MONDAY MESSAGE The other side of the mirror
The other side of the line That you so desired to cross But oftentimes you felt lost You felt unsure Of who were Who you are and where you are even headed to and the days that were oftentimes covered in stormy seas of dark blue Slowly become clearer As the light within you drew nearer It wasn’t perfect It was messy But what a beautiful mess That your mind undressed To let it be naked To let it be raw To peel back the layers and come to light all your flaws All your imperfections The hard ones The lessons The times you felt like this surely can’t be heaven Because that’s what we all desire on this earth To bring down a little piece of His golden hearth But our hearts are so scarred and our minds so dark Like a shooting star in the night A flash of light and then it’s gone. So how do we catch that star and hold on? How do we move forward as the days seem to drag on? When our time here is so precious So futile we catch ourselves wondering if it is even worthwhile? and then it hits The downward spiral As the thoughts become rifts How do we stop the fault and take a hard shift? It begins with this: Realizing WHO YOU ARE and remembering WHOSE YOU ARE YOU are a child of a King YOU are called in to this life not just to breathe But to be born again into a magnificent spiritual being And that is soul shifting You can say all the words and you can listen to all the media mogul blurbs But until you come to term With what you believe and realize that the piece that is seemingly missing Has been there all along Like backdrop music That constant elevator song Always lingering Always there But most of the time we do not notice Or even care Until we become aware Of every breath that we take Every moment that is at stake And not for the sake of ourselves But for the sake of being more than just an old dusty book on a shelf But to become like the words The actions The verbs We are doing more The seemingly unheard As we rest in His presence Our minds undisturbed Defeating the enemy As the battle continues to surge Knowing that as we rise up and Our feet touch the earth Our mind is renewed As we seek Him daily Often and first As our souls tread the storms in the dessert and He quenches our thirst “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” - Matthew 6:33 KJV ~ Abigail Rice
Faith-Filled Fridays Have you ever spit something out of your mouth in complete anger, and sooner or later wished you hadn’t expressed it?
Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Fridays with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. With so much division dividing family and friends, today’s blog is a great reminder that unchecked anger will take us for a ride that lands us nowhere good. ~Love Letter~ My dear one, be quick to listen, but slow to speak. And be slow to become angry, for human anger is never a legitimate tool to promote My righteous purpose. Meditate on this principle. Assess your own life, your own relationships. How can you share My love and be angry at the same time, even if your anger is with someone else? How does that play out in your life? Doesn't anger in your heart spill over into all areas? Learn how to forgive quickly and let go of every offense that you may be made whole and complete in Me. Isn't the purpose of forgiveness to keep you pure, to make you whole and complete in Me? Meditate on this. What part do you need help with? I gave you the Holy Spirit so that you can walk in forgiveness. Think of living each day with no anger, no offense, no hurt, no pride and lay all that at My feet so you may be healed. Healing brings such freedom. Come and spend time with Me and drink in My Presence, let Me so fill your life that forgiveness flows from you. Beloved, learn how to rely on the Holy Spirit! ~DebraDolce Thursday Trench Truth Are you afraid to approach others directly, particularly your family/friends?
How do you know if you are? Confirm or deny these statements: 1. You see the writing on the wall but you don’t acknowledge it with the one involved because they will be mad if you tell them you’re upset. 2. You fear being different, not accepted, not fitting in. If you’d like to learn how to rid yourself of this type of intangible fear and rise above, then plan on joining a trench class nearest you. For more information, check out your options at PS. If you have ever been betrayed by someone you love, or even just a friend, join me, Kim-Evinda, for S.O.A.R. live this Friday on Facebook and Instagram for more of the real-time healing journey to rise above betrayal. Be blessed Kim-Evinda Wednesday Word Their hunger to understand was made obvious by their questions. It stirred my soul. “Lord, please speak thru me that they would understand” I silently cried. An explanation came dancing into my mind and began to form in my words. “I got it,” I exclaimed!
