Faith Filled Friday’s We’ve all experienced our thoughts leading us to action, whether right or wrong, good or not so good, positive or negative. What we focus on determines our attitudes and actions. Today’s love letter is a great reminder of this. ~Love Letter~ My love, don't focus your attention on what is seen but on what is unseen, for what is seen is temporary, but the unseen realm is eternal. I know that the cares and pressures of this life seem overwhelming, with your attention pulled in every direction, but I say, "step back!" Enter your place of rest that says, "My God is taking care of me!" Doesn't My Word say that while your prayer is still in your mouth, I will answer you? Come and spend time with Me for your peace, your power comes from being filled with Me. Oh My child, there is such peace, such rest in My Presence. Desire a greater intimacy that only comes through spending time with Me. Come away with Me, letting go of everything that would pull you this way or that way. Beloved, enter into My garden, walk with Me, talk with Me, for you are precious in My sight and you are My very own. ~DebraDolce
Wednesdays WOW A Little Doubt Goes A Long Way! “But let him ask in faith, with no doubting for he who doubts is like a wave in the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in ALL (emphasis added) in his ways.” James 1:7-8 Have you ever been going through something…for a long time and finally look up and ask “Why can’t you just make it stop? Why can’t you just heal me? Why do you have to allow this?” “Why can’t you just change them?” And then you read a scripture like James 1:7-8! Don’t you just want to throw up your hands in frustration? I mean, maybe I’m the only one here, but if I hear one more person say focus on God and not on your situation, I think I’ll…never mind. 😊 Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. J J Those spiritual subliminal messages from those who “care” can really do more damage than good, but I’m so glad that His principles and promises are there to guide us to the truth and they are ours for the asking. So why hasn’t my marriage been healed…yet? Could it be that there is a tiny seed of doubt within somewhere that is clogging up the process? I got to thinking about this the other day: Have I been so bound by my terror of another failed marriage that I have demanded my own way of healing…involving no pain? As I allowed that conviction to work its way down into my heart, I knew it had to be true for there were no clogs and the conviction landed quite comfortably, making me humbly uncomfortable! When I read these verses, my heart absorbed their painful truth and I was reminded of what I had learned years ago about a mustard seed of faith, which talks about not just the size but mostly the purity of our faith. (A mustard seed is the only seed that cannot be cross-pollinated!) As that truth collided with these words, I was amazed at how quickly a little doubt could come in and infect our faith. And then to read that if I doubt my God, His sovereignty, His provision and protection in just one area of my life, I am unstable in ALL my ways! Oh, Mylanta, but I don’t want to be considered unstable in any of my ways. How about you? Is there any area of your life that is requiring a doubt-check? Oh, friend, a little doubt can go a long way in inhibiting our faith. May I encourage you to feed your faith and starve your doubts this week…and next…and every tomorrow! Love, Kim-Evinda Mondays Message Overexposed
Overworked Overheard Over the need to maintain the status quo Keep up with Jones Stay home Don’t go Work more Show more But who are we actually doing it for? For those of our own image? For this world that we live in? Or for the One who created it all? The One who took the fall Giving up His life so we can receive the prize But are we listening for His call? Or are we plummeting to our own downfall? Why don't we press pause Slow down our running to a walk Allowing ourselves to listen and not just talk Be okay with life's interruptions Because that is where the true love is In the moments we don't see forthcoming But end up being the chances to take To turn into something Something better than this empty heartache The missing piece in His perfect puzzle All He asks is to stop the hustle Slow down your pace Because this life is not a race Keep your heart open A simple moment of pause can bring so much love in Trust this Trust Him Do you ever feel like you are running here and running there, or in circles? Would your direction change or the chaos subside if you stopped, dropped and just prayed? Asked Him for help and/or invited Him into your craziness?Sometimes all we need to do is just breathe in His presence, like spiritual yoga. 😉
Love Letter~ My dear one, don't be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before Me with overflowing gratitude. Tell Me every detail of your life, then My wonderful peace that transcends human understanding, will make the answers known to you through Me, Jesus Christ. How wonderful this promise is, that through My peace your answers will be made known. My peace is an amazing thing. As you rest in Me you will begin to see things more clearly. What an advantage you have compared to the world around you. Come and spend time with Me, talk to Me like your closest friend, for I am closer than a brother. Breathe deep as you sit in My Presence and let My Spirit revive and rejuvenate you, filling you with My strength and with My ability. Beloved, ask and you shall receive that your joy may be full. ~DebraDolce I was going thru my bookcase the other day, trying to re-organize and clean at the same time. I let go of a heavy sigh as I picked up book after book that I had started but never finished. Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United and Kim-Evinda. Each of the unfinished books had fulfilled a need at the time I began them, were part of a season I was in, but for some unknow reason, I was either satisfied and no longer in that season, or I just got distracted and moved on to something else and then there’s the possibility that I just forgot about the book…the latter is the most likely. 😉 Each of them are faith-based, replete with very relevant and encouraging for the Christian sojourner. I started to let myself slip onto that slippery slope of condemnation, beating myself up, asking myself, why haven’t you finished this one? And what about this one? With each one I picked up and placed, the frustration increased, like air being forced into a helium balloon until…pop! About five minutes into this self-beating, while cleaning and polishing with vigor, I stopped. I counted them: one…two…three…four…five…six…seven…eight! Eight books I had started over the last couple of years and did not complete. I arranged them all together on my shelf closest to my writing chair and determined that this would be the year that those suckers got read! Why? Because I just can’t put them away until I complete them. I can’t stand unfinished business. As I determined this within my soul, I had a thought: God never leaves anything unfinished. What He starts, He finishes! That made me smile and the condemnation was wiped away, almost as if the balloon had been popped and the air suddenly let out with one poof. I am so glad that He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it until I see Him in eternity. (Phil 1:6paraphrased.) A good work…all of these unfinished books had been part of the good work He is doing in me and I know they will be part of His good work in me this year. I’m so thankful that what He starts He finishes and He will help me to do the same. Is there anything unfinished in your life? Ask the Greatest Finisher for some help! Love, Kim-Evinda I hope you know I see you I see you chasing your dreams This thing you call freedom A place you long to be But can’t you see? With Me you are already free You are free from this world You are free from you sins That love you feel Comes from within Not from the devices You hide your life in Be free Because you are Sit still & breathe Because you can Spend time with Me Because I AM I am the author The finisher Of your faith The One who has paved your way A road full of twists and turns But I’ve always held your hand When the fire burns So why don’t you stop chasing Take a minute Sit down Start praying Look at my Word The verses coming to life off the leather bound book All you need to do is open up your eyes Look Look deeper into who I have created you to be Not this human chasing false freedom indefinitely Instead believe Believe you are already FREE Show the world what it takes to be truly seen You must follow me Wholeheartedly Then you will find the freedom you seek Faith Filled Friday’s Have you ever been afraid to be around someone for whatever reason? Or known someone that has? What if we were to take God at His word and approach Him with confidence, looking to Him for love and acceptance? Today’s love letter is a great reminder of living life loved.Thanks for joining us for Faith Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United.
