Faith-Filled Friday When you hear the word “test,” what do you do? How do you feel?
Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. I know my stomach seems to develop a knot, and there’s an anxiety that runs thru my veins, which only makes taking any test harder. Today’s Love Letter is a great reminder of why the Word of God is so priceless in a monetary world. ~Love Letter~ My blessed child, study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. This is good instruction for you and a command to obey it even when you think it's "old fashioned." Some want all the benefits My Word offers but don't want to put in the dedication it takes to receive any. Some are more interested in prestige and want a life of luxury. When you strive to receive untold riches and want the life of ease and comfort, then you have none of Me. When things are more important than living a holy life, a life set apart, then you are not walking on the narrow path. Remember those that give up their life for Me will find it. My way of life has untold riches that the world cannot comprehend. Study this Book of Instruction and set it in your mind to obey all that is written in it and the reward will be the best you could have ever imagined. Beloved, My Word was meant to be loved and cherished, to be your very sustenance for life. ~DebraDolce
Thursday Trench Truth Do you feel persistently angry with other family members and/or yourself?
One of our trenchers shares these words about her persistent anger Currently and in the recent past, I have been angry at my siblings. The way that I get angry with them is by withdrawing. I am currently in a quiet storm with one of my brothers, both of whom don’t seem to ‘get me’ and where I am coming from. They don’t seem to care what I am feeling, nor do they want to hear how I am feeling about them, about myself, about what is or isn’t going on in my life. So, I continue to be angry by withholding myself from them. “I don’t exactly know why I am angry with them to the extent that I am. Perhaps it is a perceived perception on my part of what they think of their older sister. I’m sure it’s disappointment. So, I distance myself even more. It’s like this never-ending cycle. Are you in a not-so-healthy cycle of anger and frustration when it comes to any of your family members? Join us for Surrendering to Serenity to learn how to break that cycle, coming to a trench near you. Kim-Evinda Wednesday Word Go low to get high, go low to get high…the words were becoming familiar now after
three+ weeks doing this workout. As I squatted as low as I could go – which was getting lower with every other workout – and then reached as high as I could, allowing my body to do what was being asked of me, my mind took me to another place. Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Today’s message may appear to have a hidden meaning, but then again, spiritual truths aren’t always so easy to grasp. Our prayer is that you grasp this in your mind and heart, and that it releases in your actions. The workout I was doing was from Beachbody and was a Bar-Blend series. I can’t help but smile as I write this because it’s led by a former ballerina, which I am NOT! This is especially true when I am frustrated and/or mad. I am not a ballerina but more like a bull in a China-cabinet! Having heard these words for several weeks now, they were starting to take on an additional meaning, and not just physically but spiritually. Have you ever wrestled with your private-party logic, justifying why you said something, did something, felt something, and as you wrestled, you come up with the same answer every single time, that you weren’t in the wrong? Well, I literally could write a book on all my private party logic parties, and a synopsis of the lessons I’ve learned while showing up for them. In short, private-party logic rarely, if ever, leads one to a positive resolution. But we can’t know that if you don’t bring God into the party, and/or invite someone you trust into the situation that keeps renting space in our minds and hearts. After my workout, I had reached out to one of my accountability sisters. I invited her into my situation that had started the private-party logic. She listened, and then she spoke gentle words that made their way past my private party logic and reached the core of my soul. The truths she spoke exploded my private-party logic into pieces. And even though I had every right to feel the way I had, my sweet sister was able to help me see that fear had overtaken my mouth and once I opened it, there was no stopping it! “Maybe if you said this…” she very gently suggested. The lightbulb in my heart confirmed that her way was better than mine. The confirmation of the truths spoken to me came when I texted the friend and confessed that my fear had overtaken me and that I needed to focus more on encouraging all that is right versus focusing on what was/is wrong; the response I got was what I had tried to get from the beginning but didn’t because of the way I went about it. Just like that it was resolved! Because I went low, in other words, let go of my “right” to be frustrated, and acknowledged my fear, I was able to take the high road. Yes, it’s true that surrendering requires humility but it ALWAYS takes us to high places. Friend, can I encourage you to join me in this short prayer: Oh, Abba, help me to remember to let go, let You in to my private-party logic so that truth and resolution would follow and lead me to higher ground. Thoughtfully, Kim-Evinda Tuesday Trench Truth There are four major differences between rage and anger:
Anger is temporary, usually situational whereas rage is ongoing and growing. Like a pot simmering on the stove…eventually it’s going to boil over. Anger is about the present moment, the current action; rage is a collision of that moment with many accumulated memories simmering in that emotional pot: Therefore, we teach others to connect their past to their present for a better future, because eventually those things that need to be explored will boil over. Anger can be resolved by communication/compromise; rage takes a deeper work for it is a mixture of fear, desperation, anger and panic which is what makes it so volatile. And those are just a few of the ingredients of rage, all internally blending. Anger can be healthy; rage is never healthy: The Bible calls healthy anger righteous anger, for example, if you see someone harm a child, or an animal, hopefully you express anger that protects the one being harmed; rage, however, is a combination of unexpressed moments colliding with the final moment. If you’d like to learn more about how to surrender to serenity and let go of unresolved anger, join us in a trench near you. For more information go to Monday Message When we start our day with conversing with The Father, He will give not only direction
but protection too. Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. Abi’s poem today is in the form of a heartfelt prayer, which goes a long way to help us know our Father cares. A morning prayer As I prepare My heart oh, Lord Let me seek and only know Your will I do not need to understand or even comprehend The magnitude of Your plan But I must believe That You have only goodness and mercy stored up for me But there’s something in my way My path at times does not feel straight and I feel as though I am too little too late As i let my mind stray Lord, i seek You first always Help me to remove these rocks That have caused me to stumble along the way How i got here I cannot fathom Or even contemplate So instead, I pray Seeking answers Lord On how to fight and seize the day This glorious, magnificent day Rejoicing at the sight of the morning sky’s new paint It dawns on me That this is a NEW day All old has passed away and while my feeble human body may decay My heart is being renewed As You chip and chisel away Make me Your David, Lord Your servant Your soldier Your bride Your child As You walk beside me through the fire Mold and shape my heart’s true desire To that of love To that of grace Knowing soon Lord I will get to see Your glorious face Until then, Yahweh Give me unwavering faith Faith-Filled Friday Have you ever gotten tired of waiting for something, a promise to be fulfilled, or a something that you feel needs to stop happening?
Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. Today’s Love Letter reveals a secret to keep while in the waiting. ~Love Letter~ My dear one, don't give up; don' t be impatient. When you are entwined as one with Me, the Lord will make you brave and courageous, and you won’t lose hope. Yes, keep on waiting…for I will never disappoint you! This is such a good promise for you and not just a promise but there’s a condition: to be entwined with Me. What does that look like? Rely on Me and then you can be brave and courageous. Then you will never lose hope. Keep on trusting and waiting for your promises because you know I will never disappoint you. When you present your petition to Me, then leave it and I will do wonderful things for you. Have no expectation on how it will get done, just that it will. You can rely on Me! Let Me teach you about trust and faith My way. Some believe they can plan the whole answer out in detail and then expect Me to answer according to their plan and they call that faith. I desire you to practice My way and allow Me to be as creative as I want to. Since I know you even better than you know yourself doesn't it make sense that I can take care of you in the most extraordinary ways? Beloved, I am extraordinary. ~DebraDolce Thursday Trench Truth According to the National Child Abuse Hot Line, “Children are suffering from a hidden epidemic of child abuse and neglect. Every year more than three million reports of child abuse are made in the United States involving more than six million children (a report can include multiple children). The United States has one of the worst records among industrialized nations – losing on average between four and seven children every day to child abuse and neglect.”
