Mondays Message A new decade is upon us
Reflect upon this Upon the past year See how far you have come? The triumphs The tribulations All of this to mold you For your Creator to hold you All those times you felt so low He lifted you high Pushed you through the fight To be His light Your path may not have been in a perfectly straight line But you allowed Him to be your guide To hold you upright When all you wanted to do was crumble and lie Lie down in your messes Giving in to your stresses Darling, you have made it! He has given you so many blessings And now that this new time is upon us Let us remember who has gone before us Beyond us He has made the way Our paths have been paved What a glorious day! Let us relish in what is great His love His light His ability to create each new day Waking up to the rising sun Gazing into the night sky Seeing the stars He has hung so perfectly high We may have goals Resolutions Something new to believe in Or we may not be yet where we thought we would be But looking back now at all of the changes, can't you see? All along he has been holding you Molding you into the disciple He has called you to be This is no small feat You, my darling, have an unlimited reach So reach out Give your life & light to those in need And if it is yourself that is still lost and in defeat Then I urge you to get down on your knees Pray to Him to help you see To consider it all joy in the trials and tribulations And know this, darling, that your life is a blessing "Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." James 1:2-4
Faith filled Friday’s Welcome to Faith-Filled Friday with Trench Classes United and Debra Dolce. Oh, the truths in this love letter…as we go into the new year, may our heart be clean of resentments and envy….
~Love Letter~ My warrior, don't follow after the wicked ones or be jealous of their wealth. Don't think for a moment they're better off than you. They and their short-lived success will soon shrivel up and quickly fade away like grass clippings in the hot sun. I said in My Word that My sheep know My voice and the voice of a stranger they will not follow. Do not be jealous of others, for even though it looks like success, you don't really know and therefore cannot judge that. You cannot compare if others are better off than you, for you don't know the enemy they fight. I say love and let Me use you to speak hope into other's lives. Think My thoughts, speak My Word, then the help and success you desire will come. Speak My Word over yourself and over your situation. Beloved, remember My Word says that whatever you ask for when you pray, believe that you receive it and you shall have it. ~DebraDolce Thursday’s truth Wow, Christmas is over, really? No…we can live with the spirit of Christmas all year long. Enjoy this little poem and may its truths resonate in your heart and bloom in your life, and thanks so much for joining us for Thursday’s Truth with Trench Classes United and Kim-Evinda.
The Day After Christmas ‘Twas the morn after Christmas, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse The stockings once hung by the chimney with care Now lay empty, their contents lay everywhere The grandchildren still nestled all snug in their bed While visions of Christmas presents danced in my head And I in my bathrobe holding my coffee cup Nestled in my chair, not wanting to get up When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter? Away to the window I flew like a flash Forgetting my coffee and making a splash The early morning moon was shining ever so bright On what appeared an angel surrounded in light I gasped out loud and opened the door a little wide I couldn’t believe what I was seeing outside It really was an angel surrounded in light I pinched myself to confirm my vision was right I dared walk a few feet closer to clarify The angel stopped me, its hand held high “I have a message for you, your friends & family I’ve been sent from Heaven, from the Trinity” I stood there frozen, not daring to move on the lawn The moon lessened intensity into the early dawn The angel spoke with gentle authority An interesting message for you and for me “I wonder how many of you will heed what I say About all that shopping done for Christmas Day “Now Target, now Macy’s, now Nordstrom’s, Amazon too And Bath & Body, Ross and TJ Max, to name a few Will be sending you the bills for who knows how long And that’s okay; you’ve not done anything wrong “Maybe it’s time to rethink how you celebrate This Christmas season, this once-a-year holiday Instead of going into debt and increasing the stress Think of gifts to give all year that are priceless” Like what, I asked this heavenly angel of light Still standing in disbelief as I stared at this sight I wanted to hear what this heavenly angel had to say So I could return to my memories of Christmas Day “All of you have confined Christmas to one day With months of shopping, wrapping, and gifting away And when the day has come and it is all but a memory Stress and costs still linger for none of what you gave was free “In this New Year approaching, might I suggest three gifts for each day? Offer peace in times of conflict instead of demanding your own way Love that unlovable, though your human nature doesn’t want to It will go a long way in building bridges instead of destroying you “Extend grace to someone who’s hurt you in some way And know you’re not alone in this each and every day For when you give what you long to receive You become the change that you long to see” The angel began to ascend to the heavens high in the skies I stood and watched until I could no longer see with my eyes And though out of sight, its message and presence were still near I vowed to myself to practice these gifts throughout the New Year As we approach the end of this year and head into next, may we keep the Christmas Spirit going all year by giving love to the unlovable, being peacemakers in times of contention and extending grace when offended or hurt by others! Love, Kim-Evinda How often do we sacrifice our time?