~Love Letter~ My bride, love never brings fear, for fear is always related to punishment. But love's perfection drives the fear of punishment far from your heart. Whoever walks constantly afraid of punishment has not reached love's perfection. As you sit in your quiet time with Me, take some inventory of your life and register the areas where fear is keeping you from performing at your best. Is it school, a ministry, a promotion that's been offered? What is holding you back? Fear is a hard taskmaster, one that wants more and more of your mind, spirit and body. Fear is crippling, but My love casts out ALL fear. Come and just sit in My Presence, soaking up My love. Let it be your recreation time while you build yourself up in your most holy faith. Beloved, speak Scriptures, sing the Psalms with praise, make melody in your heart and let My love embrace you. ~DebraDolce Wednesday’s Word It’s that time of year where I can easily get caught up in shopping; I mean after all, every store you shop has “CLEARANCE” and “WHILE SUPPLIES LAST” signs everywhere. How can a girl not get sucked in! Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Evinda Lepins and Trench Classes United. Seriously, don’t we all run to the sales, whether it be online, the grocery store, outlet stores, department stores…Stores! Stores! Stores! It blows my mind when I rewind the camera of my life and see me shopping, my mouth open wide in shock as I stare at a pair of white jeans marked down to $4.50, and a dress marked down to $7, and on and on and on. How can I not, I say to myself! And before I know it, my arms are filled with all these things that I just thought I had to have. It’s easy to get sucked in, isn’t it? I mean I better hurry up and buy them before someone else gets them, right? 😊 😊 Last Sunday, a day after one of those type of shopping incidents, our pastor was speaking about encounters with God. It was a powerful message, and a wonderful church service. I felt so empowered, encouraged and energized spiritually, emotionally and physically. It satisfied my soul in such a way that…oh my goodness, in such a way that all the “CLEARANCE” and “GET IT WHILE SUPPLIES LAST” shopping sprees could not ever do. I mean I felt such euphoria, like I could just dance with joy, and that stayed with me awhile, inspiring this very thought: There are things that never go on sale and yet…the supply is endless and there’s enough for everyone, and there’s only one Manufacturer…Jesus! Grace, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness…yes these are the things I want to pursue more enthusiastically this year, especially knowing that they never run dry and there’s enough for everyone…enough for me and enough for me to share as long as I am abiding in and with the Manufacturer. Oh, to pursue the things that never go on sale, things I’ll never find on the clearance rack, things that will give contentment that money can’t buy…even half as much as I chase those sales! 😊 Love, Kim-Evinda Monday’s Message
Stuck In the mud Giving up This season of life will tarry you But the Lord, your God will carry you Always preparing you For what is to come You know not But you are here willing to give it your best shot And it’s a simple as that But maybe not Blindly walking into somewhere He is pulling you Comes with a fight completely new to you Have you laced up your shoes? This one’s coming at you full force It’s not waiting for you to light the torch Get ready Stay steady Press on For this battle is long The hill & valleys you cannot foresee Always be vigilant with whom you keep company You may trip, you may fall Who will be there to hear your call? Your battle cry Your plans spun around, taken by surprise And you ask yourself “Who am I?” Who am I to be His soldier? Who am I to remove this boulder? To climb this mountain and make it to the top I must trek on My foot may slip Losing grip Grip with reality Would He be proud of me? Yes, He is calling Yes, He is nudging And through the mud you keep trudging Trudge along For this battle is long But He hears your fight song Sing on “For I consider that the sufferings of the present life are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us!” Romans 8:18 FAITH-FILLED FRIDAY Does your faith falter in times of trouble? This love letter is sure to help you. Thanks for joining us for Faith Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United.
Love Letter~ My child, when your faith remains strong, even while surrounded by life's difficulties, you will continue to experience My untold blessings! True happiness comes as you pass the test with faith, and receive the victorious crown of life promised to every lover of Me, your God! Do not become disheartened, but believe in Me, for the same Spirit that rose Me from the dead lives in you. Meditate on this, use your imagination to see yourself overcoming obstacles the enemy throws at you. That is why memorizing My Word is so important for you. Sometimes you need My Word like a machine gun to fill his schemes full of holes. Sometimes you need My Word like a battering ram to keep hammering away at it. Remember My Word says after having done all to stand, then stand! Beloved, being still and resting in Me is one of your greatest joys |
February 2025