Faith-Filled Friday Do you have co-workers that you like? What if we were to look to our Heavenly
Father as our co-worker? How would we live life? Today’s Love Letter gives a beautiful word picture of what that could look like. ~Love Letter~ You are coworkers with Me and you are My cultivated garden. This is such Good News. Meditate on this Word and recognize that each part takes work. To be a co-worker with Me you must be willing to set aside your own knowledge and learn from the Master Gardener. Accept that you are the garden that I am cultivating. And just like any good gardener, I must pull weeds and remove stumps and even some trees. I only want what produces life in your garden. I want fruit that is produced all year. Cultivate your garden with Me and let it produce divine love, joy that overflows, peace that subdues, patience that endures, kindness in action, a life full of virtue, faith that prevails, gentleness of heart, and strength of spirit. Beloved, this requires a lot cultivating but remember we are co-laborers, working to produce a beautiful garden, a wonderful house, where you can give to whoever needs, just what they need, for My glory. ~DebraDolce
Thursdays Trench Truth Have you ever experienced a night out with family and friends that
included lots and lots of laughter? What could be better, right? You know the older I get, the more I desire time with those I love, and not just more stuff. Why am I telling you this? I’m glad you asked We’d like to invite you to our annual fundraiser, A Night of Laughter at Yucaipa Elk’s lodge for some good clean comedy, hor d’[oeuvres and a dessert bar all for only $25. I can guarantee you this, it will be the best $25 you’ve spent in a long time as you will create memories to last a lifetime. Check out the link A Night of Laughter Tickets, Sat, Apr 22, 2023 at 6:30 PM | Eventbrite for more information. You can purchase your tickets via Venmo @Trench-Classes or Zelle @ (951) 797-8713. Looking forward to seeing you, Kim-Evinda Wednesday Word She listened to the words, “You are more than enough for me…” guilt overtaking her
worship. How can I say that right now, when all I can see is my age and my singleness? She cried out in the stillness of where she sat. Have you ever felt like you just couldn’t sing the words of a worship song and mean them, and when that truth sunk into your soul, it stopped you? Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. To worship God with our whole heart, our whole mind is His will for us but how do we do that amid trials, tribulations, and tears? The words of that worship song stayed with her over the next several days, haunting her with the realization that He didn’t seem to be enough for her. There were all these unanswered questions, still so much pain, though not near as much as this time last year. Ah, there was something to thank Him for, she thought, something praiseworthy. She picked up her Bible to begin that day’s Bible study in Colossians. “Paul states in Colossians 2:10 that we are complete in Christ. Jesus alone is all sufficient and entirely adequate to meet our every need”!!!!!! She looked up, knowing with all her being that He was pursuing her, still, in this SOAR (Season of Adultery Recovery) and would go to great lengths to be all she needed, to not leave her in this broken-hearted state. She read the few verses that followed that emphatic statement of Christ being enough and then as the study asked, recorded all the ways that Christ is enough, for her…and you. Verse 11 reminded her that she had had a spiritual surgery of her heart, a heart circumcision that helps her to put off the flesh. Verse 12 reminded her that because she had been baptised, she had put to death, and buried the old sin nature and had been given new resurrected life when she came up out of the water. “Maybe I should do that one again,” she wondered aloud. Verse 13 reminded her that because her sins have been and will continue to be forgiven upon the asking that she was made alive. And verse 14 reminded her that she was saved from the failure of the law, able to embrace New Covenant life; that because of the price that Jesus already paid, she lived by grace, not a bunch of do’s and don’ts. She closed her study. His timing was a reminder that wrapped around her, holding her close to Him, and in those moments, she could sing, “You are Enough.” Friend, if you are going thru something that prevents you from worshiping with a true heart, meaning what you say, be still, ask Him to reveal the why to you; allow Him to minister to you and be just enough, all that you need. Love, Kim-Evinda Tuesday Trench Truth Wasting energy on thinking about a mistake creates yet another mistake
but to learn from a mistake…well, that’s now a lesson learned. Thanks for joining me for Tuesday’s Trench Truth. If you’ve ever had a setback and would learn how to have a comeback, you won’t want to miss Living Fuelled by Hope coming to a trench near you beginning the week of April 24 th . We will also have a Zoom trench as an option. Monday Message Have you ever beat yourself up for something you’ve done, or said, and
you keep repeating it? Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message, a great poem about the internal struggle we often experience but rarely talk about. Undo Redo Try again Fall down seven Stand up eight and just when you think It’s a moment too late To be saved From this curse That day after day and year after year Only seems to get worse and you ask yourself often How long will this hurt? This pain in my chest My heart racing the hearse. Running to You and stumbling into the dirt When you look back and realize No matter the year No matter the day He has always been there Leading you here Because your heart He holds near and your soul He holds dear Commanding you still To live with no fear For as long as He is in you There is no need for proof For the power and the authority Is within to choose To move forward in full faith Or wait for the day It truly is a moment too late “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.” “You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.” So, now I ask Instead of wondering How long will this last Or when will this pass? Ask God How soon and how fast Can I let go Of the past and plant my mustard seed In the land you promised me A land with milk and honey Where there is no need for bread and no reason for money For His Word fills my heart and His Love quenches my thirst As He build me up From the dust and the dirt “Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your earnings for what does not satisfy? Hearken diligently to Me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness [the profuseness of spiritual joy]. [Jer. 31:12-14.]” “So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Faith-Filled Friday We are surrounded by challenges, whether those of our own or those we
know. Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. Today’s Love Letter is a great reminder that nothing knocks Him off His throne and all things will be used for our good and His glory if…we allow Him in it to rise above it. ~Love Letter~ You all experience times of testing, which is normal for every human being. But I will be faithful to you. I will screen and filter the severity, nature, and timing of every test or trial you face so that you can bear it. Each test is an opportunity to trust Me more, for along with every trial I have provided for you a way of escape that will bring you out of it victoriously. Each thing you go through is an opportunity for your faith to increase and be strengthened. As you hold on to My promises, believing them for you during your testing, you will experience victory. Stand on My Word and believe that all you are experiencing will be used for your good and My glory. This should encourage you and even give you strength. Remember I will be faithful to you. You should be excited to watch yourself grow, to see yourself standing on My Word. Your victory will be a great light for others around you. Beloved, continually surrender the things that come at you so that you can overcome them all. ~DebraDolce Thursdays Trench Truth This past week in our How to Love Who you Love trench, I asked this
question and was not surprised by the response: How many of you are going through a situation right now that feels almost hopeless? Almost everyone raised their hand! Letdowns can knock us down or cause us to rise, especially when we keep our eyes on the Author of Hope. Join us for Living fueled by Hope to learn how to not fall down when others let us down. Hopeful, Kim-Evinda Wednesday Word After her journaling time, she reached for her study on Isaiah, praying for understanding
to dispel her insecurities about this particular study. Within the first paragraph, she kept hearing “Matthew 6.” After the third time, she remembered the assignment they were to do before the next board meeting. She reached for her Bible, eager to begin. Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Have you ever wondered how to apply what you read in the Bible to your life? Today’s blog offers a solution for this very powerful principle, one that will help us to not only abide in His word but be changed by it. She remembered the first part of the assignment, which involved four things so that’s where she started. In her mind she rewound to the day before, scene by scene and prayed: God, please forgive me for certain attitudes, actions and negative words of yesterday towards those I love. Cleanse my heart that I can come to Your table clean.: 2 God wash my mind of anything learned in the past about this portion of scripture that I might learn new truths, new revelations for where I am today and where you want to take me. 3 God, show me how this applies to my life, in my life today and 4 grant me the courage to carry these out. Amen. So as I read through the first six verses, with many stops along the way, certain words sent me on a sort of personal detour as conviction seeped into my soul. I mean, it started in verse 1! “Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them; otherwise, you have no reward from your Father in heaven.” When we do something good, kind, generous, it needs to be for an audience of One. I’ve been known to make sure the person at the register taking my order saw me put a tip in there. Or how about boasting about all I’ve done for someone? Can you relate? As I continued, the conviction seeped deeper, though not necessarily just for myself, but I’ve always struggled with how to maneuver through the whole social media platform thing with our ministry because of these words from Jesus Himself:: 2 Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you (announce what you’re going to do) as the hypocrites (people who do eternal acts with earthly, hollow motives) in the synagogues and in the streets (social media can be replaced here) that they may have glory from men. Assuredly I say to you they have their reward (on earth but not in heaven!). I can’t help but smile as I realize I only got through the first four verses of this passage And yet, my heart is heavy with this burden: how do we utilize social media as a way to encourage, draw others in without shouting about the good we’re doing, will do or can do? His word is clear about not letting the left hand know what the right is doing, in other words, in secret, for an audience of One. I know I can’t change, control or convince others, Lord, but keep my motives pure as I use cyber space to heed the call. Thoughtfully, Kim-Evinda Tuesday Trench Truth Why do we have such a hard time talking about depression, despair?
Maybe if we talked about it more openly, there would be less suicide, and more victory in overcoming it. See, true despair can be defined with this acrostic: Denying Emotional Support Personally and Internally Regressing. Life was never meant to be lived or figured out alone. Join us for our Living fueled by Hope trench to learn how to embrace emotional support personally and internally and move forward instead of backwards for a brighter future filled with acceptance and understanding with new friends who become like family. Hopeful, Kim-Evinda Monday Message What is it that you do when going through a gut-wrenching time in your life?
Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. Today’s poem is a great reminder that praise in the midst of a problem brings victory on so many levels. My heart Is screaming My eyes Bleeding Bloodshot from staying awake The sleepless nights Calling out Your Name Yeshua Yahweh Show me the way The way out Removing all my fears and releasing all my doubts My heart belongs to You But this wall has kept You out Brick by brick I lay Lie on top of lie and sin on top of sin Crushing under the weight Of what was built by my own hate Crying out, “Abba, Father, let me in!” and I hear you whisper in the wind I’ve been here all along Holding on Patiently waiting To hear your battle cry Blow the trumpets Shout My Name For it is not by works But by grace That you have been saved Your Holy Spirit opens the gate Not a second too soon Or a moment too late For this is a battle and for this moment i prayed To fall down in Your glory As Your Spirit adorns me In power and wonder We will never asunder Every tide that pulled me under Only drew me in As my faith began to swim and when i sank You held out Your mighty hand Always drawing me back in How gracious You are! |
February 2025