Faith-Filled FridayDistractions, distractions, distractions! They’re everywhere, in our home out of our home, on our phones, our computers, in our minds. Sometimes we need to disconnect so we don’t distract ourselves away from that which we need the most. In other words, there is One that we need to be tuned into that we may know what/who to tune out.
Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. We are confident that this love letter will be a great reminder that distractions can often be a tool of the enemy keeping us from spiritual connection. Love Letter~ "Martha, My beloved Martha. Why are you upset and troubled, pulled away by all these many distractions? Are they really that important?" This is what I say to you today! Why are you so distracted? Has your life become so filled that there's no room to sit with Me? Are you so busy working for Me that there's no time to be with me? Take some inventory on what is really important. Some are pulled away by ministry, job, home, children or family. Are you found in any of these? That ought not to be, for without Me you can do nothing. Realign yourself today so that you don't get caught up in any of these. I say get ready to celebrate for I am releasing new gifts and blessings. I have so much for you as you continually make Me your priority. Stay focused on what I am doing that you don't miss things, for when you're distracted you won't notice a change. Beloved, stay in tune, keep your heart sensitive to Me and how I'm moving in this day. ~DebraDolce
Thursday’s Trench TruthWelcome to Thursday’s Trench Truth, which is all about relationships.
Do you tend to feel upset when you feel others are distancing themselves from you and/or do you have a hard time being alone, or…Do you enjoy time with others and feel comfortable in your own skin when alone. Oh, I remember the days as a single mom and my son would be with his dad. I’d come home and the house was so quiet, and I’d literally fill up with anxiety, not knowing what to do with myself. I didn’t know how to be comfortable in my own skin. Oh, and I always had to have a guy in my life, or someone around in order to feel like I was someone. That was so many healing years ago, and yet, I’ve still been known to say “I don’t need a man,” and I’ve heard many other girlfriends say that as well. Why do we say things like that? Well, from my experience, those words are spoken out of a past disappointment, hurt and even betrayal, but really, the only one that that attitude hurts is ourselves because God intended that we do life in relationships, not in spite of relationships. Life is a team sport and in order to really become more like Him, it requires the classroom of “relationships.” Perhaps it’s time to discover the difference between self-dependence and healthy independence. If you’d like to learn how to feel comfortable in your own skin, have a balanced relational life, then plan on joining us in a trench near you to learn how to love those you do love. For more information, go tot I hope to meet you there. Love, Kim-Evinda Wednesday’s Word“5 But in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart, you are treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God 6 who will render to each one according to his deeds 7 eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good, seek for glory, honor and immortality; 8 but to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath…” She continued to read in Romans Chapter 2, and the final verse in her devotion rendered her convicted: 11“For there is no partiality with God.” Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Have you ever found yourself feeling so frustrated, disillusioned and duped and venting in the name of “righteous anger”? This is the place that Kim-Evinda transparently shares with us today. Sitting in her quiet time, reading the Only Book that brought her revelation, understanding, direction and healing, she couldn’t stop the conviction that washed over her as she rewound the day before, which had been replete with frustration disillusionment and wrapped up with what she justified as “righteous anger,” She realized that this anger was beginning to poison her attitude and come out in her actions. As she sat meditating on the portion of scripture she had just completed, a few truths made themselves known to her, washing away her need to understand, and not only stopping the anger but sending it back to its rightful place: the pit of hell. Humility soothed her soul as she shared with God that she felt duped on so many levels, buying into the truths that others had been sharing, all in “His name,” but apparently they too had been filled with too much righteous anger and had gotten caught up in their hopes for a different ending according to their desires that they felt lined up with God. Life can be like that, like a roller coaster that is coasting up the steep, steep hill then suddenly takes a sharp turn or a sudden descent into unknown territory and we’re left screaming, if not vocally, certainly inside. But what had happened didn’t change God; what had happened didn’t change His love for any of us, she thought, including those who she felt had been blatant in their schemes. She wept and surrendered her “righteous anger,” allowing God to take the gavel out of her hand and put it back in His, where it belonged. This surrender released trust to seep into all the crevices of her heart, filling it with a peace so beyond her own comprehension. Friend, no matter what happens, remember this: God’s ways are not our ways; He is righteous; He sees it all, and He will have the final say in all that concerns us. Love, Kim-Evinda Tuesday's Trench TruthWelcome to Tuesday’s Trench Truth…all about relationships.