And those statistics have risen since COVID. I could have been one of these statistics and because of the child abuse I suffered, I as a parent could have added to these statistics. I was headed in the direction of repeating the cycle. Unresolved anger/rage can absolutely become a generational cycle, friends. In other words, if you’ve been on the receiving end of rage, don’t let it go unchecked. If you’ve been the giver of such anger, you can break this cycle. Join us to learn how to not wound your own soul by wounding another with rage and anger. Surrendering to Serenity is coming to a trench near you. For more information, go to and/or visit our Facebook page at Surrendering, Kim-Evinda Wednesday Word She picked up her current Bible study and read the first question: “Why do you think
God made us in His image?” “That’s a great question,” she muttered aloud. Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Our prayer is that you will come to appreciate the significance of being “made in His image.” When asked if you know someone, and you don’t really remember if you do, usually we ask what they look like, right? Or when a guy or girl are going to meet a possible candidate for a date for the first time at the insistence of a “caring” friend who wants to set them up, usually the first question out of their mouth is, “What do they look like?” Have you ever wondered what Jesus looks like? We know Hollywood paints him as a guy with close-to-shoulder-length brownish hair, a beard to match, prominent cheek bones, beautiful gently piercing eyes and an incredible smile. But it doesn’t matter what He looks like; it’s His image we’re after. “When You said, ‘Seek My face,’ my heart said to You, Your face, Lord, I will seek.” Psalm 27:8 But let’s talk about the word “image” for a moment. Image has its roots in the Latin word meaning "to copy or imitate.” Another definition from the Catechism of the Catholic Church states that image is the “likeness of the Creator. ... Hence it means the capacity for relationship; it is the human capacity for God." As I read these explanations, it was as if a light bulb went off…it’s not His appearance we’re seeking, but His character which is found in His presence. The more we seek Him, the closer we will get to His intended image for us. He created us in His image possible only through relationship: He desires to have relationship with each of us. Abba, teach me how to seek Your face as I strive to turn off the distractions that often interfere with my vision of your presence so I may reflect Your character. Love, Kim-Evinda Tuesday Trench Truth Have you ever been flipped off for cutting someone off? Whew, I have and
it feels so offensive. This is known as road rage which is different from anger. How? Anger is situational, temporary; rage is ongoing and growing All of us have gotten angry over something happening “in the moment” and when the situation is long gone, our anger goes with it. Rage, putting it simply, is a pot of past moments, unresolved angering moments that are simmering and collide with the present. if I were to ask you what size pot would you need for your unresolved past moments, what would you answer? And for those of you who say, I just forget about it, and then bury it, I must share with you, it will keep coming to the surface of your life, and often when you least expect it For more information, go to and/or visit our Facebook page at Monday Message Have you ever attended a Yoga class? It can be frustrating and exhilarating all at the
same time. It requires you to stretch in ways you think are for animals only. Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. Life is like that, stretching us beyond our own imagination. When life requires you to stretch to you break? Today’s message is a great reminder on how to stretch emotionally and spiritually. Stretch Stretch your boundaries Stretch your mind Begin feeling alive Once more Again A sliver A slice Light Creeping in Stars begin to dim To Your beauty Your grace No human can fathom The brightness of Your face But with faith We dare to move As you shift mountains Just to prove You are God Almighty Powerful Above all And with all Transcending time Transcending the fall Of humankind Your masterpiece Has forgotten it’s feats Leavings this world Shattered No peace Yet there You are Bold power Standing tall Taller than the evergreen trees You have so perfectly weaved Golden hues Doused with green leaves Don’t leave Stay here Stay near We need You now Calming the fear The trembling Weak knees Our hearts bleed Pouring out Begging, Lord, please Save them Take me For I am Unworthy Of Your love Of Your grace The starlight beaming Blinding beneath Your omnipotent face Yet you hold me Warmth Embrace As embers dance To the fire within Lord, take me from this place Stretch your hand Open palms Lord, You are the still The quiet The calm Let us remember who we are Your children Your mothers Your fathers Your brothers Your people Your army Your bride & for You We give our lives ~Abigail |
February 2025