Faith-Filled Friday Love Letter~
My blessed child, I will answer your cry for help every time you pray, and you will find and feel My Presence even in your time of pressure and trouble. I will be your glorious hero and give you a feast. Remember I said, I would prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies. I will be with you, I will help you through the pressure and times of trouble. Nothing is wasted in Me. I use every circumstance to make you more like Me. Come and spend time with Me, spend time in My Presence where My love flows freely, where you can rest in My peace, where you can receive My strength, where healing is made available, body, soul, and spirit. I desire you to be whole, so come and partake of Me and what I have planned just for you. Beloved, freely you have received so freely give, that your family and friends may be saved, healed and restored. Love, Debra
Wednesday’s Word Welcome back to When Faith Meets Suffering with Trench Classes United and Kim-Evinda. We understand that social media is sort of like that “in love” stage of a relationship, the “happier” side of life. For many, it’s a sort of pretend world. While we get that trouble and tears don’t make for a good blog, we pray that as she walks through this season transparently, you will be encouraged when you walk through a difficult time of any measure, remembering who walks with you. Let’s get back to the story.
She caught him looking at her, smiling as she played with their grandson uninhibitedly. She had made a point of staying in the moments with little B, not sure how many she’d have after this visit which was quickly coming to an end. The days had slipped by so fast. She was torn between wanting him to stay and wanting to find a rock and crawl under it. But life doesn’t let you do that, if you listen to it, and she stayed the course as her husband got ready to go to his dad’s and take their grandson with him for his weekly two-day visit. She was frustrated that he was still going since their grandson was rarely with them, but it was clear that his heart was still not in the marriage. They would return Friday morning, about the same time that little B’s other grandparents would be picking him up for their visit before taking him back home up north. Their absence, especially his, brought her a sense of momentary relief, as if a cloud had been lifted and she could see more clearly and yet, she had no idea what to pray. There were moments where she wanted to just forget what had happened and moments where she knew she couldn’t, that she needed God to intervene in a way that only He could, to make good on His promises that He had given to other people to give to her in this season of longsuffering, promises like “I will restore what the locusts have stolen” which combated her frustration and her pleas to God about being too old to go through this and that time was passing her by. The promise was for her heart to cling to. And then not once, or even twice, but three times in the days that followed, she had been given the promise found in Ezekiel 36:26 “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” This promise never failed to fill her heart with hope considering how hard his heart had been. While this was for her, to ease her sorrow, it was about her husband, so she clung to this and rejoiced in the fact that she had a prayer team lifting up her marriage every day at a specific time. This was going to be a team effort. Yes, this was a spiritual battle, and it called for all-out war, warring in prayer, His Word, and fasting…spiritual weapons of warfare. Clinging to Him and thanking Him for those He’s sent my way to lift me up when I want to stay down. Love, Kim-Evinda What does food, fun, fellowship have to do with Trench Classes United?
Come picnic with us on us and see! Monday’s Message “There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory for the stars; for one star different from another star in glory” – 1 Corinthians 15:41
Feeling the tide roll beneath your feet It’s moving in as you face defeat Defeated and feeling lost without purpose Darling, your gifts have not even unsurfaced The tide may be higher But your King, He is mightier You are a star Shining much brighter Toiling beneath the hot summer sun You’ve yet to see what has been overcome What you hope for is a mere step away A footprint in the sand has already been made Believe His love won’t let it fade Even as the tide changes with days Your destination is mapped It is here to stay The tide is high But the waves roll back His love is greater than your feeling of lack The job you are doing is right on track Keep on loving A star so brightly Different from others That, my darling, is your wonder Love, Abigail FAITH FILLED FRIDAY Ahhh, I so needed all the reminders in this beautiful love letter. Isn’t it so easy to focus our minds and hearts on our mountains instead of our Mountain Mover? These are words spoken from the Father’s heart to Debra’s heart that they would be poured out to you and me. Enjoy!
~Love Letter~ My child, don't be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests to Me with overflowing gratitude. Tell Me every detail of your life. Yes, I already know every detail, but I desire you to tell Me about it, because as you speak it, you release it into My very capable hands. Release any hurt, any offense, any pain you feel and worship Me. Thank Me for My saving power, for My grace, for My healing, for ALL that you need is wrapped up in Me. I said in My Word that I supply all your needs according to My riches. Do you think My riches are limited? Do you think that by the swipe of My mighty hand, that I cannot change your situation? Beloved, it's not about your pain and struggle, but about your ability to let go of them, accept and walk in My peace while surrounded by your struggle. Let yourself stay in My love and in My forgiveness. Love, Debra WEDNESDAY’S WORD Welcome back to When Faith Meets Suffering with Trench Classes United and Kim-Evinda. We understand that social media is all about the “happy” side of life and for many, it’s a sort of pretend world. We get that trouble and tears don’t make for a good blog, but we pray that as she walks through this season transparently, you will be encouraged when you walk through a difficult time of any measure, remembering who walks with you. Let’s get back to the story.
