Wednesday’s Word In the midst of all the pain, a light of truth shown so brightly that it paused the darkness named sorrow and suffering, and suddenly clarity came, out of nowhere, rendering me yet again humbled.
Thanks for joining me for Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. Have you ever been so focused on what someone has done to hurt you that you had no idea you had a part in it? To step out of our own pain and pray for understanding is one of the hardest, but most rewarding spiritual exercises I have experienced. How do we step out of our own pain? Change our focus, and for many of us, that’s not so easy, at least for me it’s not. Proverbs 3:5 tells us to lean not on our own understanding… I recently spent an entire night praying with a heart that cried out for help, asking my Heavenly Father to hold me and to reveal my part in a very painful situation. I had been so immersed in and blinded by my own pain, I just knew I had to do something different, so instead of sitting in my pain, focusing on my right to be mad, hurt, and angry, I changed my focus. I didn’t ask Him to change the other person; I begged Him to reveal my part. Notice I didn’t run from my pain, as many of us are tempted to do. Society teaches us that we shouldn’t feel pain; we should only do what makes us happy. Why is that false? Because pain and sorrow can bring understanding, but only if we change our focus to the One whose plan is to help us, lift us up and out of ourselves that we may learn from the pain. In other words, sometimes it takes pain to learn a lesson, to discover more about ourselves, to cut away that which needs to go that we may become more like our Creator. My daughter-in-love gave me a beautiful word in the midst of this situation that emphasizes what I’m trying to share here: What we focus on expands. What is it I wish to expand? My pain or His plan? My heart now rejoices knowing my Father is so invested in expanding my understanding while diminishing my pain, bringing me more clarity that I would walk in victory thru this difficult season. Love, Kim-Evinda
Wednesday’s Word Did you know that you qualify as a witness? Yep, that’s right, a witness to what He has done for you, not what you have done!
“To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood and has made us kings and priests” – witnesses –to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever.” (Rev. 1:5) Thanks for joining me for Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. As a court reporter, I have reported many types of witnesses, for example, hostile witnesses which are those who are angry at being called to testify about what they’ve seen, heard or experienced. There are third-party witnesses, those who say he said/she said, in other words, gossipers or unrelated parties. There are those, what I call, unprepared witnesses, those whose answers are 90% of the time “I don’t remember or “I don’t recall,” or “I don’t know. Then there are expert witnesses, those called because of their expertise in the subject that the attorneys are there to fight about. But the most common witness is the percipient witness, or an eyewitness. This is a witness who testifies about what he/she actually has seen, perceived with their own senses. As I was reading John’s first letter to the churches and to all of us, this thought hit me: if we all qualify as witnesses for Christ, what kind of witness are we? Are we the hostile witness, angry at or with God because of a tragedy and our need to understand everything? Do we tend to slip down the slippery slope of gossip in the name of “prayer,” acting as a witness to someone’s misfortune or bad choice, or talking about our own mountains, making them bigger and bigger instead of looking to our Mountain Mover? Are we so focused on others that we are a third-party to our own walk and relationship with God? Or are we the type of witness who forgets all He has done for us, allowing our troubles to outweigh His triumphs in our lives, forgetting our attitude of gratitude? Or are you an expert witness, one who professes their faith and lives it and is paid by His provision, protection and promises, and guided by His principles? Oh, how I want to leave a legacy that says she lived what she believed and she was so in love with Jesus that many considered her an expert in her faith, walking by His grace. Love, Kim-Evinda Wednesday’s Word It was that time again, time to gather and pay bills. This is not my favorite time of the month but it does bring a few things to the surface…
Thanks for joining me for Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. As I was pulling all of the bills out and beginning to record them in the register, both online and hard copy – I know who does that anymore? I do! 😊 Anyway, there are times when it gets to be a bit overwhelming, and this was one of those times, where there was almost too much month compared to our money. I glanced thru the two credit card statements and conviction washed over me as I realized I didn’t even remember what half of the Amazon charges were for! That’s a problem. I thought back to when I had gone on a spending fast and realized it was time to do that again, to be content with all that we have instead of reaching for more. I determined in my heart to pay off the credit cards, only keep one, and truly go for the whole debt-free thing…but then again, rising utilities, house payment, HOA fees, car insurance, health insurance, life insurance, insurance for insurance 😊 😊 it all adds up, and let’s not forget about gas for the car to get to work to pay for it all. As if pulled out of a trance, the words of a worship song that was playing beckoned me to look up and let go and just press in to the truth that Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe…and I remembered where my provision comes from, financially, physically, emotionally and spiritually and that with His help we would get it all paid. Just as sin leaves a crimson stain, spending can leave us with remorse. Thank you Father that You paid it all and will continue to be my provider, my protector. Love, Kim-Evinda Wednesday’s Word Have you ever tried to make sense of a tragedy? You are going to really enjoy Wednesday’s Word with Jenn. Grab your Bible, a journal and come on in for a little break from it all.
