Monday Message Oh, how many times have we been in seas of uncertainty? How is it that we make it thru?
Thanks for joining us today for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. You can almost touch the emotion on paper and relate with it. Enjoy Feeling the burden Feeling the weight Feeling the self inflicted human pain and try as I might to fill this empty space It slowly fades and the clouds turn to waves The storm too great For my mortal strength So instead I wade I wade in this sea of doubt I drown it out The voices turned up way too loud So I breathe and shout Letting that power out Release the boundaries Remove the bricks Because this new house you are building This is it and my prayer for you is this: To realize and know This power you have It’s just the tip It’s just a glimpse At the light shining bright A peek at the otherside Of this lifelong climb The valley The pit The darkness The grit All led up To a moment such as this Where you realize the weight The duty, the looming, Pressure inside But knowing in the end It was all worth the ride Because this power inside That you subconsciously hide Has been compressed for so long and is now ready to sing its song Awakened from deep rest Oh, how you’ve been through many tests You’ve been tried You’ve been pressed But no longer will you walk around Donning the same dress Feeling just the same No more or no less For capacity I pray To allow this power to become great Never for my sake Never for my gain But all for Your Holy Name Yahweh Your way Let it be Your power that makes waves “May He grant you out of the rich treasury of His glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in the inner man by the [Holy] Spirit [Himself indwelling your innermost being and personality]. - Ephesians 3:16 ~Abigail
Faith-filled Friday If I were to ask you if there’s somebody in your life who tries your faith, your patience, makes you question your love for them, who would come to mind?
Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. Today’s love letter is such a great reminder that it’s easy to love those who already love us; the real test of God’s love in us is to love those who aren’t so lovable! Love Letter~ My blessed child, with tender humility and quiet patience, always demonstrate gentleness and generous love toward one another, especially towards those who may try your patience. This is some good instruction and is only possible through My love. You can be gentle and kind, even generous, but it's difficult with those that rub you the wrong way or irritate you. This is the real test. This also comes back to your will or Mine. This gives you a chance to check your heart, your motives. Then you can humbly walk in My love. Other people come into your life for this very reason. I delight in those that demonstrate My attributes. It's a lifelong refining of yourself. Hence the "Potter's wheel," a constant refining of your character. Oh, but more and more you look like Me, that is a great reward. The more refined you are, the less pull the world has on you. This is a good thing! Your peace and joy and all the other things I offer stay as you walk in My ways. Beloved, continue to walk in My ways, even if you fall, just get up and jump back in. ~DebraDolce Thursday Truthful Humor The Bible is full of examples of the power of choice…both good and bad. What is consistent throughout history is that trust is a choice; choosing to trust Him, especially when we can’t see Him or any light at the end of a tunnel, much less the end of the tunnel, is a choice.
Perhaps we need to choose to re-evaluate who and in what are we putting our trust in because whom or what we trust is whom or what we’ll obey! Join our community for more encouraging thoughts for the journey at Wednesday Word Looking back thru my journal this past week, reviewing the highs and lows, the lessons I’ve learned, those I’m still learning and even those I’m unlearning, I am pleasantly astounded at how He speaks to us thru His Word, if we’ll only stop and listen. And I don’t even know why I’m so surprised because He does it again and again, despite me😊
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Today’s blog is a great reminder that the Word of God comes alive in our life! No matter what situation we find ourselves in, this verse is a powerful source of encouragement. It can be a life preserver out in the stormy seas of life, an anchor for our souls. What is so sovereign about this verse is it speaks to us differently EVERY time we read it. Why or how? Because life keeps happening and with life comes different storms of trials and circumstances. Friend, may I encourage you to look at this verse, read it, then say it aloud again and again. I guarantee you that when you do this and allow it to soak into your soul, it will bloom in your life: Psalm 138:8: The Lord will perfect that which concerns me. Now put the “thing that concerns you” in that portion of scripture. I’ll go first: The Lord will perfect my broken heart and all that caused it to be broken… Here’s the condition to the promise: Does it concern us or consume us? If it’s consuming us, then we’re not trusting Him to perfect whatever it is that is concerning. What if we were to live like we believed the words in this promise? Would we finally stay still on the Potter’s wheel and let Him have His way, allowing Him to perfect us in the process to prepare us for the promise, not allowing ourselves to be consumed by that which concerns us? Trying to not be consumed by that which concerns me… Love, Kim-Evinda Tuesday Trench Truth Wasting energy on thinking about a mistake creates yet another mistake but to learn from a mistake…well, that’s now a lesson learned.
