Thursday’s Truth Join our Facebook page for encouragement in the journey
Wednesday’s Word Have you ever been asked a question that you couldn’t answer?
Welcome to Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. Grab your favorite break-time beverage and come on in for a few moments. Sometimes when we respond to questions, it’s like we’re on automatic, but have you ever been asked a question that pulled you out of auto pilot and made you stop and think? I have one of those for you today – actually, it comes from His Word, but before I get there, let’s lay a foundation. So here we are, getting ready to turn the corner toward the second month of the year…already! Looking back at this month, determining if I’m on course towards the goals I have set for myself, I am humbled as I realize there’s this revived inner strength, this desire which fuels my discipline, which increases my determination to reach those goals. How did I get here? Who helped me get to where I am? JESUS! I shake my head in wonder, realizing it’s really quite simple: just plug in to my source…daily, and He will keep me on track! Why, oh why do we complicate things, pulling away, inch by inch until suddenly, we’re UNPLUGGED! So before I ask you this question, imagine that it’s just you and Jesus in your quiet time. You are sitting still, being still, inviting Him into your moments. You begin to ask God to show you how to stay plugged in to Him; you even dare to ask Him what’s interfering with the connection. He begins to stir your heart, and things rise to your thoughts. All is still and you cannot deny that it’s Him in your midst and you feel this tender love, this acceptance like you have never felt before. He speaks your thoughts and then He asks you: “Do you want to be made well”? What is your answer? See, Jesus asked this question of a man who was crippled by some infirmity for 38 years! (Luke 6:46) The Word doesn’t tell us how or why he was unable to walk, what infirmity he had but I love that it does tell us he had been this way for 38 years. Friend, It’s never too late to be made well, whatever the infirmity. Oftentimes it’s our own limited beliefs that prevent us from being made well. So let me ask you again, Friend, how do you respond to this question? What or who is preventing you from picking up, carrying on and following Jesus with your whole heart that you would be made well? Is the “who” you? When you are staying connected to The Source, He will reveal to you the what that is holding you back from the “you” you were intended to be, the places He wants to send you, the plans He has for your life. Is it your diet, your relationships, social media, finances, your thought life? Take a moment and be still; allow Him to help you reveal what it is that you can answer yes to His question, “do you want to be made well?” He is who makes you whole. Love, Kim-Evinda Tuesday’s Truth Join our Facebook page for encouragement in the journey
Love, Kim-Evinda Monday’s Message Today I woke up and my first thought was: “this is going to suck,” rolling out of bed feeling the dread of my to-do list and not feeling 100% me.
As human beings we easily let this feeling affect our entire day, and as a consequence of staying in that feeling, we end up being late; we moan, groan, and complain. Why? Simply because our body and heart and mind are not in one accord, and we let that feeling take control of our entire day. That is a feeling we must retaliate against. We were created to be free. We were created to feel warmth and grace and radiate His light to others in need. In reality, most of us have the “me” mentality. When everything seems to be going wrong and the day just simply cannot get any worse; how can we reverse? Simple: Pray. But what if I don’t have time in the day? The real question is Retaliation says: “When will I make the time to pray?” You don’t need a secret shelter, a prayer pillow or anything else to pray. You simply need you, yourself, and His grace. So take the time to stop what you are doing and simply pray. Pray for a way to make your day great. Pray for His light to shine in you that you may shine on for others. Pray because you have faith, faith that it will be okay; faith that He is the Way, The Truth and The Light that you cannot wait to radiate. Today I woke up dreading the day. The last thing I had “time” to do was pray, but I chose not to let my morning feelings get in the way. I took my time, sat down at my table and simply prayed. and today…well, today has turned out to be the best day. I am who I am Because He created me to be Unique Fully me Embraced by the weight of eternity Knowing that His Kingdom Is my one and only freedom My hope His glory Forever imploring The endless Boundless Reckless Feeling of His grace & mercy Forever loving Forgiving as He listens while we pray. Love, Abigail Faith-filled Friday Love letter…
My precious one, I said wait upon Me expecting your breakthrough for My Word brings you hope. Be tenacious, like Jacob, and don't let go of Me or My Word. Sink your teeth in, as they say, and do not let go. When you feel yourself getting overwhelmed, come to the Rock that is higher than you, a place where you can empty yourself of all the cares and concerns flying all around you, for those are only distractions to pull you away from your peace and your joy. Remember how the enemy came to Eve and said, "Did God really say"? He does the same to you. At every turn he throws doubt and distraction at you that causes you to question. But I say, be tenacious, guard your heart, protect your ears from the negativity. Be aware of the enemy’s attacks to steal, to kill and to destroy. Beloved, My Word is your weapon that will refute any and every attempt of the enemy and you can come and rest in Me. Love, Your Rock…thru Debra Thursday’s Truth If you’d like to learn how to be free from that frustration, and turn foe into friend, click the link below:
In the meantime join our Facebook community @ Love, Kim-Evinda Wednesday’s Word As we approached the hill, I looked up and froze in fear thinking: There is no freaking way we can make it up that hill!