For years now I have been trying to make sense of why trials and tragedies come when the Bible speaks so often of 'no harm shall befall you' or ' My plans are only for good' You know the verses I am talking about. I have narrowed it down to evil of course, and the free will God has given us. Yet, we humans often blame God for the bad that happens as well as attribute the good. Well, this week, several things happened to cause me to think deeper. I read this in a study I am doing.. "Life happens on life's terms" In other words, there is so much that is not under anyone's control. There are consequences for actions or choices; there is free will. The devil is out to cause chaos and hurt…and all this is allowed. God isn't a puppeteer, He allows life to be. What He DOES do, is come into my story if I ask Him. He promises never to leave or forsake me, as well as to work all things to my good if I love Him. This takes faith in Who He is. If I don't know who He is, this is going to be harder for me to understand. The other day I had an acquaintance, someone I hardly know, call me and tell me she'd like to be a support for me and was wondering how she can do that. She told me she understands my heart and wants to be a friend. There is no blatant reason she should do's purely from God in my opinion. The Word says that 'every perfect gift is from the Father above". This gift came at a perfect time, when I was being torn down in another area, so how can it not be from a God who knows my need and cares? I can give God the thanks and the glory for the good that comes into my life ..because He is looking out for me. Jenn Wednesday’s Word Oh, I just love hearing, seeing the revelations of others! Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United and our guest blogger, Jenn Woolsey! I sense you will truly relate and enjoy today’s word! A couple weeks ago, we painted V's room. Some of you may have seen the before and after pictures. The room is still in progress, but it's been fun. I've been reflecting on this project and I've realized something. I like the process of taking a mess and making it better. My whole house is a work in progress. In fact, it has been from the beginning.
In my job, I enjoy the patients who are a challenge. I like to see the improvement in someone who comes in with gum disease, leaves with clean teeth and the opportunity to keep improving. I enjoy putting things in order. I like encouraging others to stay on their course. This is what God does for me. He takes my mess. He's in the business of putting my life in order. He sees in me what can be…not what is. Through all the plot twists of life, He is creating something beautiful. Some of it remains to be seen…and won't be totally done until He comes back. Thank God He doesn't leave me in a torn down state. "...being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6 Jenn Wednesday’s Word Have you ever been involved in a self-made pity party and God showed up?
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. Come on in for a relatable experience. I was knee-deep in my self-made pity party, overwhelmed by hills of situations that suddenly looked like mountains. I began looking at reasons why I should just throw in the towel, not bother to climb yet another mountain and I started to voice those reasons in the form of questions, crying out, Lord, what am I missing? Why, oh why is this taking so long? Why, Lord, is so and so getting recognized like that? Why is that organization receiving funding? Why does this person and that person have so many followers? Why does ministry have to be so hard? Suddenly my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and was shocked, to say the least, because in the back of my mind I kept hearing this prompting to call her and ask for prayer. Without boring you with the details of the conversation, let me just say that it definitely lifted my countenance and encouraged my soul by reminding me that I was not in this alone. It was like a splash of water on a fire self-started with my playing with pity. In other words, the fire wasn’t completely out; there were still embers burning in my heart, but at least it wasn’t raging and threatening to destroy what God has done in me and through me. Within an hour there was another huge piece of encouragement, a much-needed and unexpected donation. I got another splash of water a few hours later through another phone call from someone who offered to step up and help with a real sad situation, someone who isn’t even on our team! I knew these were God-incidents and not just a coincidence. The embers of doubt and self-pity were slowly fading. As I was driving to my deposition the next day, the traffic slowed me down quite a bit and another prompting tugged on my heart. I pulled a handful of scriptures on 3x5 cards out of my console to feast upon. Don’t worry, I was paying attention to the road while testing my memory. This is a great way to distract your frustration in traffic, by the way. 😉 Surprise, surprise! God showed up again. 😊 What do you think was the first one that I read? Do not grow weary in doing good for in due time you shall reap if you do not lose heart! Gal 6:9 What a life preserver! And still yet, He hands me another: The Lord God is my strength; He makes my feet like deer’s feet; He makes me walk on my high hills. HAB. 3:19 Oh, how faithful He is to love me in my most unlovable moments, to show compassion and mercy as an answer to all my questions. If you’ve ever participated in a pity party, would you pray this prayer with me for yourself: “Oh, Abba, help me look to Your principles and promises to lift me up and out of my pity parties, to make my feet like deer’s feet that I would walk on the hills You placed before me and not grow weary of doing good, trusting You will bring the harvest forward in Your time.” Love, Kim-Evinda Wednesday’s Word I couldn’t wait to see what it would like, our entire downstairs tiled instead of carpeted after 14 years. The process was a bit painful, white dust rising to stick on everything everywhere, things coming off the walls, rooms of furniture rotated here and there to accommodate the tile setters, but room by room we were beginning to get the picture.