“Nana, can I ride my scooter and you and papa follow me?” “You bet, love. Let’s do this.” Their grandson had been a very comfortable and easy distraction from their pain, yet every time she looked in his eyes, she still saw that taunted emptiness, the very same look she had lived with in the not-so-distant past when he had made a decision that changed the course of their lives, one that they were still feeling the effects of. “Why do you look so taunted? You still don’t have peace, do you?” “No.” Where’s your heart? Silence Is it still over there with them…with her “Yes, I guess it is. It was a fantasy, the way she treated him. I thought she treated him good; she doted on him.” “And you don’t feel I dote on you?” “Well, more so now, but no, not so much in the past.” “And that’s worth throwing this marriage away?” The dialogue began to spurt out, and though it was painful, it was incredibly eye opening. As the words came in waves, her tears flowed. The crazy truth is she had felt all that he was feeling, but many years ago. The difference was/is she never acted upon it. The realization that she had truly learned to love unconditionally did little to comfort her in the midst of the gut-wrenching pain. When they had come to their corner, she turned to him to say one final thing: “I pray that you get on your knees sooner than later, that you do business with God and get your heart right, find the peace you’re missing before you make a mistake that can’t be reversed.” She walked the rest of the way home alone, blinded by her tears. She didn’t want her grandson to be near any of her sorrow. As soon as she came inside, she busied herself in the kitchen, packing lunches and cleaning up and when they had come back in she went out to the garage to look for her large suitcase. She couldn’t do this anymore. The large tub caught her eye and she thought to herself how much easier that would make it. She quickly grabbed the ladder, her sobs stifling out the noise of it sliding across the concrete as she drug it into the garage and up against the cabinet. She climbed up and grabbed it, and inside was a smaller tub. The reality of what she was about to begin doing hit her like an angry wave and she fought back another sob, determined to ride this wave out and see it to the end. When she came inside, her grandson was watching T.V., and he was in the office so she made her way upstairs, easily unnoticed. She placed the tubs in the spare room, wiped her tears, blew her nose and then reminded little guy to take his shower. When she heard the water, she resumed what she was doing. She grabbed the majority of her things out of each dresser drawer and began placing them in the tub in the other room. She saw him out of the corner of her eye making his way upstairs. “What are you doing?” Silence. “Are you leaving?” Silence. She made two more trips to the other room. When she returned, he was sitting on the bed, looking remorseful. “I don’t want you to go; this is your home. I’ll go.” She shared all her reasons why she would be the one leaving, adding at the end that she believed that God could heal what was broken and make the marriage better than it had ever been. He confessed to being broken, begged her not to leave. “I’ll start fixing myself,” he cried. “I still love you. I don’t want you to go.” She sobbed into his arms, knowing this season was far from over. PAUSE The day after this incredibly emotional night, my devotional from Tony Evans was on the name of Jesus, Jehovah El Gemuwal, the one who fights for us, vindicates us, rights what has been done wrong to us. I’ll close this week’s blog with this prayer, and if you are experiencing any sort of brokenness in any relationship, I pray this will be your prayer as well. “Jehovah El Gemuwal forgive me for when I try to take my own revenge. Forgive me for when I fear that you won’t. Forgive me for those times when I am angry and fearful because I am being bullied or wronged, and I forget to trust in your great name Jehovah El Gemuwal. You see all. You know all. You leave no stone unturned. I don’t need to go and tell everyone else when I am wronged, rather I only need to look to you because you will repay. You will not be mocked. Forgive me for forgetting this far too often. Amen Love Kim-Evinda Monday’s Message You alone Lord are our hope
This world is far too small to be called our home The birds fly free So at ease Yet Your love for us is tenfold the flapping of a hummingbird’s wings Our troubles so minute The blare of honking horns on our daily commute Nothing more than a senseless dispute A washed up worry that creeps up to the mind But You, Oh Lord, are still there every time Let our worries be washed by the warmth of the sun Knowing that this world, You have already won There is no thing on this earth that your steady hands cannot disperse Mountains you have moved Beyond the sun, beneath the moon Your love for us is unthinkable Our mere hearts so unstable Cannot grasp your beauty The pain you endured, our wicked cruelty For that cross you carried, we are all saved the same way, by Your never ending undeserved grace (Acts 15:11) Faith Filled Friday Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Trench Classes United and Debra Dolce. Oh, the sweet reminder of His available presence that can be our compass, if we let Him. When we use a compass, we willingly submit to its direction, right? Oh, to submit to His guidance, His leading…even when we can’t see.
