If we were to focus more on what He can do and less on what we can’t do, what couldn’t we do?
Join our Facebook community @ www.facebook.com/trenchclassesunited P.S. Don’t forget to tune in with us live on Friday, March 1st for our $5 Funday Friday at 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday’s Word Have you ever been involved in a self-made pity party and God showed up?
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. Come on in for a relatable experience. I was knee-deep in my self-made pity party, overwhelmed by hills of situations that suddenly looked like mountains. I began looking at reasons why I should just throw in the towel, not bother to climb yet another mountain and I started to voice those reasons in the form of questions, crying out, Lord, what am I missing? Why, oh why is this taking so long? Why, Lord, is so and so getting recognized like that? Why is that organization receiving funding? Why does this person and that person have so many followers? Why does ministry have to be so hard? Suddenly my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and was shocked, to say the least, because in the back of my mind I kept hearing this prompting to call her and ask for prayer. Without boring you with the details of the conversation, let me just say that it definitely lifted my countenance and encouraged my soul by reminding me that I was not in this alone. It was like a splash of water on a fire self-started with my playing with pity. In other words, the fire wasn’t completely out; there were still embers burning in my heart, but at least it wasn’t raging and threatening to destroy what God has done in me and through me. Within an hour there was another huge piece of encouragement, a much-needed and unexpected donation. I got another splash of water a few hours later through another phone call from someone who offered to step up and help with a real sad situation, someone who isn’t even on our team! I knew these were God-incidents and not just a coincidence. The embers of doubt and self-pity were slowly fading. As I was driving to my deposition the next day, the traffic slowed me down quite a bit and another prompting tugged on my heart. I pulled a handful of scriptures on 3x5 cards out of my console to feast upon. Don’t worry, I was paying attention to the road while testing my memory. This is a great way to distract your frustration in traffic, by the way. 😉 Surprise, surprise! God showed up again. 😊 What do you think was the first one that I read? Do not grow weary in doing good for in due time you shall reap if you do not lose heart! Gal 6:9 What a life preserver! And still yet, He hands me another: The Lord God is my strength; He makes my feet like deer’s feet; He makes me walk on my high hills. HAB. 3:19 Oh, how faithful He is to love me in my most unlovable moments, to show compassion and mercy as an answer to all my questions. If you’ve ever participated in a pity party, would you pray this prayer with me for yourself: “Oh, Abba, help me look to Your principles and promises to lift me up and out of my pity parties, to make my feet like deer’s feet that I would walk on the hills You placed before me and not grow weary of doing good, trusting You will bring the harvest forward in Your time.” Love, Kim-Evinda What you believe about the end of life determines how you live your life!
Join our Facebook community @ www.facebook.com/trenchclassesunited P.S. Don’t forget to tune in with us live on Friday, March 1st for our $5 Funday Friday at 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday’s Message Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abi…breathe in these truths and exhale His peace Creator: I have chosen you, handpicked and created you From the depths of the universe, you were formed by a single whisper of My voice Do you hear Me? That whisper in the wind, that’s Me calling you in Calling you back when you begin to feel you have nowhere left to go I am right here helping you stay afloat Through the depths of the ocean, you, my child, are never alone. Creation: All surrounding; Your love is abounding Even as I drift further into the waves of this world You are still there reaching with Your hands that formed me With Your love that is all for me And as I lay here barely breathing, steadily sinking You whisper that You need me, breathing life back into me You, my Lord, are all I’ve ever needed Help me continuously believe it Abigail P.S. Don’t forget to tune in with us live on Friday, March 1st for our $5 Funday Friday at 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Faith Filled Friday Love Letter~
My dear one, drink deeply of the pleasures of Me, your God. Experience for yourself the joyous mercies I give to all who turn to hide themselves in Me. For I am your God and there is none like Me! Come and learn of Me, come and rest in My Presence, receive of My strength today. Come and walk in the garden of My peace today. Come and let My love fill your heart as you meditate on My goodness. See yourself walking along side Me as I show you things you did not know. What is the cry of your heart? What is it you would like Me to be for you today? Will you let go and let Me be that for you, without trying to control all the circumstances? For My ways are far above your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts. Even your imagination, as good as it is, cannot even come close to My splendor. Beloved, let Me be the One to WOW you with My creativity that is matchless in all the world. God…thru Debra The world says, go here, there, chase this and that. God says: Change your attitude and He’ll change your altitude!