Are you one that tends to avoid conflict and/or anything involving emotions, or…will you initiate a difficult conversation in order to resolve a problem? Ahh, two years into my marriage that I learned that my husband was one of those avoiders, that difficult conversations were not only avoided but created more problems for us. It wasn’t until I read the book How We Love by Milan and Kay Yerkovich that I learned why… Friends, how we were loved absodarnlutely affects how we love who we love. That’s not to bash parents…at all. All of our parents did the best they could with what they had been given. But what if you could change this tendency to avoid difficult conversations and learn how to get in touch with healthy ways to resolve conflict, solve problems, thus strengthening all of your important relationships? We’d like to offer you that opportunity to join us in a trench near you to learn this and more because God’s design for relationships is to make us better, not bitter. For more information, go to Love, Kim-Evinda Monday’s Messagehat would it look like if we were to take one, just one of His promises and hold on to it and live by it as though our life depended on it?
Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail and Trench classes United. Her words today remind us that living by a promise, we’d not be disappointed and we would make our own world a better place. We wait for the future As if it holds our hope Something super Natural Beyond wealth Beyond disaster Beyond calamity Yet we toil Lamenting When will this future come? When will we see the Son? Not until that day is done Not until your work completes What the promise holds above So why not work diligently? Why not become something The one thing God has predestined and ordained Why not take that leap of faith While we toil in the wait Why not make it great? Let us make sons of His nation By the words of our mouths And the craft of our hands Let us prosper in this time Reaping the fruit of this land For if we do not grow weary Our bounty will be grand It is written right there Always a part of His plan Let us be His light while we still can For we do not know the hour Nor the day The future holds as some hidden date But if we wait It may be too late Our souls searching For that missing something When all along It was within us Living amongst the crimson Can we reach and pull it out? Day by day Letting go of the doubts Because you are His You are no longer a slave to sin This is it Stop anticipating Remaining in a realm of agonizing waiting Let Him in begin.. “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary” – Galatians 6:9 -Abigail Rice Faith-Filled FridaysSometimes we can get to moving so fast that we ignore those opportunities to stop and spread a little kindness and goodness around us.
Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. Considering our climate, a little goodness will go a long way but we must be plugged into our Source. ~Love Letter~ My blessed child, in every relationship, each of you must wrap around yourself the apron of a humble servant. Why? Because I resist you when you are proud but multiply grace and favor when you are humble. I have set before you examples of how to do things My way, Godly examples. My Word is filled with examples of the Fathers of Faith. Seek wise counsel at times by those who have shown their strong faith and have proven they walk by faith. Above all, seek My counsel for when you're listening you will hear Me. I have an answer to your every question and have filled My Word with promises for you to trust in, rely and stand on. I have a plan and that is for success as you walk out each day. Walk in My way and spread joy, give away goodness like it's free. Be observant and give to any that may need a smile, a kind word or even a helping hand. Beloved, always leave others better than you found them, and remember to bless and do not curse. ~DebraDolce Thursday's Trench TruthDo you keep score of the things those you care about did to you or about you, or…are you able to express your hurt/disappointment appropriately.
