Monday Message For her beauty and grace
Every eye could see But for her valor She was not esteemed In the valley she hid Tucked away neat Tidy and meek But behind those hidden eyes Was a woman sharp and keen Facing a battle A battle unseen Come clean Raise that quiet voice That voice created to make noise Sing a new song and watch as they sing along To the tune of your tone From every pitch To every cry That becomes a mournful groan Darling, you are not alone. and those people you love The ones you hold close They need to know The goodness of His grace The mercy that radiates Even in the depths In the valleys and the pits You are it. The one He chose for such a time as this With a warrior spirit And a fire heart He loved you first From the start and His love will never part So pick up every dry bone and gird yourself with dignity and strength in this place we call home Taste and see that your work is good Because darling with His Spirit You could truly move mountains If you just put your mind to it “She girds herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for her God-given task] and makes her arms strong and firm. She tastes and sees that her gain from work [with and for God] is good; her lamp goes not out, but it burns on continually through the night [of trouble, privation, or sorrow, warning away fear, doubt, and distrust].” - Proverbs 31:17-18
Faith-Filled Friday Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench
Classes United. Today’s love letter is a great reminder when we accept His gift that was paid with a high price, He cancels out every “legal violation” that was on our record of life. ~Love Letter~ I canceled out every legal violation you had on your record and the old arrest warrant that stood to indict you. I erased all your sins, your stained soul-I deleted it all and they cannot be retrieved! Everything you once were in Adam has been placed onto My cross and nailed permanently there as a public display of cancellation. This is the epitome of My love for you. Meditate on this good Word and visualize all that I set you free from. No one can do the great work that I do. There is no one like Me! You can search the world over and you'll find nobody like Me. You could serve every god to the fullest and you would find no one like Me. No one else has ever died for you, taking away every sin. You can release to Me every thought, every shameful thought or deed, you can give them to Me and I will nail them to My cross as a public display of cancellation. Doesn't this make your heart glad? Can you sit with Me and see how I've erased all the damage that was done? Come and sit with Me and meditate on this good Word, visualize how I set you free from all the heartache and brokenness. Beloved, stay right here for a little while and let Me touch you, let My love cover you, empowering you to walk in the freedom I offer you. ~DebraDolce Thursdays Trench Truth Think about it; we aren’t nearly as hurt or offended by a stranger’s behavior as we are
by the behavior of one whom we love or care deeply for. Why can’t we be more like children, and get through the conflict with a simple “I’m sorry”? Why does it seem to require so much more as we get older? Maybe it’s time to consider the value that that frien-emy brings to our life…and if there’s more conflict than caring, maybe it’s time to evaluate the amount of space they take up in our hearts without paying rent… Thoughtfully, Kim-Evinda Wednesday Word Her face was still a bit tender to the touch. She smiled as she thought of how much
easier the procedure had been than she thought it would be, and the results overrode the frustration of the constant upkeep to defy gravity in this aging process. Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Today’s blog is thoughtfully transparent as revelation meets reality and encourages us on in the journey of aging…gracefully. She really was amazed at how much easier the PRP facial had been. Her only knowledge of it had been thru one of her estheticians who had posted pictures which explained why it was also called a vampire facial. Those pictures from two years ago had been etched in her mind and it just didn’t interest her…until recently. The fine lines and full-blown wrinkles overrode her aversion and when one of her best forever friends extended the invitation, she accepted. She was immediately comforted by Traci, the esthetician, and a nurse. She explained every single step she took to complete the process. During one of the steps, Traci discovered some white spots under her left eye. She worked diligently in removing what she identified as cholesterol deposits, tiny little white rocks with roots! Then the microdermabrasion process happened where lots and lots of dead skin was removed from her face and chest area before injecting her own stem cells back into her skin. As she rewound the whole process, several thoughts like sparks began to fire in her heart, igniting her mind. Spiritual beauty is far more important than physical beauty, and yet, there are some similarities: just as the nurse/esthetician worked diligently to remove all the impurities from her face and chest, we are to work diligently with Christ in the process of removing any impurities from our lives. And just as she had allowed Traci to cut away those white cholesterol deposits, she had to give Him permission to cut away old habits, attitudes, actions, and hurts, i.e., the dead stuff, so new growth can be stimulated. Soul care, though more important, is like skin care and Jesus is our Soul-tician! Friend, do you realize that upon permission, our Heavenly Father will work gently, relentlessly, and gracefully in our souls, bringing to light, like a mirror, gently and quietly, those impurities in us that need to be cleansed, or removed, kind of like a soul facial. And like certain types of beauty procedures, the process can be a bit painful, but the result is becoming more like our Maker and liking who He has made us to be. Oh, to seek soul care as much as skin care. Love Kim-Evinda Thursdays Trench Truth Cycles are like patterns; they repeat themselves and if you have ever
watched someone stuck in a soul-harmful cycle, you have experienced the pain and sense of frustration that can override hope for them, right? Recently I’ve had to remind myself that to participate in any sort of way with my flesh is to add to the cycle, but if I stand back instead of jumping into the crazy cycle, fight for that person in prayer and even fasting, it’s like throwing water on a fire, or taking the spoke out of the cycle! Never in the moment of crazy is the moment to take care of the moment! And never is it my place to “put someone in their place”! Thoughtfully, Kim-Evinda Monday Message We’ve all heard the sayings of the more you earn, the more you’ll spend, the
