Wednesday’s Word I couldn’t wait to see what it would like, our entire downstairs tiled instead of carpeted after 14 years. The process was a bit painful, white dust rising to stick on everything everywhere, things coming off the walls, rooms of furniture rotated here and there to accommodate the tile setters, but room by room we were beginning to get the picture.
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. Come on in for a little break in your day. We actually left for a three day weekend, hoping that when we came home, it would be finished. It was, and it looked and looks amazing. It took a full day of cleaning and organizing to get the house back to “normal,” whatever that is, but our little four-legged babes are still looking for the carpet! 😊 😊 And not just because of its warmth, either, if you’re catching what I’m throwing! We were loving it…until a few days later when we realized that now we can see every single thing, including their paw prints!@%^&*(( What were we thinking? At least with the carpet, all I had to do was vacuum and I felt better, thinking it was clean. But now I’ve realized that it wasn’t. There was no way it would be really clean unless I were to vacuum every single day, and that didn’t happen nor will it ever happen 😊 It got me thinking that just like the carpet was covering up the dirt, things unseen, we tend to cover up insecurities in the same way: we post pretend lives on social media, chasing recognition and approval, or shopping to get the latest and greatest in home décor, car, clothes, jewelry, or going here, there and everywhere, in debt. Why? Could it be that Instead of looking to God for provision and approval, we look to each other in the name of comparison. Take a moment and pray this prayer with me: Abba, what insecurities lie hidden in me? What am I covering them up with? Father, take away the carpet of insecurities and reveal that which is not pleasing to you, that which needs to be exposed, cleansed and forgiven and learned from that I might move forward with my eyes on you and what I have, instead of others and what I don’t have. Love, Kim-Evinda
Wednesday’s Word Psalm 141:3: “Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips.”
Have you ever walked into a room full of people or up to a group of “friends” and feel the tension as they become quiet with your appearance? You just know they’re talking about you, right? Maybe, maybe not! But nevertheless, it’s a horrible feeling. Thanks for joining me for Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. What do you feel when you hear/read the word gossip? Most people when asked that question say they don’t like it; they think it’s wrong. The funny thing is almost everyone does it…but I must say unconsciously because they’ve become immune to their own form of gossiping! The word gossip is a noun and means: “Idle talk, rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of another.” Hmmm, personal or private creates a conundrum with the use of social media, but still, anything we say about another, if it can’t be said in front of that same person, shouldn’t be said! When we gossip, it says more about us than about the one we’re talking about! Gossip is like alcohol, legal but deadly! It causes so much damage. Father, help us to live by the golden rule: If we don’t have nothing nice to say about another, let us say nothing at all. Set a guard, O Lord, over our mouths. Help us to keep watch over the door of our lips and practice saying nothing at all unless it edifies them and glorifies you. Learning and unlearning Kim-Evinda Wednesday’s Word There is little to nothing more satisfying or sweeter than to watch the growth of an infant into a toddler, from a toddler to a teen and then from a teen to a young adult. And it’s not just the physical changes that we observe, but the level of maturity as well. But how is it we determine our own growth?
Thanks so much for joining me today for Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. I was working with one of my favorite attorneys the other day; he’s brilliant…sometimes to a fault, and he admitted this when we were talking about the way he forms his questions as we were talking after the deposition. But I get him; I can literally feel his mind going ahead of his mouth and what comes out sometimes are so many words. This is confirmed when the witness asks him to repeat his question and he looks to me to read it back! J J Praise God, every time I’ve been asked I’ve been able to read it back word for word. He’s a guy who speaks EVERYTHING he’s thinking…just about. I mean, he stores some thoughts up his sleeve for trial. We both talked about how difficult it is for us to slow down in our talking, but even more difficult than that is slowing down enough to let others take their time with what they want to say. This so reminds me of one of the biggest lessons I am still learning in ministry: just because we see something someone is doing, or hear something someone is saying doesn’t mean we get to say something! This is part of growing up spiritually and Proverbs 17:27 describes this level of maturity…in few words! “He who has knowledge spares his words and a man of understanding is of calm spirit”! So no matter what we are hearing or seeing, we can remain calm…and spare our words and even choose to say nothing at all. Love, Kim-Evinda |
February 2025