Thanks for joining us today for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Our prayer today is that this blog opens your mind, that your heart would follow as we navigate through this world-wide pandemic and all its aftershocks. I have the humble honor of introducing, training and facilitating Transform to two transitional homes, and it has been so good for my soul as I get down in the trenches with these women who are hungry to learn, un-learn and re-learn so as to be all that they can be in Christ. Their first trench was about the Root of Rigidity – now keep an open mind as I share today 😊 – and we were talking about moral absolutes versus rigid thinking. They were truly struggling to understand the differences, especially considering God’s Word. Here are a few examples of our discussion about moral absolutes vs. rigid thinking Lying and pride are sins Prostitutes are immoral losers Abortion is inexcusable Homosexuals are going to hell As we read thru the list, I invited them to look at key words as a guide to suggest whether the statement was a moral absolute or rigid thinking. If you’re like most people, you pick out a couple of key words, for example, in the second sentence, we see the word “prostitutes” and we automatically go, oh, that’s a no, no in the Word of God so it must be a moral absolute. In the next one we see “abortion,” and we think, oh, yeah, that’s a sin so it’s morally absolute. And the same with the fourth sentence; we see the word homosexuals and we know what the Word of God says so we say that’s a moral absolute. Now back to my Trench: As I listened to their reasons for calling the last three moral absolutes, I was so elated, not because they were incorrect but because it validated this truth: when we stay stuck in black and white thinking, we miss grace. I then encouraged them to look for the one or two words/phrases that felt really condemning. The illumination of understanding began to turn on in each of them, not quite simultaneously as they each processed silently. It was like this domino effect of ah-ha’s and I will carry that with me forever! Back to you: While each of those “sins” is a moral absolute, who are we to say a prostitute is an immoral loser. When we say abortion is inexcusable, inexcusable to who? That one really got them and one of our sweet Trenchers stood up and shared about being part of an abortion recovery group and stated had it not been for that group, she never would have accepted Jesus! And then finally, while the Bible is clear about the lifestyle of homosexuality, it is also clear about Who judges us all. In other words, the way we convey our moral absolutes has everything to do with how they are received. Jesus says to hate the sin but love the sinner. Do you feel loved when you fall short and someone says, “That was inexcusable!”? I don’t know about you, but when/if someone calls me a loser, that sure doesn’t make me want to check out this Jesus we think we need to defend. When we project this type of black and white thinking on others, it doesn’t convey love, but condemnation. Isn’t that what we see all over social media? Jesus doesn’t condemn; He convicts, and that’s the difference. Sin is sin and we don’t get to project our punishment on the sinner. That’s God’s job, not ours. Let us not project labels and punishments on others, but leave that up to the Judge who forgives all sins, the only One who has a camera into our hearts, and remember that the difference between black and white is not just gray but grace. Thoughtfully, Kim-Evinda Tuesday Trench Truth Do you often have anxious feelings or worry about what will happen next?
How do you know if that’s something you do? Well, let me ask you: 1. You spend a lot of time thinking about the next thing on your to-do list or the next place you are supposed to be, which makes you emotionally detached 2. You have a hard time just sitting and being. If you’d like to learn how to rid yourself of this type of intangible fear and rise above, then plan on joining a trench class nearest you. For more information, check out your options at PS. If you have ever been betrayed by someone you love, or even just a friend, join me, Kim-Evinda, for S.O.A.R. live this Friday on Facebook and Instagram for more of the real-time healing journey to rise above betrayal. Love kim-evinda Monday Message Once you start falling
and get off of track How does one get back? How can you face the eye of the storm When the power is out And all around It’s pitch black Into the depths Into the sinks The sinking feelings Of this can’t be me This isn’t me Because I am strong I cannot be weak But I’m here to say Let yourself be Utterly free Of every lingering title and need to be Now breathe Breathe in one more deep breath and fall into Me Fall hard Fall fast Fall deep Deeper into the stormy seas As you cry out for peace You say I’m not there But you feel that wind That slight subtle breeze Like the waves that roll in And crash into the palm trees That’s Me I’m the calm in the storm The One who has sworn To love you and to hold you No matter what you are going through Whether it be a bad dream Or ultimate lack of self esteem When the walls crumble down And you let the waves Pound and pound Darling, cry out! Cry out to Me and let go of the constant need For comfort and blanketed peace For what you will find Is that its lacking Unfulfilling and self-thrilling You are surrounded by many voices and unnamed faces Yet you feel alone So alone So deprived What even is the point of being alive? Darling, that’s pride Prideful for you to feel that this world was created for you No, I created you The depths of the blues The tides and the moons Yes, I created those and not a moment too soon I created you here To be self-aware To show the world how to really care How to really love Show joy And laugh with the boys I created you to be Exactly Who You Were Made To Be “The Lord your God is in your midst, A victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.” Zephaniah 3:17 ~ Abigail Rice Faith-Filled Friday In a world filled with news of COVID this, COVID that, we need to learn to rise above the fear, to allow faith, not fear, fuel our attitude and drive our actions.
