Faith Filled Fridays ~Love Letter~
My blessed child, look away from the natural realm and fasten your gaze onto Me who birthed faith within you and who leads you forward into faith's perfection. That is letting go of everything that holds you down or holds you back, that you may keep your eyes on Me. Let faith arise in your heart! Be one that says "I can," instead of one that says "I can't." Stop second-guessing yourself, for as you spend time with Me you will know My voice. Believe when you pray and watch as I open the door to the next step. For I am doing a new thing, it is springing up, do you not perceive it? I don't remake the old I create the new! Every time I open My mouth I create new, just like I created Heaven and Earth, I create new in you and in your life. I have new for you today, just like My mercies are new every morning. Beloved, come and bask in My love, come and let My love overflow you in every way.
Mondays Message A kick in the stomach
A punch in the gut Time to wake up Always hungry Always yearning Uncomfortable & unsatisfied Do you ever wonder when your soul died? Tossing and turning The movements are jerking Pulling you this way Pushing you around Yet, you never seem to make a sound Don’t you ever want to speak up? But the words can’t come out Duct tape around your mouth Feet sinking deeper, deeper into the ground Speak up, shout! Your worries are not worthless Your troubles are not to be hidden beneath the surface Your swimming has turned to drowning Your grip no longer bounding It’s time to loosen the sails Stop being so afraid to fail The control in your eyes Is merely a disguise It’s okay to let your tears fall Breakdown and cry He wants to hold you up He wants to help you fly Your ship may be sinking But your captain is the True King Let Him calm the storm living deep inside Let Him hold you close wiping the tears in your eye Faith Filled Friday Love Letter~
Beloved friend, what should be your proper response to My marvelous mercies? I encourage you to surrender yourself to Me, your God to be My sacred, living sacrifice. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights My heart, for this becomes your genuine expression of worship. Worship is your weapon to defeat and overcome every obstacle in your life. Worship empowers you! Sing My Word, make it your worship. I said in My Word to put Me in remembrance, not that I forget, but that you would know My Word. For it is life and truth and truth will set you free. So be free to worship Me no matter what is going on in your life, you can push through into worship. Put on music and let it push you through; let it inspire you to enter into My gates with singing, into My courts with praise. Dear one, you are Mine, I have called you by your name. Wednesday’s Word When Faith Meets Suffering, Part 8
Why, oh why, does the truth have to hurt? Is this why so many run from it? Thanks for joining us for When Faith Meets Suffering, Part 8. Again we want to emphasize that we realize Social Media is all about the “happy” side of life, and this may seem like a real bummer, but the author wants to share from the side of pain, because pain is a part of real life, but also, she is claiming God’s victory in this season of suffering and will be just as transparent about the victory as she has been about the season of suffering. Let’s get back to where we left off. He had continued to text her, call her and she stayed in the dance, unknowingly dancing a dysfunctional dance and following his lead. She had drawn a boundary, crossed it herself, and now felt completely confused. She picked up her phone, remembering one of her prayer partners had sent her a link that they had said would help her in this painful time. She clicked on it and as soon as she saw the first line, she couldn’t stop reading. “Sometimes things get worse before they get better. What at first seems very negative and painful actually becomes the catalyst for a breakthrough. “ Oh, Abba, let this come true in my life right now… She continued to read: “It could be a relational or personal blowup like:
She continued to read the other instances that could cause a personal blowup, including getting fired from a job, exposure of a sin, burnout, disillusionment, getting arrested, anxiety attacks/nervous breakdown, and financial crisis. As she looked at the list, she almost wished she could trade her broken marriage for any of them. She continued to read from the link. “I don’t believe it is God’s “Plan A” for us to go through a painful experience in order to grow, but He can use it powerfully because:
Thanks for joining me in this painful journey; I can’t wait to share the victory with you that I know is coming and backed by His Word! Love, Kim-Evinda Monday’s Message As sure as the moon lights the night sky
Your Holy Spirit is our earthly guide As our time ticks by You gently nudge us to move at exactly the right time But it’s up to us to not give up It’s up to us to press our trust When an opportunity comes knocking Will we grab it or simply keep walking? And the feeling always comes back The feeling of a lack Let the Spirit move Showing you what to do Whispering words of inspiration Reminding you that you are HIS creation And when it takes you by surprise Embrace how the stars have aligned You may not see it through the clouds in your eyes But He provides all in His perfect Time Listen closely Feel the breeze blowing The stars are showing His perfect painting for you Grab your paint brush Look up These opportunities were made for you Take the chance to pursue Faith-Filled Friday What a powerful reminder of the power of giving and receiving mercy! Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Fridays with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United.