~Love Letter~ My dear one, I will stay close to you, instructing and guiding you along the pathway of your life. I will advise you along the way and lead you forth with My eyes as your guide. So don't make it difficult; don't be stubborn when I take you where you've not been before. Don't make Me tug you and pull you along. Just come with Me! The children of Israel suffered many things because they were stubborn and rebellious. Learn to surrender your way unto Me, the God who made you. I have chosen you for such a time as this. As you submit, I will direct you and guide you and I will not leave you as you enter into this new season. You can rest assured that I have things work out for your good and My glory. Come and spend time with Me, prepare your heart to hear My Word that you be like a tree planted by the river that brings forth it's fruit in its season. Beloved, it is your season. Debra Wednesday’s Word When Faith Meets Suffering-Part 3
She looked at the clock; 3:15 a.m.! She had fought so hard for sleep, but with his snoring, and her raging and rampant thoughts, she had only slept a couple of hours. Now here she lay…again, trying to ward off a panic attack as the events of the last couple of months came rushing back at her like waves of a stormy sea. Welcome back to When Faith Meets Suffering with Trench Classes United and Kim-Evinda. We understand that social media is for happy, and for many, pretend world; that trouble and tears don’t make for a good blog, but we pray that as she walks through this season, you will be encouraged when you walk through a difficult time of any measure, remembering who walks with you. Let’s get back to the story. Just the night before she had asked him if he felt he owed an apology to her husband. His response sent her reeling backwards into despair. He didn’t feel he did. His words, “I’m sure there have been hundreds of men who have been attracted to her” baffled her. “Lord, what am I missing? Show me what I’m not seeing; help me hear what I’m not hearing. Who is this man, Lord?” The questions tumbled out of her as she cried silently, trying to make sense of his cluelessness, so discouraged by his ability to be so unaware of the pain and misery he and she have caused. As her heart switched directions to her, it began to bleed again, and she couldn’t stop the tears. The betrayal was still so raw, so real. And though she understood how each of them had fallen for the trap of this emotional affair, it didn’t stop the pain, or the questions from overwhelming her. How can I stay with someone so…she couldn’t even finish her question as she finally got into bed, only to cry herself to sleep. She sat up to ward off the panic attack flooded with a re-awakening of the questions she had asked God to help her get answers to before going to sleep. ‘When will this nightmare be over, Father?’ The groaning of her soul caused her to lie back down in a fetal position in an attempt to quiet her mind. There was no escaping this pain. The suffering was real. She prayed for Abba to just hold her through the unanswered questions, to quiet her mind so she could sleep. Waves of quiet began to wash over her and her body began to relax, little by little. “He is unaware of his sin and the pain he has caused because his heart is still in it…” She lay there knowing that God had just spoken into the very crevices of her betrayed and bleeding soul. Peace started to warm her and she imagined Abba holding her as she began to relax. “…and you don’t get to tell him this,” God whispered. Sleep finally came wrapping her in a loving blanket of peace. PAUSE Just because we are in a period of suffering, doesn’t mean we get to cause those who have caused us pain to suffer. In other words, we need to let God be God, let the Holy Spirt do His job of convicting and always remember, He doesn’t need our help. So while this is one of the most painful and incredibly uncertain times in my life, I marvel at the beauty that He is weaving in between the pain, allowing me to learn things I otherwise might not have learned, things that will carry me into eternity and into the Father’s arms of love, a love that will never, ever leave me or forsake me or fall out of love with me! Until next week Kim-Evinda Monday’s Message What a beautiful reminder of His unwavering character that pursues us even when we are far from Him. Thanks for joining us today for Monday’s Message with Abigail and Trench Classes United.
You are beauty You are fire A hope to cling to A rose beneath the briar I sing praises to your name To you, Oh Lord, our one saving grace Our hearts desires misconstrued and misplaced Yet Your love for us stays the same Teach me your ways Your words Your love That I am so unworthy of Make my heart find ambition Let me become so driven To pursue my mission Spreading Your Word to this world you have forgiven You are more than beauty A love that roars like fire Our hope and our glory Lord let us live out this life to tell your story Abigail |
February 2025