Welcome to Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. Today’s love letter is such a great reminder of how to deal with fear. ~Love Letter~ My love, don't yield to fear. All you need to do is to keep on believing. Fear is your enemy and opens the door to everything else. If you pull back the layers of all other issues in your life, fear will be at the root. If you grasp hold of My Word and believe it and keep on believing no matter the raging storm, then you will overcome. When you know where to look as things come, then you'll be able to see them for what they are. Remember, no matter what the enemy brings, it's meant to discourage you, make you want to quit and give up. He tries to get your focus off Me and your belief in My Word. I say be strong and courageous because I will fight for you. When things get hard, then hold tighter to My Word, and let it bring you through every decisive attempt of the enemy to come between us. Remember he is the father of lies and there is no truth in him. Come to recognize the lies that would try to bombard you and fight against them with My Word. Beloved, no matter the circumstances My Word is powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. ~DebraDolce Thursday Truthful Humor Welcome to Thursday’s Truthful Humor where we pull truth from humor
So a child asks his dad, Daddy, why are all those cars beeping their horns? Dad responds: Because there's a wedding either about to happen or it’s already happened. The little boy very innocently asks: Don't we beep the horn as a warning signal, Daddy? To which dad responds: Exactly, son. Oh, isn’t it true that marriage is not for the weak or for the quitter, but it’s also made better when we accept that marriage is a classroom to learn all about ourselves. The biggest dilemma is both partners need to be teachable. For more encouragement, go to and join our Facebook community at PS Don’t forget to join me for my Facebook Live S.O.A.R. part IV this Friday at 5:30. If you’ve ever been betrayed by someone you love, you won’t want to miss this live journey of healing and instruction. Be blessed Kim-Evinda Wednesday Word We all watched as the man boldly walked down the street with the American Flag, shouting God Bless you,” as well as his truths about our world and its current physical, emotional and spiritual climate.
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Please be advised, this is NOT a political post! 😉 The bold young man ended with “Don’t think I’m crazy; I’m just speaking truth.” A couple sitting in the very front of the covered patio of the restaurant laughed, but not at the guy. “I don’t think you’re crazy,” the man nearly shouted, I happen to agree with you.” Suddenly all of us sitting in the area started to chime in our agreement, raising our glasses, “Cheers” I said. Laughter followed and as the last of it melted into the Laguna beach air, we all returned to our meals and conversations but with a sense of camaraderie, as if we’d known each other for some time. No one there spent any time talking about the differences in opinion, or any negativity whatsoever. It was one of many great moments that made for a great day. The next morning, in my quiet time, I had a thought; It’s easy to feel that sense of belonging and camaraderie when you’re all agreeing, but why can’t we have that when we don’t agree about things, whether they be politically, spiritually, relationally, or anything in between? Isaiah 1:18 says: “Come, let us reason together…” so let’s look at the word “reason.” In the Hebrew translation, it means “to explain, argue, substantiate, motivate.” I don’t know about you, but when I hear the word “argue,” my defenses go up. This holy-inspired scripture is not permission to argue with anger; however, I do believe that God gives us permission to agree to disagree with grace. That’s healthy arguing. How do I know that? So glad you asked. In 1st Peter 3:15, we’re instructed to give our answers with gentleness and respect. Respect does not mean you agree with them; in fact, to truly respect someone is to be okay with the differences, and when it comes to any moral issues, remember Who has the camera into the heart; you and I don’t! Don’t spend positive time on negative thoughts-meaning don’t spend time figuring out how you can win someone over to your opinion no matter what the situation; just take the time to appreciate the differences. Thoughtfully, Kim-Evinda Tuesday Truthful Humor Welcome to Tuesday’s Truthful Humor where we pull truth from humor.
A man came through my lane at the grocery store with a jug of wine and a bouquet of roses. But before paying, he set the two items aside and said, “I’ll be right back.” He ran off, only to return a minute later with a second jug of wine and another bouquet of roses. “Two girlfriends?” I asked. “No,” he said. “Just one really angry one.” While this is a very nice gesture, owning what we do to anger those we love will carry us a lot further toward a healthy relationship…and might even save us some money! For more encouragement, go to and join our Facebook community at PS Don’t forget to join me for my Facebook Live S.O.A.R. part IV this Friday at 5:30. If you’ve ever been betrayed by someone you love, you won’t want to miss this live journey of healing and instruction. Be blessed Kim-Evinda |
September 2024