to be better together. When we have good news, there’s immediately a friend or family member we think of to share it with. Likewise, when the news is not so great, we think of a person who is always a strong shoulder to lean on and comfort us. It’s because we are hardwired to connect. These days though, it seems like we are doing a lot less connecting and sharing less time together. Our schedules are crammed with business, our work hours are blending into family and rest time, and in the age of “social media” we seem to be less social than ever. In 1 Thessalonians 5:11 we are instructed in this way: “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 says “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil: if either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not easily broken.” And I love Proverbs 27:17, it says “Iron sharpens iron, and one person sharpens another.” These verses are just a few good reminders of how important it is to encourage and support one another. We have to be intentional about it. We have to make time in our day to check on one another. It only takes a few minutes to call someone and say how can I pray for you today? Do you need anything? How are you feeling today, and really REALLY hear what they are saying. We can also do a little self-reflection and ask ourselves, have I been that shoulder to lean on, the friend who celebrates with others? How have I responded in the past when loved ones reach out for comfort or just a little conversation? We can all start doing a better job of being there for one another starting now. Because we truly are “better together.” Thursday's Trench Truth Thanks for joining me for Thursday’s Trench Truth.
Honestly, I still ask myself that question, especially as it relates to relationships. As my marriage crumbled before my eyes, for a nano second, I questioned “will I ever be normal, able to have a healthy and loving relationship after all of the work you and I have done, God?” The word “normal” means “conforming to a standard, typical, usual, or expected.” But how is it that we define “normal” anyway? By the world’s standards or God’s? Join us to learn a healthy normal and rise above chaos and confusion coming to a trench near you in September! Thoughtfully, Kim-Evinda Monday Trench in Redlands CA (3) Rising Above Chaos and Confusion Monday Trench | Facebook Tuesday Trench on Zoom (3) Rising Above Chaos and Confusion - Tuesday Trench | Facebook Thursday Trench in Banning CA (3) Rising Above Chaos and Confusion- Thursday Trench | Facebook Happiness And Hope In Relationships | Reveal The Secret - TRENCH CLASSES UNITED, A DIVISION OF CHICKLIT POWER MINISTRIES Wednesday Word After she asked the question, she stared at it, allowing it to seep into her
soul for processing. She tuned into others’ answers but felt like there was a disconnect of sorts. The question asked: “How has busyness impacted your relationships?” Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Today, another blog from her heart to yours gets us thinking about the subject of busyness. Her community group was discussing the questions posed from the message titled “The Essentials” which differentiated between what is deemed important. When the room got quiet, the last response settled and she spoke up. “I think the question is asking us to go a bit deeper. As I sit here, I’m reminded of comments made by friends who have shared, well, I didn’t want to bother you; I know you’re busy. I mean years ago, yes, I was out of balance and always doing instead of being, but it hurts my heart to realize I still give off that impression. This question is making me realize that busyness doesn’t draw them to you; it pushes them from you.” The room was silent for a moment. She looked at each of them as that truth settled in, grateful that her transparency and vulnerability was being used in their own individual journeys. As this revelation settled in her own soul, she vowed that the next time someone reached out to her, she would make a conscious decision to answer the call, fully present emotionally, pushing her busyness aside to make the time to take the time to care. What about you; if someone reaches out to you and interrupts your plans, what is your first response? Perhaps it’s time to get back to the essentials of being a Christ follower: to love the Lord our God with all our strength and to love others. Love, Kim-Evinda Tuesday Trench Truth Thanks for joining me today for Tuesday’s Trench Truth.
In a world full of so many choices, so many things to try for this issue, things to do to feel better, ways to become successful, ways to feel accepted and not rejected, is it any wonder that we chase solutions without really understanding what we’re feeling. Feelings are need-driven. What does that even mean? When we “feel” hungry, we eat to satisfy our hunger. But when we feel pain, especially emotionally, what do we do? Our human condition says run, and fast so as to not feel it. Feelings are not wrong or right; they just are; we can’t let them drive the car! Perhaps it’s time to stop, turn around and not just face the feeling but sit in it, not stay in it, to understand what we need. When we do this, we will no longer be controlled by our feelings which can cause chaos and confusion. Join us to learn how to identify those need-driven feelings to rise above chaos and confusion coming to a trench near you in September. Monday Trench in Redlands CA (3) Rising Above Chaos and Confusion Monday Trench | Facebook Tuesday Trench on Zoom (3) Rising Above Chaos and Confusion - Tuesday Trench | Facebook Thursday Trench in Banning CA (3) Rising Above Chaos and Confusion- Thursday Trench | Facebook Happiness And Hope In Relationships | Reveal The Secret - TRENCH CLASSES UNITED, A DIVISION OF CHICKLIT POWER MINISTRIES Monday Message Have you ever looked for something over and over that you believed you
