Wednesday Word The message took her to the ledge; unfortunately fear knocked her off.
Welcome to Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. If you’ve ever feared something you can’t see, like fear of rejection, of not being loved in return, fear of abandonment, fear of being different, not accepted and rejected…then come on in for some insight that leads to healing How can this be happening? She cried out, emotionally and physically exhausted. The familiar feeling of terror gripped her…but not like before. She had learned so much in this season and after yet another breakdown, she had yet another breakthrough. The pieces were coming together and after her breakdown, clarity came. She rewound the recent past and a session with the EMDR therapist wherein she was able to grieve for the little girl who had been abused. She’d never been able to do that before. His words echoed in the forefront of her mind “You’re not that little girl anymore.” Suddenly clarity came; no matter what the truth, she was not that little girl anymore. She was a woman of strong faith and she would not allow fear to destroy her. There were still many unanswered questions, all of them crashing into this truth: sometimes it takes pain to heal pain. How else can one teach others and lead others to Living Fearlessly ©! Friends, we serve a sovereign God who goes to great lengths to love us into change. Fear and pain are not of Him but all can be used by Him. Learning to Live Fearlessly, Kim-Evinda
Tuesday’s Trench Truth Do you often have anxious feelings or worry about what will happen next?
Thanks so much for joining me for Tuesday’s Trench Truth Here’s one example: You spend a lot of time thinking about the next thing on your to-do list or the next place you are supposed to be, which makes you emotionally detached… Friends, fears rob us from the present and mess up our futures. Perhaps it’s time to begin to learn to Live Fearlessly © Plan on joining us towards the end of April in a trench near you Click on the link for more information Fearlessly Kim-Evinda Monday Message The town is quite
Still In a peaceful Serene way People meander about Small talk Coffee shop The smell of smoke lingers in the air While Mexican chili spices kiss my tongue The steam rising from my paper coffee cup And I smile as I look up Because even though the clouds are gray And the sky withholds no light I feel Your presence there Holding me Wrapping me tight Reminding me that all is going to be okay Because the sun will rise again Giving us a brand-new day And though we have this fear That holds us here Binding us up This feeling of not being adequate enough But truly not realizing what we are capable of Grand Powerful Surplus Is what You have gifted us Adorning us with Your love A word so small Yet means so much A word that has conquered the world Lifted shadows from the grave And, no, it is not because we are brave But because we have trust A hope that whispers When the world snickers Knowing that in your hands Is a well thought out Beautiful plan So why not let go? Why not embrace the unknown? When everything we need is within Your control And onto Your faithfulness We will hold “For in Him does our heart rejoice, because we have trusted in His holy name” – Psalm 33:21 -Abigail Rice Faith-Filled Friday Have you ever felt left out, like you didn’t know the right people to get where you wanted to go? Ah, today’s love letter has an answer for this very circumstance.
Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United ~Love Letter~ My dear one, learn this well: Unless you dramatically change your way of thinking and become teachable like a little child, you will never be able to enter in. Whoever continually humbles themself to become like a little child is the greatest one in heaven's kingdom realm. Come, press in, press into the deeper things. It's not about what you know or think you know, but it's about My Kingdom. Do not let what you think turn into pride, thinking you understand. The religious leaders thought they understood, yet I called them a brood of vipers because they had twisted and distorted My Word. Let My Word dramatically change your way of thinking. Do not be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, through the washing of My Word. Let it spark new life, new understanding and new insight, that even your thinking would change. Now that's the revelation of the Holy Spirit, that makes everything fresh and new. Beloved, step into a greater, deeper understanding as you pray and read today. ~DebraDolce Thursday’s Trench TruthI know, you may be scratching your head saying, I don’t think so, but allow me to explain, and thanks for joining me today for Thursday’s Trench Truth
If you are afraid to approach others directly, particularly your family/friends, that fear comes from somewhere. Perhaps you witnessed too much conflict growing up or perhaps you grew up in a home where NOTHING was talked about and the “I’m Fine Mask” was a part of your daily wardrobe. If you’d like to learn how to develop your character thru conquering your fear and learning healthy conflict resolution, then you won’t want to miss our Living Fearlessly Trench coming to a location near you. For more information, go to I hope to see you there Love, Kim-Evinda Wednesday’s Word After her journaling time, she reached for her study on Isaiah, praying for understanding to dispel her insecurities about this particular study. Within the first paragraph, she kept hearing “Matthew 6.” After the third time, she remembered the assignment they were to do before the next board meeting. She reached for her Bible, eager to begin.