Learning and un-learning is the journey of life. Join our community @ Thoughtfully, Kim-Evinda Monday Message Do you believe a foundation is only as strong as its roots? Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigale Rice and Trench Classes United. Just about every decision we make, attitude we cling to, action we take is rooted in something. Today’s message affirms this in a poetic way. Enjoy
Proclaim His Name: A seed was planted and deep in its roots Is where we find meaning Is where we find truth and as it grew beyond the stars In the sky there it bloomed Knowing there were no limits To all it could do Through the power manifested in You For by the Word of Your breath It was spoken and there they sat The planets all in line The moon, the waves, and the tide From this chaos we were torn But in You We are reborn A new life A fresh wind The beginning and the end and I will forever sing Your Name Again and amen Our human souls Thirsting within and by Your love We are quenched So again I say, Amen and Godsent By Faith we affirm You are the Light You are the Way as we daily dissipate Your mercies never fail and a new life You create For by Your grace We have been saved and for that we give thanks and forever proclaim Your Name So, Lord, I thank You For the vastness of Your goodness This feeling of excitement bubbling up and I just can’t get enough Of this freedom we so long for and want That has been standing right here Right in front Saying, “Here I am” Ready, willing, and able To speak truth at Your table Where upon every tongue Honey shall drip As we sing all praises Proclaiming how great Your Name is ~Abigail Faith-Filled Friday ~Love Letter~
Where do you go to clear your mind? Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. When life is screaming at you, pulling at you, where do you go? Do you turn and face it head-on, back up to make a plan or simply duck and hide? Today’s Love Letter offers us each a solution…one that will quiet any storm and bring peace. My blessed child… in My Presence is where I restore and revive your life. I opened before you the right path and now lead you along in My footsteps of righteousness so that you can bring honor to My name. Oh, how wonderful this is. I am a loving Father and I desire to restore and revive you as you surrender to Me. Look, I even make your path right, leading you along, walking before you with footsteps of righteousness. Oh, that you would know, by experience, that it is I who will refresh and restore you. Come and spend time with Me. When you get weary, come for a refreshing drink from the Living Water. I know every detail of your innermost parts, so even when you're not sure, I know. Did you know that I wait each day to hear the beautiful sound of your voice? No one brings Me praise like you do. The distinct rhythm of your voice becomes a sweet-smelling incense unto Me. Beloved, come and lift your praise to Me. ~DebraDolce Thursday Truthful Humor Welcome to Thursday’s Truthful humor with Trench Classes United where we love to laugh and pull truth from humor!
A police officer attempts to stop a car for speeding and the guy gradually increases his speed until he's topping 100 mph! The man eventually realizes he can't escape and finally pulls over. The cop approaches the car and says, "It's been a long day and my shift is almost over, so if you can give me a good excuse for your behavior, I'll let you go." The guy thinks for a few seconds and then says, "My wife ran away with a cop about a week ago. I thought you might be that officer trying to give her back!" Oh, friends, Isn’t it so true that relationships have become so…well, so disposable? We unfriend on Fakebook, stop following on Instagram, Twitter, throw in the towel on friendships and marriages, but isn’t it so comforting to know that Jesus never wants to give us back, to throw us away or discard us, or even let us return to our old ways, but He continues to love us, refine us, guide us to be more like Him that we may love like He does. For more encouragement, take a tour at Love, Kim-Evinda Taken from Wednesday Word I remember tumbling, rolling, being tossed around in the waves of what felt like the angry sea…and then being rescued. Have you ever been rescued from a terrifying situation? Maybe you haven’t had a terrifying experience and experienced a form of rescuing like I just mentioned, but let’s face it: Life can really toss us here and there, placing us in need of a rescuing, right?
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. That memory I shared in the beginning happened when I was just 13 years old – a very long time ago, I assure you😊 Even though it was years ago, I remember the terror, but even more vividly, I remember the rescuing. God’s word is like that; it rescues us…from making bad choices as well as from the bad choices of others; it always rescues in times of our greatest need. His Word is truly the life preserver for every single one of us. It just takes us reaching out – opening it up – and acknowledging it and receiving it. When someone gives you a gift, do you refuse it or do you extend your hand to take it? As I was finishing up my Bible study one evening – I hadn’t finished it in the morning but have been wanting to get in a nightly habit of taking in His Word as well as in the morning – I received TWO rescues! I was so grateful and humbled at the same time. How many times do I need to be reminded that He’s never left? I ask myself as I write this. The response is even sweeter – no I’m not answering myself 😊 – “I’ll do it as many times as necessary; I will never leave you or forsake you or leave you the way that you are.” As I read and re-read these rescues, I felt as though a life vest had lifted me up and out of the stormy sea I find myself in, almost as if I could walk on water. Here are my two rescues: Genesis 15:1 (paraphrased as I put my struggle in it) I am your shield, Kim, your exceedingly great reward [for all you are going thru]. And Matthew 10:26 [again paraphrased with my stuff in it] Therefore, do not fear them [the enemy’s schemes and lies] for there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and nothing hidden that will not be known. Are you in need of a rescuing, my friend? His Word is waiting to just that for you! Love, Kim-Evinda Tuesday Trench Truth This single guy named Bill wanted a horse. He began to shop and saw an interesting ad on Craigslist which was advertising a “Christian horse.” He sent an inquiry and made arrangements to go see this horse.
When Bill got to the ranch, he introduced himself to the horse's owner and they talked small talk on their way to where the horse was. As soon as Bill saw the horse, he couldn’t help but get excited and asked if he could ride him, take him for a test drive, so to speak. The owner said, sure, "It's easy to ride him. Just say 'praise the Lord' to make him go, and 'amen' to make him stop." Bill got on the horse and said "praise the Lord." the horse started to walk. "Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, praise the Lord" and the horse is running. Now Bill sees the cliff and says: "AMEN." The horse stops and Bill says: "Whew! Praise the lord!" The Word of God says that He inhabits the praises of His children…can I encourage you to find at least five things to praise Him for each day? Love, Kim-Evinda Taken from |
January 2025