Tuesday Trench Truth Did you know that they had automobiles in Jesus’ time?
Yup, the Bible says that the disciples were all of one Accord. 😊 😊 😊 God loves humor! And He also loves when we are allowing our faith to fuel our love for one another. While this is especially challenging with the unlovable people in our life, it is possible to live in unity, even if from a distance. For more encouraging thoughts, join our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/trenchclassesunited Kim-Evinda
Monday Message Freedom…that’s one word we think of when we gather with family and friends to celebrate Memorial Day.
Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. Today’s Message reminds us that freedom is never free; someone paid the price. As we commemorate those who have fallen Who sacrificed For our freedom For our faith Can you look back now and see how far you came? The grief The pain The sleepless nights Toiling over loss Wondering what was the cost? For losing someone And feeling so lost But they were brave and because of that You are saved Because you willingly prayed Day after day “Lord, let me thoughts be your thoughts, Let my ways be your ways” Hoping and pleading Some light would break free and there it was and here you are Darling, you have come so far Through the depressions Through the second guesses Through the sheer lack of faith and need to control every second of every day All along you prayed Though your thoughts could never be His thoughts and your ways could never be His ways Though you be lost You are still saved For those prayers granted wisdom Those prayers poured out grace upon grace Those nights when all you could do is fall upon your face He found you along the way Picking you back up Day by day A stray A fake Too stubborn to see what was already written on the page There she was But here you are Back and better than you have ever been Knowing now that you had to go through what was so dark To now get to where you are Fighting for the painting of your life Abstract Mosaic A picturesque world with a few red stains scratches that blend in and just make sense Because a warrior of Christ cannot get through this life Without putting up a fight While also opening her hands Surrendering to The One Who sacrificed His life… “ For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9 ~Abigail Rice Faith-Filled Friday Have you ever been on the receiving end of a broken promise? Most of us have at one time or another.
Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. When our faith is in The One Promise Keeper, His promises will see us through. Today’s Love Letter affirms just that. Love Letter~ My dear one, My daughter, be encouraged. Your faith has healed you. This should speak volumes to all My children, for what I do for one I will certainly do for you. Be encouraged by all My promises. Every single one can be yours if you ask, pray and believe. Stand on My promises and fight off any attack with more of My Word. Fight against doubt, fight against unbelief, those are things that will hinder you. Read about the man whose son had a demon and how I set him free. What a wonderful thing it is to believe My promises and see them come to pass. If you struggle with believing, then bring your unbelief to Me in prayer. Fill your spirit to overflowing with My Word until it fills your heart and your mind. Yes, saturate yourself in My Word and watch as things change into a joyous blessing. Instead of mourning, His promises will enable you to offer festive praise. Instead of despair, His promises will assure you of His sovereignty that says He turns beauty into ashes. Doesn't that sound like a good trade to you? Remember, My Word is full of promised blessings as you follow My precepts. Beloved, best of all, I am with you always even unto the end of the ages, now that's a promise. ~DebraDolce Thursday Trench Truth When you hear the word provision, what comes to mind?
The Webster’s Dictionary definition is: The act of providing, or making previous preparation. -- 2. That which is provided or prepared; that which is brought together or arranged in advance; measures taken beforehand. Did you know that Christ has already prepared for you things you can’t even begin to imagine; All good things come from the Father above…whether that be monetarily, emotionally, physically and spiritually. How do you see His provision in your life today? Provided for, Kim-Evinda Wednesday Word I didn’t have to ask twice. She had patiently waited for me to finish my quiet time and she was ready to play, ready to have all my attention.
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. How many times do we realize something, whether it is something we need to change or start practicing, something that we can apply to make this journey of life a bit more rewarding, and still we resort to our old ways? Today’s blog is meant to encourage you to pay attention to those revelations that are meant to not only open our eyes but make what we see so much more meaningful As I threw the ball and waited for my little four-legged fur baby Aniesi to bring it back to me, I realized if I would just do this with her first thing after my quiet time, the day just seems to go better. Besides, as my sister reminded me a while ago, I’m all she has. I need to be sure she feels loved. That took me a bit deeper. I know that I have a need to feel loved and I truly have come to know that I am loved by my Heavenly Father. I know He’s beside me, ahead of me, behind me and I’ve experienced Him in so many details of my life. I am learning to see my season of betrayal recovery thru His eyes, and not see Him through the eyes of my pain and sorry. But – and this is a big one 😊 -- I can’t know (to know translates to Hebrew word yada, which means to experience with your inner being) that without putting Him first, first thing in the morning. When I sit still first thing in the morning and connect with Him, whether through worship music, journaling, reading His Word, I experience with my inner being so many times throughout my day this sense of contentment, even amid crazy chaos and yes, even in the sorrow. Can I encourage you today to try connecting first with He who longs to be first in your life? You’ll be amazed at the results. Love, Kim-Evinda Tuesday Trench Truth I’ve developed a new habit, a good one, one that helps me sleep like a baby.
What is incredibly mind-blowing is that this new habit has helped me with my inability to sleep right away! As I lay down each night, I begin voicing, out loud, to God people and things I’m grateful for. Many times, I fall asleep and don’t remember where I left off 😊 That’s it! It sounds simple and it is. Gratitude influences your attitude to a whole new altitude! It takes you to higher ground. Grateful, Kim-Evinda Monday Message When you see “God” written anywhere, murmured in a prayer, what is it that you think?
Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. Today’s message is a thought-provoking one that reminds us of the Sovereignty, grace and love in the Names of God. He must become greater and greater and I must become less and less Or, perhaps He must increase, But I must decrease Are the words you are more familiar with Tattooed on arms Bumper stickered on cars But do we truly know what the real meaning is? Are we really willing to let go of this flesh? These earthly desires that lurk in our beds Sit on our nightstands Drive around in our cars Wherever you go There they are and I question how we have gotten this far? and it’s because chance after chance He has given us With His gracious heart And unrelenting forgiveness His love is SO big I don’t think we could ever grasp it Or come to realize that Our God is not just a name we say when we pray Someone we cry out to when things don’t happen to go our way No, our God is a living breathing, emotional being That is crying out to you me Whispering, Daughter, come back to me I have given you this gift of eternity And so much more if only you could see and believe that I desire nothing more than your company Yet, we move on with our cute devotionals and pretty songs When our hearts are missing what He has envisioned all along A place where we are free A place our fleshly eyes cannot see Because we are blinded by the desires of this earthly increase To gain only monetary, momentary things Because we are afraid of the hard work it takes To go through that dark tunnel and be stripped of everything Not knowing that on the other side On the other side there is a small glimmer of light Because He has been preparing the way If only you would let Him wash away the shame Expose the ego and disrobe your pride So that you can begin to truly let your light shine and ask yourself what does decreasing mean to my life? That, my friend, is only a question your soul can know and the answer lies within the moments you let The Spirit grow… “He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.” John 3:30 (NLT)* “He must increase, but I must decrease” John 3:30 (KJV)* ~Abigail Rice Faith-Filled Friday When you see the word “divorce,” what do you feel? When I look at it, it still stings. But for many, it’s become a common thing, a sort of emotional pandemic, if you will.
Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. Today’s love letter is a great reminder that we can never be divorced from His love. Love Letter~ My love, who could ever divorce you from the endless love of Me, the Anointed One? Absolutely no one! For nothing in the universe has the power to diminish My love towards you. Troubles, pressures, and problems are unable to come between you and heaven's love. What about persecutions, deprivations, dangers, and death threats? No, for they are all impotent to hinder omnipotent love. There is so much here for you, but the most important thing is that no matter what you're going through, no matter what's going on in the world around you, absolutely nothing can diminish My love. Everything I AM is love. When I say I am your shield and buckler, it is My love that puts these things into action. It was My love for you that kept Me on the cross. That's the ransom I paid to redeem you to Myself, all because of My great love for you. Now sit in that for a few moments. Isn’t it exciting? Come and spend time with Me, talk to Me about what is concerning you. Speak about the promises you have found in My Word for they are hope to you as you embrace them. You can stand on My promises and see Me move and work on your behalf. Beloved, meditate on My love. ~DebraDolce Thursday Truthful Humor Two well-worn bills arrived at the Federal Reserve Bank to be retired - a twenty and a one. As they traveled down the conveyor belt, they struck up a conversation. The twenty reminisced about the interesting life he had, traveling all over the country. "I've been to the finest restaurants, Broadway shows, Las Vegas, Atlantic City," he said. "I even want on a Caribbean cruise. Where have you been?"
"Oh," said the one-dollar bill, "I've been to the Methodist church, the Episcopal church, the Lutheran church." "What's a church?" asked the twenty. Ahhh, this makes me think of investments and what we invest our resources in. Let me ask you a question: What do you invest in with your resources of time, money and talents? Does your investment have an eternal value? Something to think about… Taken from http://www.jokesclean.com/ChristianJokes Smiling with you, Kim-Evinda Wednesday Word In the midst of all the pain, a light of truth shown so brightly that it paused the darkness named sorrow and suffering, and suddenly clarity came, out of nowhere, rendering me yet again humbled.
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Have you ever been so focused on what someone has done to hurt you that you had no idea you had a part in it? Today’s blog is for such a circumstance as this, and reveals something so freeing, we hope you will try it. To step out of our own pain and pray for understanding is one of the hardest, but most rewarding spiritual exercises I have ever experienced...and continue to experience. How do we step out of our own pain? Change our focus, and for many of us, that’s not so easy, at least for me it’s not. Proverbs 3:5 tells us to lean not on our own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path. There seems to be so many opportunities to apply this instruction lately, but let me share one from not too long ago: I remember spending an entire night praying with a heart that cried out for help, asking my Heavenly Father to hold me and to reveal my part in a very painful situation. I had been so immersed in and blinded by my own pain, I just knew I had to do something different. So instead of sitting in my pain, focusing on my right to be mad, hurt, and angry, I changed my focus. I didn’t ask Him to change the other person; I begged Him to reveal my part. Now, this requires that we sit in that pain, if you will, and not run from it, as many of us are tempted to do. Society teaches us that we shouldn’t feel pain; we should only do what makes us happy. Why is that false? Because pain and sorrow can bring understanding, but only if we change our focus to the One whose plan is to help us, lift us up and out of ourselves that we may learn from the pain. Let me say this: God wastes NOTHING, and certainly not any pain or sorrow. In other words, sometimes it takes pain to learn a lesson, to discover more about ourselves, to cut away that which needs to go that we may become more like our Creator. This is learning from the past, not living in the past. My daughter-in-love gave me a beautiful word a while ago that emphasizes what I’m trying to share here: What we focus on expands. What is it I wish to expand? My pain or His plan? My heart is yet again soothed to know He is with me in it all; He’s highly invested in expanding my character and as I let Him change me, the pain diminishes and turns into understanding…and my heart smiles again. May we keep our eyes on The One Who knows all things and works all things together for His glory and our eventual good. Learning to SOAR, Kim-Evinda |
January 2025