Love Letter~ My chosen, you must both speak and act in every respect like those who are destined to be tried by the perfect law of liberty, and remember that judgment is merciless for the one who judges others without mercy. So by showing mercy you take dominion over judgment! Ponder this, by showing mercy you take dominion over judgment, think about and show mercy on all who have hurt you and those you have hurt. Show mercy, forgive and let go of the judgments. I desire to reconcile all that has been lost. I desire to heal you from the inside out. As you release judgments you will begin to see some amazing healings take place. Stand on My promises, believe for your healing, believe for the reconciliation you so desire. Beloved, begin to show mercy on every side and you WILL experience a great breakthrough. Wednesday’s Word When Faith Meets Suffering-Part 7
Who would have thought that there would be things to be grateful for in the midst of a season of suffering? Thanks for joining us for When Faith Meets Suffering, Part 7. Again we want to emphasize that we realize Social Media is all about the “happy” side of life, and this may seem like a real bummer, but the author wants to share from the side of pain, because pain is a part of real life, but also, she is claiming God’s victory in this season of suffering and will be just as transparent about the victory as she has been about the season of suffering. Let’s get back to where we left off. She sat in her quiet time reminiscing about what had happened last night after church and how she had felt rejuvenated, excited, clear-headed and she knew she needed to draw a healthy boundary, one that spoke of love and respect, with a gentle boldness. She had left her phone in the car and when she got in, she saw the message light blinking. He had called twice. Permission to call, she thought. “Are you just getting through with your job?” He asked? “Oh, no, I just got out of church.” She went on to share about the message and how God had spoken to her through His word and had her put their marriage in it. “I’ll email it to you,” she promised. He smiled at her enthusiasm. “I’d like that.” She could feel the tenderness open the door to lay her boundary down, ever so gently but confidently. “You have no idea how many times I go to call you to share something with you, to ask you a question, get your opinion, or even share a story about one of our four-legged kids…” “Awww.” She continued. “But I can’t. Until you have severed that tie, I can’t because it hurts my heart too much. I love you with every fragmented piece of my heart but I can’t be a part of this.” “I understand.” So how was your day? His abrupt subject change caught her off guard but she went with it and had gone on to share her day and he his. They talked for a while longer and she steered the conversation to a close, inviting him to listen to the message she had sent him earlier in the week about the reality of our adversary from Jack Hibbs. He assured her he would listen to it. They had hung up and she felt thankful that she had drawn a boundary to protect her shattered part and begin putting back the pieces. Thanks for joining me in this journey…sharing my pain and helping me walk toward a victory…whatever that looks like. Love, Kim-Evinda Monday’s Message Brain is heavy
Life is unsteady A minute a mile A mile a minute Judging others pace Won’t put you in first place Stop right where you are Sit still & breathe Meditate for a minute Open your heart Let your mind listen Always going Always moving Someone’s always two steps ahead And someone else four steps behind Where you are in comparison to them Won’t help you win or give you peace of mind This life may feel like a race At times that seems to be the case We go so fast and never slow down Yet our feet seem to be bound Looking too far ahead or recollecting on the past behind But do we ever take the time to look and see what’s on the inside? What’s in you heart? That’s a start To put your feet back on track Stop letting the world tell you what you lack Fight the good fight Keep your heart in the race The marathon of living The finish line is only the beginning “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” – 2 Timothy 4:7 Abi Faith-Filled Friday Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Trench Classes United and Debra Dolce. This love letter truly goes with Wednesday’s Word, emphasizes that when we abide in Him we can do all things, get through all things…We pray you will enjoy today’s love letter spoken to Debra from the Father’s heart to hers and now to yours.
