Psalm 69:1-3: Save me, O God! For the waters have come up to my neck! I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing; I have come into deep waters where the floods overflow me. I am weary with my crying; my throat is dry; my eyes fail while I wait for my God!
Have you ever had to face something that you just didn’t know how you were going to face? Welcome to Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. Sometimes life can feel like waves of an ocean. Perhaps there’s a wave coming and you’re trying to run from it. Ask the one who has just discovered their significant other has been cheating on them, or lying to them, or the patient who’s just been told they have cancer; or the one who has just received a notice of foreclosure in the mail, or the young couple working really hard and still not making it. Let’s face it; life is like an ocean, taking us to unseen places, places without borders, per se, as the waves of life knock us to and fro. But what would it look like if we could just determine in our soul to just try and stand in what feels like sinking sand, our hand in His, maybe gripping it really hard, but still, our hand in His, and as the wave came toward us, we cast the white flag of surrender up and in our fatigue, our eyes and souls exhausted from crying out in fear, we just lean in…to Him and really experience the beauty of trusting that He will save us, and pick us up if He has to, to carry us through that wave of a circumstance, and once again, set us down…on solid ground. Abba, I want to trust you like that…I am claiming that you will not only guide me upwards towards a new territory, but you will cause me to soar on wings of eagles towards new territory. What about you, what would you like Him to save you from? What has you weary and crying? Evinda
Tuesday’s Trench Truth God says you and I must take the first step and then He will be there to join us in the journey of change.
Come be part of our community for more encouraging thoughts that will inspire you to keep moving forward. Love, Kim-Evinda Monday’s Message Welcome to Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Monday’s Message with Trench Classes United. Come on in for some words from His heart to yours, written by Debra Dolce.
~Love Letter~ My precious lamb, take on an entirely new way of life - a God - fashioned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself out into your conduct as I accurately reproduce My character in you. It gives Me pleasure to watch you embrace My precepts and walk in the way to which I have called you. I love watching My character being developed in your life, releasing the habits of your old man and stepping into the new nature that I have put within you. As you come and spend time with Me, you will learn so much, for I desire to show you things and tell you things you did not know. I desire for you to become deep, not religious, but that our relationship grows deeper, increasing your understanding of Me and helping you to walk in all of My ways. Beloved, deep calls out to deep and I am calling out for you to step into the water, push past your own thoughts and desires and grab hold of My thoughts and My desires for this is the true way of life, the true way of success. Love, Debra FAITH FILLED FRIDAY 1ST John 2:28: And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming
How else can you know someone, really know someone unless you spend time with them? Welcome to Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Faith Filled Fridays with Trench Classes United and Debra Dolce. Good morning, My love. Take hold of My instructions; don't let them go. Guard them, for they are the key to life. Come and spend time with Me and learn of all that I desire to be for you today. Each day presents itself with greater possibilities and as you look to Me, you will see where I desire to work on your behalf and what I desire to be for you. I desire to show you things and to tell you things. Things are not such a mystery if you are listening, for I desire that My children be informed, that you understand what I'm saying. My Word says a wise man sees disaster coming and moves aside. Listening to My voice will cause you to move this way or that. You develop ears that hear by being in My Presence, by hearing and practicing what I say. When you are thinking something good, step out and do it, bless someone, help in some way. Being a blessing to others is a great form of showing My love and because you have freely received, you can freely give. May this love letter encourage you to experience Jesus in a deep and meaningful way that would be evident to all whom you meet today and in all your tomorrows. Debra THURSDAY’S TRENCH TRUTH Who/what do you believe in that inspires change in you?
Join our community on Facebook at for more encouragement for the journey! Love, Kim-Evinda WEDNESDAY’S WORD Colossians 4:6: “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”
Have you ever been in a discussion that suddenly got heated, but you were white-knuckling through it to keep your cool? How do we throw some water on the heat of the words? Welcome to Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. So I was in the midst of such a conversation, but before I tell you the ending, let me give you some backdrop so you can understand the context: I had gone to a conference for women and had taken someone very special to me. After a sweet time of worship, the first speaker got up there and began sharing the purpose of the whole conference, to begin a movement wherein we would build others, serve and sow in a time of so much confusion, and she went on to state homosexuality as the biggest part of that confusion. It was like she had an arrow for this group/behavior and she was aiming for a bulls-eye! Well, this person who was with me is in between that lifestyle, has lived that lifestyle for more than 20 years – as a result of being physically, emotionally and sexually abused. And that’s not to excuse her behavior/choice but to understand it. I dropped the gavel a long time ago on such controversial issues and let God deal with them for He is the only one who knows their heart. It’s not my battle or my call; my only call is to love them. The words definitely hit her heart and not in a good way, but she exerted some self-control. She said she knew to take what she could from the speaker(s) and to leave the rest on the floor. I breathed a sigh of relief, until on break she brought it up and began to get pretty angry about it. In fact, the more she talked about it, the madder she got! To make a long story short, on the last day of the conference I posted something positive on Facebook about it, and tagged the speaker who had spoken out so vehemently about this lifestyle. I said nothing about that; I focused on what was good, the things I had taken from the conference. The next day I was shopping with my BFF and I got a phone call from the one I had taken to the conference. She wanted me to help her understand why I would post “such nice things” about the conference when I didn’t agree with her. I shared that I didn’t disagree with everything she had said, but if I were ever given a chance to speak into her life about this particular subject and give her thoughts to help her think twice about casting judgment so righteously, would she listen to me if I bashed her on social media? “Well, that’s true,” she acceded…but not for long. Within minutes she got herself all worked up again – my friend could hear her as we were in line waiting to pay for our stuff – and I literally had to ask her to lower her voice as eyes began turning in my direction. She said, “But you are guilty by association,” to which I asked her what she meant. “You shouldn’t alienate any group of people from God by being like that. You need to disassociate yourself.” God intervened in such a powerful way by giving me these words: “We are called to be salt to the world, to be light. Just because I don’t agree with her doesn’t mean I get to disassociate with her.” Silence… “Hey, it’s my turn to pay so I’ll call you back later.” It felt so good to not only say those words but to live by those words! I pray they give you something to think about and help you thru your next difficult conversation. Love, Kim-Evinda TUESDAY’S TRENCH TRUTH In other words, we do not enforce our own agendas, opinions and beliefs on another but allow our lives to speak into theirs.
