FAITH-FILLED FRIDAY Life is a process, but we must stay in the process to experience the progress.
Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. This “Love Letter” is a great reminder that we are never alone, but have the gift of His Word and the companionship of His Spirit in this journey called life. ~Love Letter~ My Child, now is the time for you to progress beyond the basic message and advance into perfection. The foundation has already been laid for you to build upon: turning away from your dead works to embrace faith in Me, your God. It is an exciting time for you. Through My enablement, you will move on to deeper truths. This is the close of one season and the beginning of another. Be prepared to let go of things that I point out for they will become a hindrance to you. In this transition time don't allow your heart to grow dull or lose your enthusiasm because this is only the beginning of what I have for those who love and serve Me. Let your dedication to Me push you forward. When things are hard, hold onto My Word. Plant yourself in the middle of all My promises and do not be moved, not to the left or to the right. Continually come into My Presence so that My glory will rest upon you. I've taught you to fight in different ways so stay true to those lessons and continue to fight so that you may receive the victor's crown. Beloved, give Me first fruits as you walk in all My ways. ~DebraDolce
THURSDAY TRUTHFUL HUMOR Have you ever caught yourself being overly critical of others? Do you realize that more often than not that is as a result of unresolved guilt/shame? Let me try and give you a humorous example:
This lady goes to her pastor and says, “I won’t be attending church anymore!” “Why,” he asked? “Well, I see people on their cell phones during service; I’ve heard gossiping and some, well they just ain’t living right; they’re all a bunch of hypocrites!” Pastor got silent and then says, “Okay. But can I ask you to do something for me before you make your final decision?” “What’s that?” “Take a glass of water and walk around this church two times and don’t let any water fall out of the glass.” “Why yes, I can do that.” And, so, she goes and does it and returns a half hour later. Pastor asked her three questions: “Did you see anybody on their phone? Did you hear anybody gossiping? Was anyone being a hypocrite?” “Well, I didn’t see anything because I was so focused on this glass and making sure the water didn’t drip out.” Pastor was quiet for a moment, cleared his throat and said, “that focused on God so that you don’t fall. That’s why Jesus said follow me! Don’t let your relationship with God be determined by how others related with God let it be determined by how focused you are on God.” Join us in a trench near you to learn how to Live Forgiven and Forgiving! Forgiven and Forgiving Kim-Evinda WEDNESDAY WORD She shook her head as people frantically hurried toward the VIP line. Not to judge a book by its cover, but some of them looked like “VIP’s” and some didn’t. She recoiled inwardly as she thought about what VIP stood for, very important person.
Thanks for joining us today for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Just a couple weeks after flying home from filming Living Forgiven & Forgiving ©, I decided to give a call to an undisclosed person, I’ll say, to try and reconnect and catch up. This person is difficult to get close to, but I continue to try and build the bridge, let’s say. It was after I hung up with this person that I realized why I usually hesitate to reach out: their words always involved their accomplishments, but this time, they included status. They were so excited to now be part of the million-mile club…for life; therefore, being treated as a VIP! Oh, but that wasn’t all. Not only were they considered a VIP on the plane, “which means I get to be the first one on that plane,” they added, now they had lifetime VIP status at a hotel chain! In other words, every time they travelled, that hole in the heart would be filled…at least temporarily. When we hung up, I felt a mixture of emotions: sad, because this person was trying to fill that VIC hole with VIP status versus allowing themselves to be a VIC (Very important child [of God]) and allowing God to be the VIP (Very important parent)! Humility washed over me as well as I thought: haven’t I done the same all those years before allowing God to be my Abba Daddy? So full of myself I couldn’t see how empty I really was? Friend, we are all VICs, very important children to our Heavenly Father, and when we really accept that “title,” no other status really matters. 😊 Humbled, Kim-Evinda TUESDAY TRENCH TRUTH Do you have someone you haven’t forgiven for something, including yourself?
Here’s the trench truth you can learn and live in our next trench: Unforgiveness keeps us handcuffed to ourselves, and/or the one we haven’t forgiven. Is that a way to live life? Join us in a trench near you for Living Forgiven & Forgiving. Forgiven & forgiving Kim-Evinda MONDAY MESSAGE Did you know God always has a light on for you?
Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. What a great poem of hope to remind our souls that even in the darkest of times, Hope is always accessible. There’s a light there Like the illumination of the full spring moon Trying to peek around the dark morning clouds Waiting to come out To be anew But the clouds hover around Surrounding Drowning A light that could be so bold and speak so loudly But like a city on a hill That light cannot be put out Once proud It crashed down Once standing on its own Now left utterly alone Because that light was meant to be shone This dark world held it in a chokehold Grasping its throat Until its body broke Nothing left but bare, dry bones But those dry bones Still held on to a small glimmer of hope Knowing that they were never really left all alone Being torn by their own discord Now the question was - Will they awaken to this new life they are being offered to take place in? Or, will they stay left under Left alone to an endless, dark slumber Wake up dear light This is your chance To make a stand and fight “ You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14 ~Abigail Rice Faith-Filled Friday Love Letter~
My dear one, just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's clever lies, your thoughts may be corrupted, and you may lose your single–heart devotion and pure love for Me. Now is the time to purify yourself. Bring everything, especially your raging thoughts, bring them to Me. Practice being at rest so that you can clearly see what you can lay before Me. There is nothing too hard for Me but neither do I overstep your will. Continually check your thoughts bringing them into subjection to the Holy Spirit, just like the Scripture says. Search the Scriptures, know My Word, put it into practice and walk in all My ways. Remember, I sent you the comforter and He will help you in all things, He will guide you into all truth, if you let Him. He will reveal things to you, as you learn to listen. You just don't understand how much I am for you, how much I am with you, right smack dab in the middle of all your mess. I take you all dirty, messed up and broken but I will not leave you there. Beloved, right away I begin the process of healing, which is a washing. Oh, I'm so glad you're here! ~DebraDolce Thursday Trench Truth Do you resist spending time with family for any reason? If you were to be honest with yourself, are you critical of others and/or do you get embarrassed of others’ behaviour, especially those closest to you? Please, consider joining us in a trench near you to learn how to live forgiven and forgiving! Wednesday Word “Okay, let’s take our lunch break. Off the record.” She quickly made the corrections to a file that she had turned in that morning, X’d out of it and waited for the screen to return to her current job…the screen was blank?! She stared at the screen, her eyes searching up and down through every file. She panicked; “Where’s my file, Lord?” Her eyes told her it was gone!
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Have you ever experienced a sense of panic, whatever the situation may be? Today’s blog is a great example of how to move from panic to prayer to praise and not let panic overtake you. I hadn’t spent my “normally self-required” time with Abba, and I was on the record earlier than usual after a restless night’s sleep. The job I was reporting was a tough one speed-wise (up to 280 words per minute!) and to add to the arrows of frustration, I received a text and email from my office, while on the record, letting me know about an error on a transcript I had just turned in. And then another text about another circumstance that had an “immediate response needed”! Sooo, after fixing the errors on the transcript I had sent earlier, I closed the file. I was fully expecting my current file’s screen to be there after closing the other one…but that was not the case. In fact, I searched for five minutes for that file. IT WASN’T THERE and I had looked EVERYWHERE!! Full-blown panic tried to take over as I realized all my work of building that job’s personal dictionary was lost, all the fixing of the untranslated text. I tried taking deep breaths, but then I remembered the two times I had dropped a chunk of words. It was just too much. My search continued for a good 15 minutes of my 30-minute lunch. I texted a friend asked her to pray; I prayed, and told God, I need that file back, God.” I got up and took a break, played with my fur baby, grabbed a piece of lunchmeat and cheese and a couple crackers, headed back to my office to begin creating a new file; daring myself to just put it behind me as a huge mistake because of all I was dealing with. Suddenly I saw it, 041222PMK, it was back! My file had been restored, as if it hadn’t left and I, once again, for the millionth time, knew my Heavenly Father had provided and protected me. How do I know it was Him and not just a stupid error on my part? Because the file was in a different order than it had been originally within my other files. 😊 It was like He was letting me know, He was there with me, everywhere, 24/7, even in my computer. Friend, can I encourage you to cross the bridge of panic by walking thru prayer over to praise?! Love, Kim-Evinda Tuesday Trench Truth Do you have someone you haven’t forgiven for something, even yourself? Are you critical of others? These are just two of the things we will explore in Living Forgiven & Forgiving, coming to a trench near you. Monday Message Would you ever go up to someone who was sitting there writing and take their pen/pencil out of their hand? Of course not! 😊
Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. Today’s poem is a refreshing reminder that His Spirit in us is always in charge of the story…as long as we don’t take the pen out of His hand… What if this breaking of me Is just the working of the Holy Spirit taking shape in me My flesh utterly resisting This new life He wishes to put into me BUT… What if it’s just the enemy Finding a crevice & forcing its darkness into me Taking over my mind making me feel nothing but defeat All because I couldn’t see the snake lurking at my feet I guess only time will tell But for now we must determine Which story to dispel While the war rages on It is simply our job To eat the frog and will that frog be The Prince? Taking you along a not so classic hero's journey Climbing up mountains Trekking through the darkest valleys Being tossed by the sea All for this search of pure happiness & peace Granted only by the power of the Holy Spirit planting a seed OR… Do I follow my flesh Ignore the pestilence Coiling around my feet Seeping its venom into every last ounce of me As I accept this feeling of unending defeat So which will it be? Either way it won’t be easy But neither is believing You just have to decide Which is worth your eternal life? ~Abigail Rice |
January 2025