Love Letter~ My precious lamb, don't allow your heart to grow dull or lose your enthusiasm, but follow the example of those who fully received what I have promised because of their strong faith and patient endurance. Look at the Fathers of faith, of what they walked through and how they trusted Me to the very end. Oh, what a precious reward they received. They continually spent time with Me for they knew where their strength came from. When you come and make that special time to be with Me your heart will not grow dull and you will not lose your enthusiasm for Me. You can tell when people don't spend time with Me for they are so concerned about the things of earth rather than building My Kingdom. Beloved, spend time with Me, stay tuned in, that My Spirit may direct you here or there to do the work of your Savior, that other's will see Me through you and desire to know Me. Wednesday’s Word Have you ever read through a portion of scripture and just felt your stuff in it? Thanks for joining us for more of When Faith Meets Suffering. Again we want to emphasize that we realize Social Media is all about the “happy” side of life, and this may seem like a real bummer, but the author wants to share from the side of pain, because pain is a part of real life, but also, she is claiming God’s victory in this season of suffering and will be just as transparent about the victory as she has been about the season of suffering. What she shares today was and will be part of the victory she is claiming.
It was a Wednesday night and she was spiritually hungry, soul thirsty so she decided to meet Betty at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills. She listened to Jack Hib’s message, the framework of it found in Deuteronomy 30:17-19. As he spoke, her eyes wandered up to verses 15 and 16 and her heart and soul drank of the truths. She began to put her broken marriage into what she was reading, underlining, making notes, and she couldn’t wait to get home and put it on paper. As she left church that night, her heart and mind were nourished with encouragement and she knew the only way she was going to get thru this most painful season she found herself in was to abide in His word. When she got home and settled, she marveled on the fact that while she got many things out of Jack’s message, she knew that because of where she is in her faith journey, this scripture was speaking something entirely different. He had met her right where she was at, just like many times before. She was so grateful for the pain relief that worked gently and powerfully as she began to read, re-read, meditate and re-write the portion of scripture putting their broken marriage into it. She put the revelations in parenthesis and bold as they were revealed to her. Deuteronomy 30:15-16: See, I have set before you, ________ & _______, life, and good [this life He gives He pronounces is good], death and evil [evil is equated with death] in that I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in His ways and to keep His statutes [His laws are meant to guide us-the 9th commandment instructs us not to covet anything above Him] and His judgments that you both may live and multiply [multiply your blessings] and the Lord your God will bless you in the land which you go to possess [the land we each were wanting to possess was intimacy with the other, though we went about it separately instead of working as one on it] Deuteronomy 30:17-18: But if your heart (we are one heart) turns away so that you do not hear and are drawn and tempted away [when either of us turns away it causes a ripping of the heart, a tear that is not beyond repair but a tear never the less] and you worship other gods [another woman, ministry] and serve them [place them above Me, above covenant] I announce to you that you [your marriage] shall surely perish. You should not prolong the days in the land you are in so that you may cross over [triumph over this trial and overcome the enemy's scheme] to the land I have called you to possess [a healthy happy marriage]. Choose life and live Yes, she would never forget how this portion of scripture permeated ever so slowly into her shattered heart, working like glue to not only begin the healing but also to encourage her in her faith journey. I pray it speaks to you, wherever you may be in your journey, and that you will continue to put yourself in His Word…and discover what a powerful way to abide in it. Try it and watch it come to life for you, in you and through you! Love, Kim-Evinda |
February 2025