Tuesday’s Life-Coaching TruthThanks for joining me for Tuesday’s Life-Coaching Truth. I can’t tell you how many times I reach for Google’s help, especially as a court reporter when I can’t understand a word a doctor has said, or any witness for that matter, or getting the spelling of a school, college, street…Google is great, right?
Well, what if we were to reach out to God for grace like we reach out to Google for answers? The more we reach for His FREE gift of grace, the easier it will be to extend that gift of grace to others. It’s when we understand grace that in a world where almost anything goes, we can choose to be kind even to those we think don’t deserve it! Make it a terrific Tuesday. Gripped in His Grace, Kim-Evinda #TuesdaysLifeCoachingTruth #GrippedInHisGrace #TrenchClassesUnited #LivingForgiven
Monday’s MessageHave you ever played hide-in-seek with littles, and revealed where you were because you couldn’t stop laughing? Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. Today’s poem has several visual examples of just how omnipresent God’s love is. Your love is immeasurable
Like layers of clouds Different depths Different heights Yet all the same light Peeking through the morning sky Coming alive From the darkest of nights His love never ceases to shine The red bird sings As the monarch floats by So delicately Each flap of their wings Knowing that they are free But when the door closes on me I can no longer see Lost and confused Wondering which way to move Looking for a key That was never meant for me Not realizing The beauty Of this door closed in front of me Through the blinds I can still see His love chasing after me Reminding me I am Free Just depend upon Me and you will soon see The beauty behind the curtain As you open it for now Soft and slow Not meant for show But for the world to know A different kind of glow No matter how far No matter how deep Your search won’t be complete Until you realize I am the key #MondaysMessage #TrenchClassesUnited #HideAndSeek #ImmeasurableLove #FaithOverFear The Road to Repentance is Paved with His Love. ~DDHave you ever lost something, and then when you least expected it, you found it? Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. Today’s love letter is a reminder that it is His Spirit that leads the lost back home on the road of repentance. Remembering where we came from will make the return of loved ones easier. ~Love Letter~
So the young son set off for home. From a long distance away, his father saw him coming, dressed as a beggar, and great compassion swelled up in his heart for his son who was returning home. The father raced out to meet him, swept him up in his arms, hugged him dearly, and kissed him over and over with tender love. Can you imagine this? Can you remember when you were dressed as a beggar, I came running to you? I saw you a long way off turning towards Me and My heart was filled with such compassion. Before you came to Me, I was continually calling to you and My heart was so full of love for you. Then when you made that turn towards Me, all of heaven rejoiced; the angels were singing the best hallelujah song. When one of My children returns, oh, how we rejoice. As I continually call you, I am always watching your every move for just that slight turn of the heart when I know you're coming. What a rejoicing time that is. You know when something has been lost and then it's found? You know how your heart feels, how you rejoice in your heart when something returns? How much more do I rejoice when one of My children returns? As a parent, you understand what it's like to see your kids walk in pain in the wrong direction; how much harder it is for Me to see My children walk in pain when they don't have to. How beautiful it is to remember where you came from as you pray for those lost. How blessed you are for realizing I Am your solution. Let Me be the solution for those whom you love who are still wandering, lost in their own choices. Let Me fill your heart full of love and compassion so that you may in turn give out to those around you, your family, your friends and even those you don't know. Always be ready to give kindness and gentleness to those who you deem lost for you don't know the struggle that they go through. Beloved, remember, I take what the enemy uses for evil and turn it into beauty. ~DebraDolce #FaithFilledFriday #TrenchClassesUnited #LoveLetter #LivingForgiven Thursday’s Life-Coaching TruthHave you ever had to cross a bridge to get to the other side of where you wanted to go?