more you have, the more you want… Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. Today’s poem is a great analogy, using coffee and the things we crave in life. My small cup of coffee was perfect With a splash of oil Filled to the brim So full I could barely lift it up But instead of sipping it slowly Barely lifting it Because it might spill over What did I do? I got a bigger cup To add on more of what I wanted A scoop of collagen With more caramel cream Oh and more cinnamon on top please and now? Now it tastes watered down Too much in the cup To even taste the original coffee Metaphorically that’s me . and if you get quiet and be honest It’s probably you too… Always wanting more To do more To be more To have all the extras that I think will make me feel better and it’s not until you realize That really you don’t and truly you won’t Get to taste His freedom Until you finally see That all you’ll ever need Is a splash of His oil Nothing more and Nothing Less Because that coffee That coffee’s the best… “Seek, inquire for, and require the Lord while He may be found [claiming Him by necessity and by right]; call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the Lord, and He will have love, pity, and mercy for him, and to our God, for He will multiply to him His abundant pardon. For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain and snow come down from the heavens, and return not there again, but water the earth and make it bring forth and sprout, that it may give seed to the Sower and bread to the eater, So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. For you shall go out [from the spiritual exile caused by sin and evil into the homeland] with joy and be led forth [by your Leader, the Lord Himself, and His word] with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree; and it shall be to the Lord for a name of renown, for an everlasting sign [of jubilant exaltation] and memorial [to His praise], which shall not be cut off.” - Isaiah 55:6-13 Faith-Filled Friday Have you ever been disqualified from something, whether a contest, a
test, a loan or anything that you were pursuing that you felt would be a win in your life? Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. Today’s love letter reminds us that the price paid on the Cross prequalifies us for eternity. ~Love Letter~ Don't let anybody disqualify you from your prize! Don't let their pretended sincerity fool you as they deliberately lead you into their initiation of worldly worship, in other words, worshipping anything or anyone above Me. Many take pleasure in pretending to be experts of something they know nothing about. Their reasoning is meaningless and comes only from their own opinions; their opinions and worldly knowledge do not qualify them for what I have already prequalified you for: Eternity with me! Check what people say, does it line up with My Word, is it what I'm telling you and speaking to you? Anything told to you that is supposedly coming from Me should confirm My Word to you, if it doesn't then it's not for you at this time. Stay in close fellowship with Me! Don't let anyone pull you away from the plan I have for you or the course I have you on. Do you not know with my death, and resurrection, I have already qualified you? Don't let anyone disqualify you in what I've called you to. Beloved, My Word to you confirms itself so that you will know and you can be assured I have spoken. ~DebraDolce Thursdays Trench Truth Ephesians 4:29 says: Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth but what is
good for necessary edification that it may impart grace to the hearers Wow, what a great weapon of warfare to use in the combat of conflict to be non- combative! If you allow these words to make the 12” leap from head to heart, they will work like a brake, stopping you from saying anything that will tear anyone down, lifting you up and away from our flesh and need to get even, or hurt the one who has hurt us. The best way to show up for combat is to be armed with scripture! Letting Him fight my battles, Kim-Evinda Wednesday Word She was led to Psalm 139:19-24 after wondering aloud if her hatred of the one who
had deceived, tricked until she got what she wanted was holding her back in any way, especially the ministry. She kept landing on verse 22: “I hate them with perfect hatred; I count them my enemies.” How many times have we been heard saying I hate so and so, I hate this, I hate when…? Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Today’s blog is yet another revelation from her heart to yours as she questioned how she could forgive but still have hatred for the one forgiven, and her discovery that there is a “perfect hatred” to apply in place of harmful hatred. The words on the page took her on a detour to the study notes. How in the world, she wondered aloud, could there be a “perfect hatred”? She looked up the backdrop for this Psalm and was reminded of several points: 1 The psalmists always demanded God’s justice and vengeance, not their own! 2 They were intimately aware of God’s justice; therefore, no subject was taboo in their cries out to God. 3 And finally, the demands of justice and/or vengeance were written out of intense personal suffering. Okay, well, this situation meets all of those, she thought to herself. The first sentence in the study notes/life application caused her yet another pause; it talked about this type of perfect hatred for those who hate God “But they both claim to pray to you, oh, God? It’s not for me to judge – “Their actions voice their hatred for me and therefore I can’t hear their prayers. However, you need to focus on your attitude, not their actions for this is what we need to correct.” Conviction washed over her and opened the eyes of her heart even more. As she continued reading the study notes, they confirmed that like David, her hatred for this enemy came from her zeal for Christ’s truths; that her hatred was and continued to be a desire for God’s righteous justice and not for her own personal vengeance. Perfect anger is anger without sinning, allowing God to turn harmful hatred into perfect hatred, being angry and not taking matters in our own hands. Oh, if you have stayed with me in this blog, I pray you take a few moments to pause and ask yourself: Where does my hatred come from? Does it come from a place of zeal for Christ, like David’s hatred? Is my hatred really a desire for God’s righteous justice and not for my own scheming vengeance? He wants to be invited into this area of harmful hatred that He may perfect it. Loved by Him… Kim-Evinda Tuesday Trench Truth Thanks for joining me for Tuesday’s Trench Truth. Today,
allow me to speak this blessing over you that I read every day on my office wall. My prayer is that we all realize that NOTHING is wasted in God’s economy and all things are used for our benefit to bring blessings. May God give you for every storm, a rainbow; for every test, a smile; for every care, a promise. May you see a blessing in each trial, and for every problem life sends, may He send you a faithful friend to share; For every sigh you utter, may He send a sweet song to follow, And most of all I pray you see/hear His answer for every prayer. Receive this, friend. Love, Kim-Evinda |
February 2025