Thanks for joining me for Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. Come on in for an experience that turned out to be one of my most rewarding and most fun adventures of my life. Brian, the driver of the Razor we were in, didn’t seem to be phased. In fact, quite the opposite proved to be true about him that entire four-day weekend. He paused only for a few seconds to analyze the hill and then, before I could scream PLEASE DON’T, he pushed the petal to the metal and off we went. He and the Razor attacked that hill with a gusto that held absolutely no fear, the engine boosting confidence backed with all of Brian’s past experiences of the hills of Ocotillo Wells. To say I was white-knuckling it is an understatement. I kept my eyes closed as this amazing hill-climbing, rock-climbing, fearless vehicle, and driver, powered up this half-mile hill as if it were a spider on a leisurely walk, stretching its legs with the upmost of pleasure…that is until I felt us coming to the very tip of the hill and I dared to open them. What I saw made me gasp in immediate shock. I had to close them again…immediately as I could not see, or feel for that matter, any solid ground once we crested the top of the hill. The only way I can think to describe it is being in/on a roller-coaster suspended in midair with only gravity holding you. It was such a frightening and Adrenalin rush all at the same time! All of a sudden I heard him say, “Oh, shoot,” and I felt the sharp right turn he made. He pulled to the edge of the hill we had just climbed and we all got out. We walked toward the crest where he had made that sharp hill and immediately realized that had he not made that right, we would have gone off what turned out to be a cliff, about 40 feet down! We immediately warned our friends who were beginning to make the climb, flagging them to make a sharp right turn immediately at the top, which they did and we all gathered on that hill in victory. As I reflect back on this most exhilarating and exciting weekend filled with many more moments like this, I can’t help but equate it to the journey of life: Life is often an upward climb but how we attack it, stick to the course and practice our faith determines our outcome, our victory to prepare us for the next climb. And in those moments of celebration and victory, we rejoice. But when we make a wrong turn, yes, there’s pain and suffering, but lessons to be learned that will take us to the next mountain, climbing it with more strength, wisdom and confidence in The One who carries us to the top until we reach the last mountain and land…beautifully and safely in our Father’s arms. Yes, we can do ALL things, climb all those mountains, through Christ who strengthens us! Phil 4:13 Thoughtfully, Kim-Evinda Tuesday’s Truth Join us to learn how to overcome that lie, surrender to His serenity and not wander from Him.
Click the link below to learn more In the meantime join our Facebook community @ Love, Kim-Evinda Monday’s Message Happy Monday and thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Trench Classes United and Abigail. Come on in for a sweet message from a newly-married wife to her husband.
I had an inclination to write this for AJ one day at work. It came randomly but I also knew he was struggling and starting to feel very depressed. As a wife, we will never know the burdens our husband carries, and as a husband, he will never know the pressure we are under. No matter the pain, the pressure, or the stress you are enduring. But as a married couple, you are one, enduring together thru the same exact things – just in different ways. Marriage is teaching me to take a step back, pray, and ask the Lord to guide my way. He may just nudge you to say or write the right thing. When you’re depressed I’m around When you are feeling down Look around Feel my presence In this is a lesson A lesson to drop everything Just leave it be Your worries are never bigger than Me I am the only One who can meet your needs Give them to Me Kneel before me, all feelings pouring It’s okay Human nature will always get in the way But I have created you And it is I who will sustain you Come to me... Leave the pressures and your daily stressors They may be here today, but gone tomorrow or within the hour I have met your every need Listen to me Feel my presence Time is of the essence But timing is My message For you to live in patience Loving this gracious gift of Life Love Peace and feeling my presence Be fearless in your endeavors Find your passion and Your hands and heart will thank you forever Your life is a blessing Hugging you close to me… your Creator Faith-filled Fridays Do you look for opportunities to bless others or allow the opportunities to pass you by? Enjoy Debra’s love letter today and may it encourage you to expand your peripheral vision of your heart.
Good morning My blessed child. If you know of an opportunity to do the right thing today, yet you refrain from doing it, you're guilty of sin. I desire that you practice doing the right thing, making a conscious decision to take every opportunity that becomes available to you. You could even make opportunities. See, as you ask Me, I will show you who you could encourage, maybe even call somebody to pray with and for. Nobody will turn down the opportunity to receive prayer or something needed. People's lives are full of struggles and complex issues and you could simplify their lives by being My hands and feet. Spend time with Me each morning that you are sensitive to My leading and make yourself available that when I say "go here or go there," you will go. Beloved, a father takes pleasure in his obedient child, one that is sure-footed, one that is dependable, one that is full of faith and walks the walk of a righteous person, one that obeys My Word and shares Me with those around them. Be ready for the next opportunity Debra |
January 2025