Thanks for joining me for today’s Life-Coaching Truth. Sometimes, even the sight of a bridge causes us to panic, but to get to where we need to go, we need to cross it. So it is with trials and challenges in life; we need to get through them, not just get over them. I can tell you from experience that the smoothest, most peaceful way to do that is in and through prayer. Prayer is not some rote, religious thing we do to feel good; it’s a conversation with The One who loves us more than we love ourselves. It is as simple as counting to four: Praise Him for who He is, which helps us to Repent of our own shortcomings and Ask boldly for what we need for ourselves or others, which leads us to Yielding, taking one step at a time to get across the bridge trusting that His will will get us to where we need to go. Try praying today to get across the bridge in your life; you will be amazed at the journey. Truthfully, Kim-Evinda #Praise #Repent #Ask #Yield #LifeCoachingTruth #TrenchClassesUnited #LivingForgivenAndForgiving Wednesday's WordWhen truth guides us, we will not get lost KE
Where do you live? John 8:32-33: “And Jesus said to those Jews who believed, if you abide in My Word, you are My disciples indeed; and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” Have you ever gotten lost on your way home? I realize that in today’s technology with Google and GPS, it’s a little more difficult to get lost. And yet, I have found myself lost a time or two as I don’t always remember to rely on technology! Welcome to Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Today’s blog is a great reminder that His Word will take us where we need to go, keep us where we need to stay and prevent us from going in the wrong direction, No matter the situation, the availability of technology or unavailability, getting lost is a horrible feeling. And yet, I run into so many hurting people who are not lost, per se; however, they are overwhelmed with suffering of some sort. The waves of life have tossed them here and there, and they have lost their way. Talk to the wife who has just discovered her husband’s having an affair, or is an addict of some sort, and then there’s the parent(s) hurting over the choices their child is making, choices that surely are going to cause so many unfavorable consequences. It’s like being lost in a sea of hopelessness for there is nothing to do but watch the unfortunate consequences come about. Recently I talked with a friend who has been given a life sentence via a medical diagnosis with a prognosis revealing the end is around the corner. Life and loss are happening all around us; if it’s not happening to us, it’s happening to those close to us. How are we managing? Are we walking around lost, or are we able to stand firm, knowing where we’re going and able to help others? See, no matter the circumstance, there is a place to abide where we will never get lost, a place that will shed new light, a fresh perspective, a location that is filled with peace, hope, a foundation built with grace, a place that if we would only turn to, land in, abide in, we would find freedom from all that has us overwhelmed: His Love Letters to you and me! It’s time to stop being one of those who don’t ask for directions and abide in that place that we will be found, never to get lost again! To abide means to dwell. Can I ask, friend, where are you dwelling in mind, body and soul? Abiding in His promises and principles, Kim-Evinda #WednesdaysWord #KimEvinda #TrenchClassesUnited #TruthGuides #GodIsYourGPS Tuesday’s Life-Coaching Truth
This past week in our Life-coaching experience to learn how to live forgiven and forgiving, we discovered three differences between guilt and shame. Let me share two of them with you now: Guilt is about the act, in other words, external actions, while shame is internal and requires a deeper work. Guilt can lead to positive change; shame steers us away from change, and without that change, we are unable to connect with others healthily physically, emotionally and/or spiritually. Guilt is about an act we know to be wrong and therefore, can work like a warning light on the dashboard of our minds, a steering wheel in the journey of life helping us to veer away from that same wrong, harmful and/or offensive act. It’s a nudging in our conscience, a whisper; Shame, on the other hand, is internal and screams I am wrong. What’s at the end of shame? M.E.! Shame is not from the Father who loves you in and out of all your guilt and shame. Truthfully, Kim-Evinda #TuesdaysLifeCoachingTruth #GuiltIsAwhisper #ShameScreams #TrenchClassesUnited #LivingForgivenAndForgiving Monday's MessageWhere is it that you feel the safest? Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. Today’s message reveals the safest place to be, especially in the valleys of life. Prepare your heart for Him… Because He is preparing for you a home Let go Of the walls that you’ve built up For that castle in the sand It won’t stand and it’s foundation cannot withstand What is coming with this fresh wind His plan and now More than ever Time is of the essence Can you feel His presence? I do not know what is to come But as long I live under the shadow of this sun I will run and not grow weary I will walk and not be faint Even as the battles rage In the coming of these last days Now more than ever Is time to not lose hope But to endure With fervor For the home is preparing for us Is forever Is that something you are prepared for? To hold on to this hope When the world begins to unfold When everything you were told and taught Begins to become nothing but a joke Will you choke? Or will you stand With His Sword in your hand and with His Word as your lamp? Remembering in the end That this is ALL a part of His plan And nothing in this world is happenstance So the question then is Would you take the chance? To risk it all for eternity Or live life here on this earth In unquestioning conformity? “But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.” - Isaiah 40:31 “Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you].” - Romans 12:2 #MondaysMessage #PrepareYourHeart #TrenchClassesUnited #HisPresence #InTheValleys Thursday’s Life-Coaching Truth
