Thursday Trench Truth Have you ever caught your child in the act of doing something they know they shouldn’t be doing? Most of us have a funny story or two about this.
Now, let’s turn that inward: Have you ever been caught doing something you know you shouldn’t be doing? You probably cringe right now just at the thought, right? That’s what unresolved shame does to us. It’s one of the biggest weapons in the enemy’s tool bag. If you’d like to learn how to live forgiven and forgiving, join us in a trench near you. Forgiven Kim-Evinda
Wednesday Word She looked at the finished product and felt a sense of accomplishment. She couldn’t believe how far she had come in the last several months, and never in a million years did she see herself stripping a house and starting from the floor up and making it into a home, her home.
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Today’s blog is a great example of how God shows up unexpected in the unexpected. 😊 “You can’t put those old doors back on!” Her girlfriend said to her as they were painting the trim in the halls for each doorway. “Yeah, you’re right,” I commented, “but I just can’t see paying a couple hundred for each door and then another couple hundred each to hang them.” She remembered a project she and her then husband had done a few years ago, a sort of renewing, refurbishing project of distressing their laminate cabinets in the laundry room to make give them a vintage-like look with the hope of changing their appearance. She smiled as she remembered how she just sort of jumped into the project without doing a whole lot of research; nor did she like to do any of the prep work. But he, her then husband, didn’t mind doing all of that. The memory brought tears to her eyes; it all still stung so bad. Evidently the pain fueled her with just what she needed. Within a week, she was attempting to turn a plain door into something different, completely different. It was a eight-step process, which included wiping down the door to make sure there was no residue of any kind, cut squares of Wayne’s coating into smaller squares as accents, glue them on the door, frame them with some sort of trim (that was the hardest part, making those darn corners fit), paint with a primer-based paint, paint with color, then sand to distress, then glaze/stain and wipe. It sounds sort of easy, but it was tricky as the doors aren’t wood, which is why it required primer paint first, and then regular paint. The distressing was de-stressing, and the staining is where the art comes in. Sometimes it takes doing and undoing, learning, and re-doing. Oh, how I am much like these doors, and maybe you are too. We may have a smooth finish on the outside, but when trials and tragedies hit, what is inside of us will eventually come out and distress us and what distresses us interferes with our ability to live a faith-filled life and requires a bit of work, like my old doors. Jesus wants to de-stress what distresses us! Jesus needs to take that sander, maybe even a scraping tool, peel back the layers, reveal the issues, the blockages that interfere with His original design for us and in us and then seal it back up with His amazing grace and healing love…thereafter imprinting a new design, a design which includes a coat of love and joy, peace and patience, and then a coat of kindness, goodness and gentleness and finally, the glaze of self-control. He will stop at nothing to infuse us with these gifts. His ways are not our ways and His love is relentless, and though the process hurts a lot of the time, the finished product, aka, that part of our life, beholds His artwork, glazed with the beauty of His grace. Incidentally, I wound up redoing EVERY door in my new home and oh, what a feeling! 😊 In His artistic grip Kim-Evinda Tuesday Trench Truth Every time I’ve gotten pulled over, well almost every time 😊, I’ve known I was guilty! And if I got a ticket, I went and paid the fine. That’s guilt; it addresses the act, what I did wrong.
Shame, on the other hand, screams what’s wrong with you, you idiot?! Why did you do this, or that? In other words, Guilt addresses what I did wrong; shame screams I am wrong. Have you experienced the latter? If you find yourself attacking yourself instead of your action, consider joining us to learn how to live forgiven and forgiving, coming to a trench near you. Forgiven, Kim-Evinda Monday Mantra How are you feeling?
