Wednesday’s word Twas the night before Thanksgiving and all through the house
Every creature was stirring, including the mouse Everyone was working on all of the fixings The noise and smells were coming from the kitchen The children were busy with their tablets and toys Captured in their games, they made not a noise While the adults laughed and worked all collectively What a beautiful sight it was for any heart to see When all of a sudden there arose such a clatter Mom ran to the kitchen to see what was the matter She looked to the left and she looked to the right She couldn’t believe what was in plain sight There was broken glass from a favorite platter And at first glance, she knew it didn’t matter Everyone was frozen, waiting for her reaction But she didn’t give the devil that satisfaction The counters were a mess, preparations everywhere It looked as though a tornado had just gone thru there The turkey had flown from the platter to the floor The poor thing looked like it just couldn’t take no more The stove was a disaster waiting to happen full of pots and pans, handles overlapping The old mom would have immediately gotten on her broom And painted the atmosphere with a bit of doom and gloom But the new and improved mom was no longer that way For she had learned the true meaning of Thanksgiving Day She stared at each of them and the mess they surrounded Knowing her response would leave each one of them astounded Now sons, now daughters, in-laws and friends like family Is this ever a sight for the eyes of my heart to see? More than the chaos, the mess on the floor The memories we’re making are worth so much more So grab a rag, and a dishtowel too Here’s one for each and every one of you Let’s work together in cleaning up this mess It will only take a few minutes or less Pick up the turkey, and we’ll wash him off We’ll stuff him but good and put him in the trough We’ll baste him all over, and get him ready to eat No one will ever know we stepped on his feet And when the morrow comes and we gather for the meal We’ll be able to discern what matters and what’s real Faith, family, friends, love and laughter Help to bring us all the happily ever after I looked to each of them with tears in my eyes And said something I had just realized Oh, why can’t it be Thanksgiving every day? Loving each other in a Christ-like way Patience, self-control, love and joy too Are there for the asking for each of you We don’t have to wait for a holiday to see That Christ’s greatest gift is that of family Praying you enjoy your Thanksgiving, no matter what circumstances you are in, no matter who you are with … or not with! Thankfully, Kim-Evinda
Tuesday’s Trench Truth and Invitation, too! We want to help you live transparently, love healthier, and laugh more… Click on the image below to buy tickets now! There will NOT be tickets available at the door. Love,
Kim-Evinda THURSDAY’S TRENCH TRUTH AND INVITATION TOO Click on the picture above for your free gift! Lack of communication is not Biblical grounds for divorce; not “feeling” the love is not Biblical grounds for divorce. Illness, financial burdens, and all the other terms we deem irreconcilable are not Biblical grounds for divorce. So how do we reconcile what we deem irreconcilable? This is just one of the touch dilemmas Trench Classes United helps you through! Join us at for more words of encouragement and to stay tuned for a trench coming near you! In the meantime, set it all aside and join us for A Night of Laughter. I know you will be glad you did! Click on the picture below to buy tickets and see more details about the event! Hope to see you there,
Kim-Evinda Tuesday’s Trench Truth and Invitation, Too! 10 Steps to Loving the Unlovable you Signup HERE ! Faith helps us to laugh…with others and even ourselves. Join us for A Night of Laughter, our fundraiser to help us help others learn to thrive in life and love. Click the picture for tickets! Hope to see you there!
Kim-Evinda Thursday’s Trench Truth and Invitation Join us for a great night out and some good belly-laughing! Looking forward to laughing with you,
Kim-Evinda Thursday’s Trench Truth Are you experiencing feelings of wanting to give up, or give in to an old behavior? Join us for some encouragement to fight those urges minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day… or visit us at Click the picture to buy tickets!
Looking for a fun filled night full of laughter and GOOD times? Come and join us as we laugh the night away! Doors open at 7 PM, check in by 7:40 PM. Show Starts at 8 PM. Food is available for purchase. Funds raised will go towards supporting the mission of Trench Classes United: Helping others thrive in life and love through exploring and understanding past and present experiences for a transformed future. |
February 2025