lost only to find it right where you last left it? Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message today with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. This “love letter’ is a great reminder that despite how alone we feel, He’s always right there. We need only to acknowledge Him. ~Love Letter~ I always come alongside you to comfort you in every suffering so that you can come alongside those who are in any painful trial. You can bring them this same comfort that I have poured out upon you. This is why I want you to recognize and know that I'm right here beside you with everything you go through. I comfort you through everything no matter how painful so that you too may be there to strengthen and encourage those going through their trial. It is a tremendous blessing when you understand what others are going through because you've been through similar things. It's not a competition in all that you've been through but to point others to Me so that they can rely on My strength. I am the solid rock for anyone that will come to Me. Tell others how I saved you, how I rescued you. As you share your testimony, your story, you become stronger and others will be encouraged. Walk beside those going through hard times; be in the moment with them and listen to them. Make yourself available where I have planted you, then you will see growth in your own life and growth in those you walk beside. There is so much joy and peace watching the growth if another. The is a satisfaction you'll receive nowhere else. My rewards can never be explained, only felt, This satisfaction fills your heart like nothing else can. Beloved, come and walk alongside those in need even as I walk alongside you. ~DebraDolce Faith-Filled Friday with Brandi Linai
We’ve all been poked at, or elbowed, or whatever the case may be; but what do we do when there’s an internal sort of “hey you”? Thanks for joining us today for Faith Filled Friday with Brandi Linai (pronounced Li-nay). Today’s blog is a great reminder that when we are obedient to those internal nudges, blessings happen. We’ve all felt it, that “nudge”. It could be something as small as feeling that nudge to call an old friend who has been on your mind. Or perhaps one of those bigger nudges to go back to school, start that business you’ve always dreamed of, or what about the nudge to be the first one to apologize after a fight - even though you’re sure YOU were right. So often we ignore those nudges but I always think of those as “God nudges”; He’s trying to get our attention and direct us to an opportunity. You calling that friend or loved one who has been n your mind could be an opportunity to bless them. They may be going through a tough season or feeling lonely. You taking a moment to reach out could be a lifeline of hope and encouragement. That nudge to apologize first could be an opportunity for grace and healing to move in a relationship. The next time you feel it, be obedient to it. It could open a door to one of the biggest blessings in your life. You never know what’s waiting on the other side of that nudge. Thursday's Trench Truth Thanks for joining me for Thursday’s Trench Truth. How many times have we seen the devastation caused by leaving their own story to jump into someone else’s or try and begin a new one? In other words, jumping from one relationship to another. All in the pursuit of what? There are so many answers to that, as far as what people pursue when they leave one relationship for another but it all boils down to a lack of true identity as a result of confusion. Join us for Rising above Chaos and Confusion coming to a trench near you in September. Truthfully, Kim-Evinda Wednesday Word As we approached the hill, I looked up and froze in fear thinking: There is no
freaking way we can make it up that hill! Thanks for joining Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Brian, the driver of the Razor we were in, didn’t seem to be phased. In fact, quite the opposite proved to be true. He paused only for a few seconds to analyze the hill and then, before I could scream “PLEASE DON’T,” he pushed the petal to the metal and off we went. He and the Razor attacked that hill with a gusto that held absolutely no fear, and the engine boosted with confidence backed by all of Brian’s past experiences of the hills of Ocotillo Wells. To say I was white knuckling it is an understatement. I kept my eyes closed as this amazing hill-climbing, rock-climbing, fearless vehicle, and driver, powered up this half-mile hill as if it were a spider on a leisurely walk, stretching its legs with the upmost of pleasure…that is until I felt us coming to the very tip of the hill and I dared to open them. What I saw made me gasp in immediate shock, so much so that I had to close them again…immediately as I could not see, or feel for that matter, any solid ground once we crested the top of the hill. The only way I can think of describing it is being in/on a rollercoaster suspended in midair with only gravity holding you. It was such a frightening and adrenalin rush all at the same time! All of a sudden, I heard him say, “Oh, shoot,” and I felt the sharp right turn he made. He pulled to the edge of the hill we had just climbed and stopped. I dared to open my eyes and looked out in amazement. I followed their lead as they got out and we walked toward the crest where he had made that sharp turn. Immediately I realized that had he not made that right, we would have gone off what turned out to be a cliff, about 40 feet down! We immediately warned our friends who were beginning to make the climb, flagging them to make a sharp right turn immediately at the top, which they did and we all gathered on that hill in victory. As I reflect back on this most exhilarating and exciting weekend filled with many more moments like this, I can’t help but equate it to the journey of life: Life is often an upward climb but how we attack it, stick to the course, and practice our faith determines our outcome, our victory to prepare us for the next climb. And in those moments of celebration and victory, we rejoice. But when we make a wrong turn, yes, there’s pain and suffering, but lessons to be learned that will take us to the next mountain, climbing it with more strength, wisdom, and confidence in The One who carries us to the top until we reach the last mountain and land…beautifully and safely in our Father’s arms. Yes, we can do ALL things, climb all those mountains, through Christ who strengthens us! Phil 4:13 Thoughtfully, Kim-Evinda Tuesday Trench Truth Thanks for joining me for Tuesday’s Trench Truth.
The pursuit of control is as exhausting as trying to capture a butterfly. It rarely, if ever, ends well. Now there is a difference between planning, being prepared and being in “control.” See, with the delusion of control comes a lot of chaos and confusion because when things don’t go according to our plan or our preparing, our human-ness will have us pushing to make things happen the way we prepared or planned. See the sooner we realize that we are just the managers of the time we are given the sooner we will relinquish our delusion of control to The One Who’s really in control. Join us in September for Rising above Chaos and Confusion coming to a trench near you. Truthfully, Kim-Evinda |
February 2025