No, really? Happy? Sad? Angry? Frustrated? Or just okay? Because just okay, is not okay. When you have a real enemy Who lies in wait To captivate your attention To have an undoing in the midst of your messy kitchen With one simple thought You are lost The entire ball drops Shattering more than your stained glass door One simple thought Can pull you back To a space where all you feel is lack One glance in the mirror and what you once saw Is now a whole different picture Filled with stretch marks and scars As a baby cries And another calls out mom Who is this woman Who used to have it all? But now lives in a place filled with marker and milk stains Where there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide and your automatic reply is always, “No, I’m fine.” “Really, I’m okay.” But just okay, is not okay. When the enemy sees cracks and begins to take up space Leaving you desolate and alone With no one to call and nowhere to go and those are exactly the lies he wants you to believe That you’re not good enough Not worthy No one would even want to listen to this pathetic version of me… But that story you’re told Is so washed up and old If you could just be brave enough to pick up the phone Call a friend Call anyone Call someone and know That you are not meant to carry this burden alone Your burden is not too heavy and the only way to dissipate that negative energy Is simply to cry out It’s okay to scream It’s okay to shout Be angry Be sad But in the end Remember that this Is all a part of God’s ultimate plan So embrace this This season of almost Of washed up dreams and scattered things and remember, darling It was you He called to step into the ring and not for one second Did He leave you unequipped Because, warrior, mama, daughter, you have EVERYTHING you will ever need within To fight this battle You are guaranteed to win. “So then [God’s gift] it is not a question of human will and human effort, but of God’s mercy. [It depends not on one’s own willingness nor on his strenuous exertion as in running a race, but on God’s having mercy on him.]” - Romans 9:16 ~Abigail Rice Faith-Filled Friday ~Love Letter~
My beloved, don't set the affections of your heart on this world or in loving the things of the world. The love of the Father and the love of the world are incompatible. For all that the world can offer you – which equates to the gratification of your flesh, the allurement of your heart, and the obsession with status and importance – none of these things come from the Father. Meditate on this good word. These lines are blurred at this present time. There are many who chase both thinking if one doesn't work then they'll have the other. You'll never be satisfied. As the day approaches these dividing lines are becoming more evident and a choice will have to be made. The world has an allurement that is steadily growing, sweeping all those that are not rooted and grounded off their feet. Scripture warns of the deceptions that are disguised even in the church. Keep your heart pure before Me, ever keeping your eyes focused on Me and laying up for yourself treasures in the Heavenly Kingdom. Beloved, stay in fellowship and let Me guide and direct you so that you stay on the right path. ~DebraDolce Thursday Trench Truth Did you know that guilt and all of its forms is in the Bible 29 times while the word Shame, and all its forms is in the Bible over a hundred times!
It stands to reason that shame is the bigger problem. Why is that? Because guilt addresses what you did wrong; shame addresses what’s wrong with you! Truth and knowledge are so powerfully freeing Join us for our next trench, Living Forgiven and Forgiving Forgiven, Kim-Evinda Wednesday Word Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth Colossians 3:2
The verse in her Bible Study took her back to just the day before where she had been sitting at her little bistro set, working away and suddenly the words of a song that was playing grabbed her attention…and her heart. Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Have you ever been caught up with whatever you were doing, and a song comes on that literally grabs not just your attention, but your heart, too? She gently pushed her laptop away from her, captivated by the reminder of years past when she had sung this song with all of her being. Life had been different then. She had no idea she’d be where she was now, sixty and single, still questioning the why of it all. The words of the song were familiar, and as they settled in her soul she lifted her hands, as if in surrender, and for the first time in a very long time, she lifted her arms and sang the words with all of her being to her audience of one, her First Husband, Her Maker, Her Heavenly Father, Her God, the Only One who had never and would never leave her or forsake her. I could just sit I could just sit and wait for all Your goodness And I could just stay I could just stay right where I am and hope to feel You Hope to feel something again [the tears began to fall] And I could hold on I could hold on to who I am and never let You Change me from the inside [let alone use this tragedy for the good of others] And I could be safe, oh I could be safe here in Your arms and never leave home Never let these walls down [because of this life-changing betrayal] But You have called me higher; You have called me deeper And I'll go where You will lead me Lord You have called me higher; You have called me deeper And I'll go where You lead me Lord; Where You lead me; Where You lead me Lord When Alexa had stopped playing the song, she pulled her laptop back towards her, looked it up and played it again, allowing each and every word to seep into her soul, fill her heart, allowing it to take her to higher ground while encouraging her that her heart was beginning to heal. God was making good on His promise to put the pieces of her shattered heart back in place, stronger, more resilient, wiser, empty of hatred, unforgiveness, surrendered to Him who would make good on all of His promises to her. Friend, I pray that as you listen to this song [link below] that you will allow it to take you to higher ground Love, Kim-Evinda Called Me Higher - All Sons and Daughters Lyric Video - Bing video Tuesday Trench Truth Did you know there are 7 differences between guilt and shame? In fact, unresolved guilt and shame creates an incredibly silent cycle that keeps us from the abundant life that God desires for you and I to have.
