Wednesday Word It’s not fair, she argued. Why, when I was the one hurt, do I have to be the one to change? She waited for an answer.
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Have you ever encountered this situation where you were the one hurt by someone, but God was asking you to change? Join Kim-Evinda as she wrestles with this very thing. When the answer came, it wasn’t what she wanted to hear…at all. But the truth of the answer settled in her soul like the missing piece of a puzzle, nestled perfectly, ending the search. There was no arguing with the truth. “My daughter, when someone sins against you, you don’t have to rub their noses in it; when someone is not doing what you want them to do, you don’t need to remind them. I see it all. Now I have a question for you: What if your one purpose was to love this person like they’ve not been loved? To say nothing at all but to love in action?” She didn’t argue; she couldn’t. All she could do was to pray for strength to do just that. And yet, there was a diamond that glistened to the surface of it all to carry with her to and through any conflict. It even coincided with what her mentor had just shared with her: if he/she is showing resentment, partner with forgiveness; if he/she is showing anger, partner with love and say nothing at all. It will speak louder than any words of wisdom you may impart. Friend, oftentimes, we need to be the change we want to see. There’s no arguing with truth and the fact of the matter is He who began a new and good work will be faithful to complete it…until we see Him face to face! (Philippians 1:6) Love, Kim-Evinda
Tuesday Truthful Humor Thanks for joining us for Tuesday’s Trench Truth where we pull truth from humor!
Have you noticed the price of groceries lately? Oh my goodness. There is one thing in this life that is priceless and yet satisfies and that’s the Word of God. Here’s a bit of humor I found on A collector of rare books ran into an acquaintance who told him he had just thrown away an old Bible that he found in a dusty, old box. He happened to mention that Guten-somebody-or-other had printed it. "Not Gutenberg?" gasped the collector. "Yes, that was it!" "You idiot! You've thrown away one of the first books ever printed. A copy recently sold at auction for half a million dollars!" "Oh, I don't think this book would have been worth anything close to that much," replied the man. "It was scribbled all over in the margins by some guy named Martin Luther." Oh, isn’t it so true that the price of the Word of God is life; it leads to life, it guides us thru life and takes us into eternal life! Try meditating on a verse for a day and see how it changes you, your attitude and your actions. Its value is priceless! For more encouragement, take a tour at and join our community at Love, Kim-Evinda Monday Message What is your “first thing” when you wake up in the morning? Did you know He longs to be recognized first thing, as your first thing?
Thanks so much for joining us today for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. Abigail’s words today are a simple but powerful reminder that when we reach for Him first thing, things in life just make more sense. You can just smell the coffee brewing and feel the blanket of peace. Before I take a sip from my steaming coffee cup I close my eyes And bow my head As my heart looks up Looking to You As I push away my own reprove Desiring to be and become something brand new A new day A new sun Until the pink moon And when the night comes And the day is done It is You I look to My Savior Your Son Thanking you for every breath that I breathed For bringing me peace In moments when all I wanted to do Was to break down and scream Your presence poured out Filling me with peace and I breathe A sigh of relief As I await for my next cup of coffee That the morning will bring And take in this moment Of pure silence Before sleep Takes over my dreams And a teardrop rolls onto my pillow Not because of grief But because of the beauty of knowing That this is where I am meant to be Right here in Your arms As You ravel me in silk sheets And I feel a distance breeze A small voice Singing a mama you will be I have called you And you've answered To let Me take care of your needs The days won't always be easy But I promise you will find the beauty In the moments in between Baby smiles And growing feet and if you listen closely My daughter, you will hear me The softness of the wind as it blows the summer heat The song of the birds as the gather and they eat The rising of the sun and the glow of the moon As you stand still in the middle of what you once feared And wishing you had faith a little more soon "When I consider your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained; What is man that You take thought of him, and the son of man that You care for him?" - Psalms 8:3-4 -Abigail Rice Faith-Filled Friday Have you ever said something you wished you hadn’t? Or done something you wish you hadn’t done? We’ve all heard the term “actions speak louder than words,” but what is really tricky is understanding that our words dictate our actions. How do we get them to match so that they reflect what we believe spiritually?
Thanks for joining us today for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. Today’s love letter is a great reminder of how to get our words and actions to align in a positive way. ~Love Letter~ My dear one, love never brings fear, for fear is always related to punishment. But love's perfection drives the fear of punishment far from your heart. Whoever walks constantly afraid of punishment has not reached love's perfection. Meditate on this good Word. Let it sink deep into your heart and take root there. Love NEVER brings fear. You say you're not afraid, but your behaviors say otherwise. Spend time with Me and in My Word and let Me show you where the broken places of mistrust hide. Those broken places are a landing strip for the enemy to come and cause havoc in every part of your life. Is there a strain in a relationship? Is there an inconsistency somewhere that causes you to struggle? Do you feel like your joy is continually fleeting? Come and sit with Me, listen to the words I speak, the direction I give to you. Let go and forgive freely; let the martyr in you die, holding offenses does not make you spiritual. Beloved, today practice giving and receiving love. ~DebraDolce Thursday Truthful Humor Three guys are convicted of committing a serious Federal crime, and they were all sentenced to twenty years in solitary confinement. But…they were each allowed one thing to bring into the cell with them.