For our job, for our family, for ourselves? We do what we feel needs to be done With each passing of the sun We have our planners Our checklists The never ending "to-do's" But rarely do we stop to take the time to be still and embrace the view Be grateful for our surroundings The roof above our head The shoes beneath our feet The ability to control the cold and the heat and we have this control that we are seemingly unaware of Always feeling the pressure to move and to go Until we finally hit our head on our satin pillow Even then our minds do not stop Always going, not knowing how to turn off And He is right beside you sitting there at watch Watching you breathe Watching you wake every day and attempt a full night's sleep He is reaching out to you, hoping you will see Darling, this thing we call time does not cease But you can press pause and or wait for the applause For marking every check in the box Yet your mind will still be lost and you will continue on How we constantly wish we had more time in the day To accomplish all the things we say But the one thing we must put at the top of our "to-do" list Is to find time for our quiet place It may seem nearly impossible Highly improbable With all our tasks, checks, and must "get to next" But you sacrifice your time for what you feel must get done So why don't you take the time for some One on one? He does not ask for much. Wherever you are Parked in your car On the beach or alone at night in the dark Take a few deep breaths, and let your mind rest Rest in the fact that no matter how fast time is going He is all knowing He knows your stresses, your ugly messes and He still waits for you to meet Him in his presence So take the time to make some time To let Him know how grateful you are No matter your circumstances You long to be in His presence You, my darling, are forever a child of God No matter the distance you feel apart Each hour, each minute, each second is a new, fresh start Wow, just one week away. I pray that you are enjoying doing what you do for whomever you do it! May this poem speak to your heart about the true gifts of the season…for all seasons. The Gifts of the Season It’s not about the presents under the Christmas tree But the presence of love we feel from friends and family It’s not about the shopping that we feel we must do But about the gift that’s already been given to both me and you The gift is a gift that money can’t buy The birth and death of Christ was and is for you and I It’s not about making a list and checking it twice And buying countless gifts for the naughty or nice The reason for this season isn’t about all the debt and stress But a time to offer special gifts such as patience and forgiveness Or maybe a gift of time for one whose time is running out A meal for a family in need to encourage hope where there is doubt Or maybe someone needs a helping hand to accomplish a tedious chore Or a neighbor needs some company so they are not lonely anymore Oh, if we would take the materialism out of this season And in its place remember redemption is our reason Yes, these kinds of gifts come freely to those walking in His Spirit For they will outlive materialism though the world doesn’t hear it Let love, joy, peace and patience, kindness, gentleness & self-control too Be the gifts you give away freely and part of all that you endeavor to do May the gifts of the season be yours to give now and in the new year, too Love, Evinda Mondays Message I always pray for God to give me the words to speak
My thoughts get jumbled And my mouth usually fumbles I say things I don't mean & end up in a space I do not want to be But when I pray the words come so naturally & my mind feels at ease Like I'm wrapped in a warm blanket of peace Yet, some days I let my mind take me away To a place where my words turn into nasty verbs They scratch and stir the monsters inside me & once awoken no longer in hiding Like a child wanting more They do not cease to implore Tugging on my brain Giving thoughts that are utterly insane & I listen I try not give in But they seem to outnumber me Chopping me up Piercing right through me I break down, I give up I feel as though the battle has been won Victory is theirs And I am beat up on the inwards & I can let this ring true Or I can pick myself up & hand God the glue I cry out for forgiveness For letting others be a witness Of how my mindset binges From one extreme to the next When all I need is rest To rest in His word To feel his presence Have I not learned my lesson? Every day is new Every minute we have is few So deciding who you are and where you want to be is ultimately up to you Yes, He has the authority But we have the door key It's up to us to ask It's up to us to knock It's up to us to fights back When the thoughts become ad hoc Purposely trying to push us off Off of our path And into the dark & that is when we most need to be a light Holding a candle to our own fright Cry out, sure scream I promise He is listening We may not feel it in the moment But, darling, you are chosen This battle is yours What are you waiting for? Faith filled Friday’s I just love all the truths in today’s Faith-Filled Friday. When you think about what or who has your attention right now, where does your mind go? Where your mind goes, your heart will follow! ~Love Letter~ My precious lamb, above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life. It's those little thoughts that sneak in and say "what about this"? Then your feelings are hurt and you become offended, protect yourself against this scheme the enemy uses against you. We've all been treated unfairly. Were you rejected because if your faith in Me? Come and present your pain to Me, for I too am acquainted with grief and I will strengthen you. Dig into My Word and let it encourage you, let it heal you and set you free, for My Word is life. Be bold, be strong, be courageous! Reject all that is not of Me. I didn't come to give you negative, I came to give youlife. Beloved, lay all that you are before Me and I will give you rest. WOW Wednesdays It was just a little drop, and each time I scootered past it the temptation to go down it was so fierce, I could reach out and grab it…so I did!