Join us to learn how to Live Forgiven and Forgiving, coming to a trench near you. Forgiven, Kim-Evinda Monday Message With social media an everyday thing, filtrating into our homes, our work lives, we need to realize it does have effects on how we measure our worth as it dictates to us the way our lives should look…
Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. Today’s poem is a great reminder that our worth is not based on what we tend to base it on. In this world Your worth Is almost always measured in monetary growth While in heaven It is measured Simply by being a creation of the One True King In mundane moments spent living in between Bringing together The people of this earth So that they too may know their true worth & in those seemingly simple moments Spent being fully present You are making a difference Simply by being the human that you are And that is all Use your talents, yes Give them freely Or charge a penny BUT ultimately It is up to YOU and the moments of quiet time you have the Creator Praying and interceding Listening in to what this season may need A Mary or a Martha? For me right now, I feel a big transitioning From being a - need to always be doing everything Martha To simply remembering I can also sit at His feet And still be doing exactly what I need So get true Get honest How are you spending your time? Are His people at the front line? Or are the walls of your boundaries unable to be brought down To meet the people standing right next to your kitchen sink? Truly Dig deep Listen to that inner being And ask the Spirit within Where are You leading? I say this with fully knowing And somewhat hoping That from this season of “rest” Spending more time with God than I have ever spent I am soaking up as much as I can Letting Him fill my cup Because I know soon enough He will pour me out into vessel After vessel Where there is NO room left for doubt So for now I will take in this sweet season of freedom As I let the days sweep me away Calling me to whatever may come my way & no matter what it may be I remind myself God is always working behind the scenes Even if all I do is simply sit at His feet. “Now as they were traveling along, He entered a village; and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. She had a sister called Mary, who was seated at the Lord’s feet, listening to His word. But Martha was distracted with [a]all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me.” But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” - Luke 10:38-42 ~Abigail Rice Faith-Filled Friday It’s been said and even from the church that we are to leave the past in the past; but when unexpected things happen in life, unresolved issues have a way of coming up to the surface.
Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. Today’s blog is a great reminder that what is kept in eventually comes out, and what we store in our heart is no exception. Love Letter~ My blessed child, people are known in this way: Out of the virtue stored in your heart, good and upright people will produce good fruit. Likewise, out of the evil hidden in your heart, evil ones will produce what is evil. For the overflow of what has been stored in your heart will be seen by your fruit and will be heard in your words. What is stored in your heart? What does your fruit look like? What do your words say about who you are? Anyone can speak nice, but how are you under pressure? That's the real question. What is stored up and hidden in your heart? Are you ready to come and let all that is hidden be exposed in My Presence so that I can heal and deliver you? I have so much for you, but I desire to do a work in your innermost parts. It will be like a heart surgery. These are things hidden, covered up or suppressed. Sooner or later these begin to surface, so come and let My sweet love work like a healing balm and My mercy and grace set you free, absolutely free, not just covered over. Beloved, I have no rugs where things can be swept under, but I do have the best healing, once and for all. ~DebraDolce |
January 2025