Join our F.B. community for more encouragement for the journey Wednesday’s Word I couldn’t wait to see what it would like, our entire downstairs tiled instead of carpeted after 14 years. The process was a bit painful, white dust rising to stick on everything everywhere, things coming off the walls, rooms of furniture rotated here and there to accommodate the tile setters, but room by room we were beginning to get the picture.
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. Come on in for a little break in your day. We actually left for a three day weekend, hoping that when we came home, it would be finished. It was, and it looked and looks amazing. It took a full day of cleaning and organizing to get the house back to “normal,” whatever that is, but our little four-legged babes are still looking for the carpet! 😊 😊 And not just because of its warmth, either, if you’re catching what I’m throwing! We were loving it…until a few days later when we realized that now we can see every single thing, including their paw prints!@%^&*(( What were we thinking? At least with the carpet, all I had to do was vacuum and I felt better, thinking it was clean. But now I’ve realized that it wasn’t. There was no way it would be really clean unless I were to vacuum every single day, and that didn’t happen nor will it ever happen 😊 It got me thinking that just like the carpet was covering up the dirt, things unseen, we tend to cover up insecurities in the same way: we post pretend lives on social media, chasing recognition and approval, or shopping to get the latest and greatest in home décor, car, clothes, jewelry, or going here, there and everywhere, in debt. Why? Could it be that Instead of looking to God for provision and approval, we look to each other in the name of comparison. Take a moment and pray this prayer with me: Abba, what insecurities lie hidden in me? What am I covering them up with? Father, take away the carpet of insecurities and reveal that which is not pleasing to you, that which needs to be exposed, cleansed and forgiven and learned from that I might move forward with my eyes on you and what I have, instead of others and what I don’t have. Love, Kim-Evinda Comparing ourselves in any way is a form of coveting and to covet something is an inner desire for what others have; an emphasis on all the things that don’t matter for they have no eternal value.
Join our Trench Community www.facebook.com/trenchclassesunited Monday’s Message Life happens too slow – or that used to be so. Looking back now, those were the days of easiness, the days of sweet freedom. Yet I always found myself seeking the next season, never able to “just go with the flow” and having to constantly be in the know.
What comes next? When will my life go as planned? It never did and I knew I had to leave it in His hands. Stop with the incessant planning and perfecting – and start living. Instead I kept dreaming. Dreaming about life as if it were a movie; playing out perfect scenarios in my head. Knowing in the end it was never His plan, and for me, I would have to move on. Onward, ahead. And as soon as I stopped wishing, I began living, and the pictures, they stopped playing but for me the real movie was just beginning… so fast, with no preview. No time for planning or knowing. The scenes, they just kept rolling. The funny thing is, now life won’t stop spinning – the once “too slow” is now so fast, and when I look back I can’t believe how He shaped my past. So perfectly. So intricately. Every moment, every worry, all those times I just wanted it to ‘hurry’ – He was moving me to be exactly where I am supposed to be. Am I where I wanted to be? That no longer matters because I am becoming the woman He created me to be. At times feeling unready – but knowing that now I have four hands and two hearts to keep me steady. A Father above, who has gifted me with so much earthly love. And I stop in awe as I remind myself all over again that my life is in His hands. There is no reason to worry. Nothing is in a hurry. His timing is perfect. His movie forever playing. Abigail Faith-filled Fridays Love Letter~
Good morning My bride. How enriched you are when you crave righteousness! For you will be surrounded with fruitfulness. What a good promise for you as you cling to Me and My Word. For I love to bless those that diligently seek Me, those who have made Me and My desires their priority. I take great delight in those that yearn for more of Me, for those that hurt for those that hurt and mourn for those that mourn. As you pour Me into others by caring, loving and helping, I also make sure you are cared for, loved and helped. My love, there isn't anything you do that you don't receive fruit from, so check your seed to make sure it's good, kind, loving, patient, joyful, gentle, faithful and that you have self-control, that you may receive all of these. Beloved, sow good seeds into your family, community and as far as you can reach and I will increase your reach, for I am a God of increase and I have everything at My fingertips. Debra |
February 2025