Rational thinking prevents resentments from rooting KE Thanks for joining me today for another Life-Coaching Truth. So I’m learning to play tennis with my tennis club in my community. Recently I was asked if I could play on Wednesday with a group of gals so I said sure. I knew right away it was not going to be a good fit; they were extremely competitive and I found myself intimidated, insecure and just not having fun. By the third time, I actually said as much, and they stepped back and became more helpful. And then I got the phone call telling me I wasn’t a good fit for them and to keep going to clinics, and drop-ins on Tues/Thurs. After I hung up, this internal struggle began: “Well, I would have handled it differently and not been so selfish,” vs. “They’re there to play serious tennis, not teach someone how to play,” vs. “You’re just not good enough.” I felt a seed of resentment start to seep its way into my soul and immediately reminded myself of the rational truth: they were there to play tennis, not teach someone how to, and just because I didn’t agree with them booting me off the court, doesn’t make them wrong…again and again and again to avoid that resentment from rooting. It’s the enemy who say’s I’m not good enough but God says I am…and one day I’ll be good enough to play with competitors like them. Truthfully, Kim-Evinda #FaithOverFear #RationalThinking #TrenchClassesUnited #LifeCoaching #LivingForgiven #GoodEnough Wednesday’s Word When we think of saying goodbye to someone, usually, not always, it’s with the intent that you will see each other again. However, when we have to say goodbye to someone whom we will not be seeing again, that one word becomes one of the hardest words to say. Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Life-Coaching Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Today’s blog is a great reminder of the promise of a Helper, an Advocate that was sent to us shortly after a heart-felt and painful goodbye.
I can’t imagine what the disciples were thinking when Jesus told them He had to go away. The first thing I think about is He didn’t say goodbye, and He spared them the gory details of His “going away.” I can remember my biological dad kissing me goodbye when I was five years old, telling me he had to go away. I was confused, and desperately sad. And even though it’s been so long ago, I do remember feeling those two feelings. When Jesus said these words to His disciples in John 16:7 – “But in fact, it is best for you that I go away, because if I don’t, the Advocate won’t come. If I do go away, then I will send him to you,” I can’t help but imagine the emotions they experienced. And when I try to put myself in their place in the Upper Room, I’m sure they were confused. I can almost feel them shutting down after hearing He was going away because the sorrow was so thick with layers of confusion. I would bet that their hearts couldn’t comprehend who/what the Advocate was or would be to them and for them. Friend, there’s some great news in this scripture: we don’t have to wander and wonder, like the disciples must have. See, when God was in a bod, He was limited to one place at a time. This is why He says, “it’s best for you that I go away,” so I can be with you wherever you are, whenever you need me. Without Him having gone away, there would be no Gospels. Without His death, there would be no forgiveness of sin. Without His death, there would be no defeat over death and sin. And without His death there would be no resurrection. Without all of that, we would not have our Advocate. Each one of these “without’s” is a major contribution to the gift that we all have access to. Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines “Advocate” as someone who defends or maintains a cause. We are His cause. We can take Him at his Word TODAY by calling on His Spirit…whenever we need any sort of help. He promises to be with us spiritually, consistently until we see Him face to face. At that time there will be no more goodbyes. Love, Kim-Evinda #Faith #WednesdaysWord #TrenchClassesUnited #OurAdvocate #LifeCoaching Tuesday’s Life-Coaching Truth Man, I don’t know how many times it has taken me to learn this…and I’m still learning. Thanks for joining me for Tuesday’s Life-Coaching Truth. So the other day after a four-hour deposition that was fairly complex, I had e-mailed the questioning attorney a question for a spelling and then I gave my opinion that went something like this: I’d hate for him to be my employee; I can’t believe how apathetic he was and how much he “didn’t know.” I felt a twinge in my spirit simultaneously with pressing send but send won out. As soon as I did that, I remembered to check if she had sent the email to both myself and opposing counsel, also the attorney for the witness…what came out of my mouth when I saw, or so I thought, that it went to both of them, was definite profanity. I was convicted right away, sent our client an email apologizing for offering my unsolicited opinion and asked God to forgive me as well, and to help me remember that just because I have an opinion is not permission to give it! Truthfully, Kim-Evinda #TuesdaysTruth #Faith #TrenchClassesUnited #Opinion |
January 2025