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Have you ever wondered how to apply what you read in the Bible to your life? Today’s blog offers a solution for this very powerful principle, one that will help us to not only abide in His word but be changed by it. She remembered the first part of the assignment, which involved four things so that’s where she started. In her mind she rewound to the day before, scene by scene and prayed: God, please forgive me for certain attitudes, actions and negative words of yesterday towards those I love. Cleanse my heart that I can come to Your table clean. 2 God wash my mind of anything learned in the past about this portion of scripture that I might learn new truths, new revelations for where I am today and where you want to take me. 3 God, show me how this applies to my life, in my life today and 4 grant me the courage to carry these out. Amen. So as I read through the first six verses, with many stops along the way, certain words sent me on a sort of personal detour as conviction seeped into my soul. I mean, it started in verse 1! “Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them; otherwise, you have no reward from your Father in heaven.” When we do something good, kind, generous, it needs to be for an audience of One. I’ve been known to make sure the person at the register taking my order saw me put a tip in there. Or how about boasting about all I’ve done for someone? Can you relate? As I continued, the conviction seeped deeper, though not necessarily just for myself, but I’ve always struggled with how to maneuver through the whole social media platform thing with our ministry because of these words from Jesus Himself:: 2Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you (announce what you’re going to do) as the hypocrites (people who do eternal acts with earthly, hollow motives) in the synagogues and in the streets (social media can be replaced here) that they may have glory from men. Assuredly I say to you they have their reward (on earth but not in heaven!). I can’t help but smile as I realize I only got through the first four verses of this passage 😊 And yet, my heart is heavy with this burden: how do we utilize social media as a way to encourage, draw others in without shouting about the good we’re doing, will do or can do? His word is clear about not letting the left hand know what the right is doing, in other words, in secret, for an audience of One. I know I can’t change, control or convince others, Lord, but keep my motives pure as I use cyber space to heed the call. Thoughtfully, Kim-Evinda Tuesday’s Trench Truth Yes, there is a difference. Thanks for joining us for Tuesday’s Trench Truth.
Let me ask you: Do you take more than your fair share of responsibility for tasks that have to be done? Why do you think that is? I know in the beginning of my marriage I would get myself so wound up over the fact that my husband would leave his chonies and socks on the floor. Time after time I would pick them up, frustrated that he wouldn’t for some reason do it himself. This example of course is minor in the life of marriage…but it’s all those little things that go unresolved that create large problems. I had no idea that fear was behind my inability to speak up; instead I thought I didn’t have to ask him to do these things; he should just know it. NOT SO! When we make assumptions of others knowing what we need without us asking, believe it or not, it’s fear driven. Friend, can I challenge you to ask yourself the next time you assume someone should just know something, or understand your irritation, what am I afraid of? Why don’t I just gently speak my need and not make it about their behavior? Hey if you’d like to learn how to communicate fearlessly and thereby live fearlessly, then plan on joining us in our next trench beginning the week of April 19th! For more information, go to Fearlessly, Kim-Evinda Monday Message I, The Lord
will make your path straight Walk with me Don’t run Slow your gait You say time is ticking But, I have set your pace Nothing will happen A moment too soon Or a second too late Relish in the here Relish in the now All I ask, dear Is to be with Me Breathe in this moment and take a look around Can't you see? How I have shaped the clouds Perfectly placed With bright beams leaking through From the morning sun rays That is me That is I and I have planned it all Before the creation of time Your worry Your doubt Your wandering about Only leaves you hopeless When you already know where your true home is Right here in My arms No need for perfection Plans Or good charm Come now daughter Come as you are For have I not brought you this far? and further I will bring you Farther than the stars Beyond the bright moon Beyond that place you call Mars For you are My child and you hold a dear piece of My heart Now lay down your baggage and rest in My arms -Abigail Rice Faith Filled Friday Have you ever let an opinion fly out of your mouth before thinking about it because you’re so passionate about it? What if we were as passionate about kindness as we are about our opinions?
Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United where this very issue is illuminated with grace and beauty. ~Love Letter~ My bride, don't let the passion of your emotions lead you to sin! Don't let anger control you or be fueled for revenge, not for even a day. Don't give the slanderous accuser, the Devil, an opportunity to manipulate you! The enemy is a great manipulator, twisting every situation. Be very careful of your own desire to control or manipulate. Let that sink in! Keep your passions directed towards Me and My Kingdom and your emotions won't lead you into sin. Be consistent and vigilant against anger and offense for it will produce a poison inside of you that will rot and decay the very heart of you. There are people who do not believe they are in a war against the enemy, but I say put on the whole armor. That should tell you to be armed for battle. Remember the enemy roams around like a roaring lion seeking to devour whoever is not armed, or aware and is passive in their walk. Beloved, I say to watch and be ready, to be alert for you don't know the hour that I will come. ~DebraDolce Thursday’s Trench Truth Thanks so much for stopping by for Thursday’s Trench Truth.
Have you ever disciplined your child, they reacted and you took back your punishment? How about when you are honest about something with someone you love and they get ticked off at you? What do you do? Well, if we’re honest, we usually struggle to allow others to struggle as a result of their consequences. This is so fear-driven and I can tell you this from personal experience, and lots of it. The beauty lies in the struggle and if we could just let go of our fear, things would turn out better than we could or can imagine. If you’d like to know how to Live Fearlessly, then plan on joining us in April for our next trench which will address all kinds of fears, even those you can’t see…fearlessly For more information, click on the link below: Fearlessly Kim-Evinda |
February 2025