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Today’s WOW (Words of Wisdom and Weapons of Warfare touches on this question: Why are we more apt to address physical pain and let emotional pain go unchecked? I was at the skate park with my grandson and we had brought both his scooter and his skateboard. He went off on his scooter and I was left with his skateboard. I used to skateboard with my son XX years ago, so I thought, why not? I tentatively got up on it, and slowly pushed my way across the side of the park. With each successful trip, I became a little more confident and so I began to practice some kick turns. Well, that didn’t go as well, so I decided I’d try the scooter when my little grandson said he wanted his skateboard. Ahh, this was safer, and so away I went, holding on to the bar of the scooter, propelling myself forward at a pretty good speed if I do say so myself. 😊 Well, like we humans do, I began to get bored with going back and forth so I kept looking at the various bowls that many were dropping down into and making it look oh, so easy, I might add. And they were so stinking little! I motioned to Little B and he came over. I asked him how to drop down into the little bowl, and he ever so completely explained and then skated off. Well, I went down like he said, and was doing great…until I got to the very bottom and I’m not sure what happened, but the scooter went one way, I went another and my left knee went an entirely different direction! ☹ To make that long story short, I am pretty sure I tore a ligament of some sort (still waiting to get authorization for an MRI to confirm) and the pain…well, it’s pretty intense. Now come with me to my counseling session: All through our session I kept noticing my counselor wincing and moving to rearrange his position. At the end of our session, I said, “You hurt your back, didn’t you?” He replied that he had and how: Playing football with his son. He actually looked sort of embarrassed as he shared until I shared my injury story and then we both laughed as we talked about how many think we’re foolish to attempt to play like we’re young, to which I reply every time, I’m old, not dead! I’m not going to stop trying to have fun just because I’m older! 😉 I asked what he was doing for his injury and if he had seen a chiropractor and he said he was going to in the next couple of days. He then brought our injuries into a great perspective with this analogy: We’ll tend to our physical pain almost always, but what about our emotional pain? Ponder that for a minute. 😉 So many ignore or deny their emotional pain and wind up causing emotional wrecks, but why? There are so many healthy remedies available for emotional pain. So let me ask you this question: What do you do when you are hurting in your heart and whom do you turn to? There is a help greater than you can imagine, a love that heals all pain. Isaiah 53:4 tells us surely He carries all of our pain; He dries all of our tears.” Will you take Him at His Word today? Held by His Healing hand Kim-Evinda Mondays Message When an opportunity arises
Do you shy away and let it demise Or do you take the chance in hopes of receiving the bigger prize? And by prize I don’t mean trophy or a monetary equivalent What I mean is will it give you the dividend Of bettering yourself or someone else Of being more present and ready to ascent To something higher Something greater The calling of your Creator Because isn’t that what we are after, after all? Just not willing to take the fall What if I trip? What if I stumble? What if this isn’t a place for the humble? Well that’s okay, because if it is your place Then get there and show your face Show the world who you are Because who you are has come so far Far enough to quit But that fire has been lit So don’t let it burn out Your time is now There is no promise of what’s to come But I pray His will be done On earth as it is Heaven Let us fill these shoes He has created for us to step in To walk in faith Crushing all our fears along the way Today is your day A day the Lord has made Let us be His light In a world so full of shade Faith filled Friday’s This really goes with Wednesday’s Word, and it is a powerful truth: Everything we do is a matter of the heart! The way to have a pure heart is to plug into the Father’s heart. I know you will enjoy these encouraging words spoken from the Father to Debra, and from her heart to ours. ~Love Letter~ My dear one, worshipping Me is not a matter of the right place but with the right heart. For I am a Spirit, and I long to have sincere worshipers who worship and adore Me in the realm of the Spirit and in truth. There are so many things you don't understand and that's okay. You don't need to understand everything to worship Me. You can trust the One who created the Universe,loves you and desires your love in return. I gave so much that you would have life, that you would have abundant life. Step out of yourself, your way of thinking, your way of trying to analyze Me, for My ways and My thoughts are higher than your ways and your thoughts. Come, worship and adore Me and allow Me to be Lord of your life and Oh beloved, what a marvelous, glorious life you will have! Debra |
February 2025