The other day, the opportunity to do just that, express myself appropriately, showed up unexpectedly. That’s how life is, lessons show up unexpectedly and we can either stop and learn the lesson, or keep on going until we are forced to figure it out. So here’s what happened: my step-son had done something which let’s just say totally irritated me, pushed a button and it wasn’t the happy one. When we got home, he actually asked me, you mad? “I’m fine.” No sooner had the little white lie escaped my lips when all of a sudden, my conscience was searing. I stopped what I was doing, thought about what I would say…without an attitude and then went outside and addressed it. It went something like this: Hey, Bryce, so when you asked me if I was mad, I wasn’t really mad, just irritated. I went on to address his action, NOT his character, and then boom, just like that, I was done; irritation vanished and integrity intact. What if I hadn’t of approached it? I’ll tell you what would have happened. It would have resided deeper and deeper into my soul and been added to any other unresolved conflict until one day….But it doesn’t have to be that way! Plan on joining us in a trench near you, and even thru Zoom, to learn how to love those you love and even learn to communicate healthily with those you don’t…really like too much! -Kim-Evinda Wednesday's WordIt’s that time of year where I can easily get caught up in shopping; I mean after all, every store you shop has “CLEARANCE” and “WHILE SUPPLIES LAST” signs everywhere. How can a girl not get sucked in! Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Seriously, don’t we all run to the sales, whether it be online, the grocery store, outlet stores, department stores…Stores! Stores! Stores! It blows my mind when I rewind the camera of my life and see me shopping, my mouth open wide in shock as I stare at a pair of white jeans marked down to $4.50, and a dress marked down to $7, and on and on and on. How can I not, I say to myself! And before I know it, my arms are filled with all these things that I just thought I had to have. It’s easy to get sucked in, isn’t it? I mean I better hurry up and buy them before someone else gets them, right? 😊 😊 Well, last week, a day after one of those type of shopping incidents, our pastor was speaking about encounters with God. It was a powerful message, and a wonderful church service. I felt so empowered, encouraged and energized spiritually, emotionally and physically. It satisfied my soul in such a way that…oh my goodness, in such a way that all the “CLEARANCE” and “GET IT WHILE SUPPLIES LAST” shopping sprees could not ever do. I mean I felt such euphoria, like I could just dance with joy, and that stayed with me awhile, inspiring this very thought: There are things that never go on sale and yet…the supply is endless and there’s enough for everyone, and there’s only one Manufacturer…Jesus! Grace, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness…yes these are the things I want to pursue more enthusiastically this year, especially knowing that they never run dry and there’s enough for everyone…enough for me and enough for me to share as long as I am abiding in and with the Manufacturer. [Galatians 5:22-23] Oh, to pursue the things that never go on sale, things I’ll never find on the clearance rack, things that will give contentment that money can’t buy…even half as much as I chase those sales! 😊 Love, Kim-Evinda Tuesday's Trench TruthThanks for joining us friends for our Tuesday’s Trench Truth.
Ah, how true it is that being critical leads to conflict, chaos and condemnation…none of which are from God! Did you have a critical and/or angry parent whose approval you tried to win? Do you find yourself doing things in order to feel accepted and approved of? Or…do you acknowledge you are not perfect and allow others room for their weaknesses too? What would it look like if we just stopped looking for something or someone to blame when things happen out of our control? Unfortunately blaming seems to be part of the human condition and we seem to have bought into the lie that saying sorry, or that we were wrong is a sign of weakness when in actuality it is a sign of strength and emotional integrity. See the more we understand ourselves, the more we give others permission to be who they are. We’ve got a way that you can do this: Plan on joining us for our How to Love Who You Love relationship class, coming to a trench near you and even available on Zoom. For more information go to Monday’s MessageThese thoughts are not my own
As you must have come to know For there is nothing in this world That we truly own Everything is Gods He is always in control Say those words And breathe God is in control He has and will forever meet our every need Past, future, present And all that is in between For by His bread We do eat and as we rest Our souls asleep He is singing to us So soft So sweet Yet we find ourselves Contemplating What truly is the meaning? Why live our lives As if we’re deeming A place in time So unworthy Un-redeeming Yet You hold us As if You’ve known thus Far that every mark Is true to the beginning Your creation from the start And here we are Open hands and steady feet Prepare our hearts For as we breathe We do seek New doors to open Opportunities and as we worship we prepare a place on earth as heaven’s fair a table made for that time that day that we will meet at Your Holy feast Your book at last With all amassed Final, Fini’ -Abigail Rice |
January 2025