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. Come on in for a little break in your day. We actually left for a three day weekend, hoping that when we came home, it would be finished. It was, and it looked and looks amazing. It took a full day of cleaning and organizing to get the house back to “normal,” whatever that is, but our little four-legged babes are still looking for the carpet! 😊 😊 And not just because of its warmth, either, if you’re catching what I’m throwing! We were loving it…until a few days later when we realized that now we can see every single thing, including their paw prints!@%^&*(( What were we thinking? At least with the carpet, all I had to do was vacuum and I felt better, thinking it was clean. But now I’ve realized that it wasn’t. There was no way it would be really clean unless I were to vacuum every single day, and that didn’t happen nor will it ever happen 😊 It got me thinking that just like the carpet was covering up the dirt, things unseen, we tend to cover up insecurities in the same way: we post pretend lives on social media, chasing recognition and approval, or shopping to get the latest and greatest in home décor, car, clothes, jewelry, or going here, there and everywhere, in debt. Why? Could it be that Instead of looking to God for provision and approval, we look to each other in the name of comparison. Take a moment and pray this prayer with me: Abba, what insecurities lie hidden in me? What am I covering them up with? Father, take away the carpet of insecurities and reveal that which is not pleasing to you, that which needs to be exposed, cleansed and forgiven and learned from that I might move forward with my eyes on you and what I have, instead of others and what I don’t have. Love, Kim-Evinda Wednesday’s Word Psalm 141:3: “Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips.”
Have you ever walked into a room full of people or up to a group of “friends” and feel the tension as they become quiet with your appearance? You just know they’re talking about you, right? Maybe, maybe not! But nevertheless, it’s a horrible feeling. Thanks for joining me for Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. What do you feel when you hear/read the word gossip? Most people when asked that question say they don’t like it; they think it’s wrong. The funny thing is almost everyone does it…but I must say unconsciously because they’ve become immune to their own form of gossiping! The word gossip is a noun and means: “Idle talk, rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of another.” Hmmm, personal or private creates a conundrum with the use of social media, but still, anything we say about another, if it can’t be said in front of that same person, shouldn’t be said! When we gossip, it says more about us than about the one we’re talking about! Gossip is like alcohol, legal but deadly! It causes so much damage. Father, help us to live by the golden rule: If we don’t have nothing nice to say about another, let us say nothing at all. Set a guard, O Lord, over our mouths. Help us to keep watch over the door of our lips and practice saying nothing at all unless it edifies them and glorifies you. Learning and unlearning Kim-Evinda Wednesday’s Word Have you ever had one of those weeks where you felt as though you were juggling so many things that your brain would burst and surely something important would fall through the cracks? And when everything was all said and done, your body collapses but your mind keeps running around like mouse in training for a triathlon? It’s not a good feeling and the older I get, the more I dislike that craziness.
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. There is nothing like scripture to rein it all in, mind, body and emotions! And yet, scripture needs to be our first go-to daily in order to accomplish any and all things that we do throughout the day, whether you’re a mom of little ones, teenagers, or someone who has the freedom to enjoy volunteer work for a cause or causes, and then of course, if you’re married, maintaining that marriage in a way that we are called to. Philippians 4:13: says: I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me! But…why do we do all that we do? See, the truth is, we can get so busy being busy that we lose focus and when that happens, it’s time for a three-point balance check:
What we are doing reveals who/what we are pursuing! So as we move forward in this new year, remember when feeling overwhelmed, push the pause button and ask yourself: why am I doing what I’m doing for whom I am doing it? This will reveal if you are working WITH Abba or for Him! There truly is a difference! Love, Kim-Evinda Wednesday’s Word Life was never meant to be lived alone. Who’s on your team? Who will you walk and run this year’s race with?
Thanks for joining us for Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. So were you able to think of a couple of people who you normally reach out to and do life with…besides a significant other if you have one? Have you ever watched as runners approach the finish line? I’ll never forget the feeling of approaching the finish line to my first 10k race. The cheering and encouragement combined with the adrenaline spurred me on to not only reach that finish line, but to finish strong. Life can surely feel like a long never-ending marathon, miles of difficulties, challenges that cause incredible physical, emotional and even spiritual fatigue, twists and turns that create uncertainty, doubt, frustration. Why do we even attempt to do it alone? And then there are those moments in the race where we have much to celebrate, and should share with others on our team. Who do we rejoice with and how is it we celebrate the victories along the way? Did you know that God actually spoke those words, that it is not good for man/woman to be alone? Coffee Hour Friend, God predestined each one of us to be in relationship; to not isolate in times of trouble, to have others to rejoice with. The New Year is well on its way. Take a moment to pause, reflect and pray about your team; that when the 2019 finish line approaches, you finish strong. |
January 2025