The first guy asks for a big stack of books. The second guy asks for his wife. And the third guy asks for two hundred cartons of cigarettes. At the end of the twenty years, they open up the iron door of the first guy's cell. He comes out and says, "I studied so hard and learned so much; I'm smarter and brighter now, I think I’ll become a lawyer. It was terrific." They open up the second guy's door. He comes out with his wife, and they've got five new kids. He says: "It was the greatest thing of my life. My wife and I have never been so close. I have a beautiful new family. I love it." They open the third guy's door, and he's slapping at his pockets, going "Anybody got a match?" Oh Mylanta, isn’t it so true that when we take away the distractions in life, we can really accomplish much. Distractions can become positive attractions or fatal attractions! if you could live your life without distractions, what would your world look like? For more encouragement, check out and join our Facebook community at Love, Kim-Evinda For more clean humor check out Wednesday Word Her phone beeped, notifying her about her Facebook notifications. Yeah, later, she thought sinking a bit deeper into her thoughts which were dangerously spiraling toward frustration and hopelessness.
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. It has been not only said but proven that thoughts control actions and the only One who can read our thoughts is God Himself…and He loves us enough to help us not stay in them when they are no good for us. Something told her to go ahead and check the notification. It was from Facebook telling her that someone had shared a memory of hers. Curiosity got the best of her, and she clicked on it and began to read: “The sacrifice of Joy is about giving up my rights to pout, be discouraged, or nourish negative feelings. Sometimes this is a HUGE sacrifice, especially when we feel justified! When life’s difficult situations come crashing upon you like a giant wave, pray for strength to lay aside the innate tendency to worry, to exhibit fear and anxiety and instead, to offer up the sacrifice of joy.” “Talk about timing,” she said aloud to no one. I need to study some of my own writing, she thought. She had written that as part of her Cup of Joy book several years ago but she knew instinctively that the timing of that notification had come from her Heavenly Father. She felt His love wrap around her soul, warming her in such a comforting way. Determination came like a gust of mighty wind and fueled her thoughts and she began to speak them: God is in the waiting, He uses all things, and all means all. If I wait for life to be easy to revive my joy, I’ll never experience that abundant life He died to give me. Friends, can I lovingly encourage you and remind you that holding on to anything unresolved that has caused any kind of hurt is like a plug in the sink; it will stop the joy from accompanying you in the journey. Love, Kim-Evinda Tuesday Truthful Humor What if we were to use Scripture as a tool and not a weapon? Here’s a funny example of what I mean.
An elderly woman had just returned to her home from an evening of religious service when she was startled by an intruder. As she caught the man in the act of robbing her home of its valuables, she yelled, "Stop! Acts 2:38!" [Turn from your sin] The burglar stopped dead in his tracks. Then the woman calmly called the police and explained what she had done. As the officer cuffed the man to take him in, he asked the burglar,"Why did you just stand there? All the old lady did was yell a scripture at you." “Scripture?" replied the burglar, "She said she had an axe and two 38s!" Wouldn’t it be great if it were that easy? While this may seem like an exaggeration of how powerful scripture is, I double-dog dare you to use scripture the next time you find yourself in any kind of a bind. For more encouragement, check out and join our Facebook community at Love, Kim-Evinda Monday Message Have you ever started your day and within an hour or so wanted a do-over?
Thanks so much for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. Today’s poem is a great reminder when we are feeling like we need a do-over. My plant broke last night The pot I mean Beautiful and gray Made of strong, ceramic clay But the Wind so fierce Took it away And there it lay Pieces shattered Dirt and soil scattered As the birds pecked away My green plant laying in wait For me to come save the day To scoop it up Roots and all And put it in a new pot But this pot’s a little too big My plant doesn’t seem to quite fit But I know it will grow And one day this story will unfold Of how it had to break Break out of its mold To reshape into something new Something big Something bold As its roots continue to take hold Digging deeper Venturing wider Becoming a foundation A provider A steadfast reminder That in order for us to step into a new chapter We must break free from the latter Give ourselves room To embrace the unknown And grow in ways we could have never foretold A new pot Fresh clay Lord mold me Your will Your way My faith “But the vessel that he was making of clay was spoiled in the hand of the potter; so he remade it into another vessel, as it pleased the potter to make. Then the word of the Lord came to me saying,“Can I not, O house of Israel, deal with you as this potter does?” declares the Lord. “Behold, like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel.” Jeremiah 18:4-6 -Abigail Rice Faith-Filled Friday We’ve all heard what goes in is what comes out? I see this over and over again, whether it be positive or negative.
Thanks so much for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. Today’s love letter is a great reminder of being mindful of what goes into our mind and soul and manifests in our attitudes and actions. Love Letter~ My love, stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern My will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in My eyes. When you look to Me, you can be assured that I will always make a way where there seems to be no way. As you allow the Holy Spirit to totally transform your thinking, you will be empowered to discern My will. Just think, you no longer have to run here or there looking for My will or My desire for you. Come and sit with Me and let reformation take place in your mind. Come each day and be renewed in your mind through the washing of My Word. Let My Word wash over you each and every day. Be open to receive what I have for you. Just like I spent time with My Father, you will have to spend time with Me to discern My will. Beloved, to be more like Me you must spend time with Me, not because you have to but because you want to. ~DebraDolce Thursday Truthful Humor Thanks for joining us for Thursday’s Truthful Humor where we pull truth from humor.
A married couple, both 60 years old, were celebrating their 35th anniversary. During their party, a fairy appeared to congratulate them and grant them each one wish. The wife wanted to travel around the world. The fairy waved her wand and poof - the wife had tickets in her hand for a world cruise. Next, the fairy asked the husband what he wanted. He said; "I wish I had a wife 30 years younger than me." So the fairy picked up her wand and poof - the husband was 90. Isn’t is so true that we can idealize and wish ourselves right out of any relationship only to find ourselves more miserable than when we were in it! Friends, there is something to be said about finding contentment right where we are with who we are with? For more encouragement, take a tour at and join our Facebook community at Love Kim-Evinda |
February 2025