Join our community on Facebook at for more encouragement for the journey! Love, Kim-Evinda Monday’s Mantra In the day of technology, it’s always nice to get a letter from someone we care about and even better if it’s someone we love.
Welcome to Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Monday’s Message with Trench Classes United and Debra Dolce, our featured blogger Mondays and Fridays. Wow, does she have a letter for you, from His heart, to hers and now yours. ~Love Letter~ Good morning, My Beloved. What is impossible for people is possible with Me. Meditate on this! My love and all of My abilities are so much stronger than you could ever ask or think. Beloved, you could never ask for greater than I have! I have store rooms full of things that My children have not asked for and they are available for you and for your family. Why do you not ask? Do you doubt when you pray? I created the world and everything in it and I took the time to name the stars as I hung them in space; are you not more valuable than they? Oh My beloved child, I have loved you with an everlasting love! My love for you never wanes. I never grow weak or weary. I am your biggest champion, I stand before the Father interceding for you and when you put your faith into action, when you believe My Word and stand on it declaring My promises, I am cheering and whooping and hollering, Yes! Beloved, My love is so great that it extended from Heaven to the cross and there is no other name given under heaven, for My love is pure, and I will never leave you or forsake you. May this letter encourage you today in all you do, Debra Faith-Filled Friday Philippians 4:8: Finally, ________, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things.
Welcome to Coffee Hour with Chicklitpower and Faith-Filled Fridays with Trench Classes United! Grab whatever drink you have for your break, a journal for notes and your strand of faith and hopefully you’ll leave with a couple knots tied and your faith that much stronger. Have you ever caught yourself focusing on what’s wrong in your life, or in someone else’s for that matter, or what’s wrong about another person and their actions, especially as they pertain to you, instead of all that is right? Why does it seem to be so much easier to focus on the wrong instead of the right? I don’t know about you but sometimes I can really be a negative Nelly. Funny, just writing about this is taking me back to when my mom used to call me Pollyanna! There were times she said it sarcastically – that was in our time of Exodus which was when I was 12 all the way to 49 -- but I’ll never forget the time she said it while she was in the hospital and I was coming to see her every day. I was telling her she had to get better so we could spend time together when she got out, and she smiled the sweetest smile – something I had rarely seen – and said, “You are such a Pollyanna.” It caused me to stop what I was doing and look at her to confirm she was really being sweet…she was. It wasn’t until later that I looked it up and it made me weep and I do mean weep. My tears turned on like a faucet full blast and humility washed me clean of all the years where I had misunderstood her. See, the definition for a Pollyanna is “an excessively cheerful or optimistic person”! I never did get to discuss that with her because she never did make it out of the hospital, but, oh, how happy I was to be sad…for God had finally made right what was wrong all those years. See, all those years I thought she was focusing on something negative about me which kept her from me and it wasn’t that at all. How many times have we thought incredibly negative thoughts of someone just because of what we think they’re thinking of us? Coffee Hour Friend, God calls us to get our focus on what is right about any of our circumstances, or about that person we’re in conflict with, and get it off of what’s wrong. He calls us to meditate on things that are true, noble and just – which may not describe the situation or the difficult person you are dealing with but there is ONE who is all of these things. He calls us to mediate on anything that is praiseworthy, on things of any virtue. This God-breathed command spoken to us through Paul reminds us to quit picking apart and looking for all that is wrong, for when we do focus on what is right, the guarantee we have is we will be changed! When we are focusing on what’s wrong, we rarely have eyes to realize what’s right…and what’s right usually far out-weighs what’s wrong, especially when we let go of what’s wrong and let Him make it right! Thoughtfully, Kim-Evinda Thursday’s Trench Truth But why are we so afraid to do this? The truth about our past is this: It keeps coming up in your interactions with your significant relationships and we can’t disown something we haven’t owned. In other words, we can look back while leaning forward…and learn from it all.
Join our group for more encouragement at Love, Kim-Evinda Founder/CEO |
February 2025