Thursday's Trench Truth Thanks for joining me for Thursday’s Trench Truth. The other day, I had
an incredibly long and stressful day beginning with a drive to my deposition that normally takes 50 minutes, but with the rain, it took over 2 hours! As I’m setting up, I’m realizing they have me sitting behind the witness, but I didn’t dare complain as I was late, and they were waiting. The deposition was filled with arguing and fast talking and by the end of it, I was physically and emotionally drained. As I got on the freeway, in the rain, my first thought was I’m going to be late for my Connection Group. As my thoughts were speeding through my head faster than I was traveling, thinking of all I needed to do, including homework, I knew in my heart I’d have to pass on attending as I was depleted and would have nothing to offer and needed to just be…at home. And while I knew that being with them would deposit into my soul, I knew my need to just be at home without any talking would deposit more into my well-being. Friend sometimes life requires us to deposit into ourselves before we give to others. Truthfully, Kim-Evinda
Wednesday Word Her head was spinning with details for the upcoming event, and she just
couldn’t seem to stop it when she lay her head down to sleep. Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Today’s blog is a great reminder that what concerns us shouldn’t consume us. Looking back thru my journal this past week, reviewing the highs and lows, the lessons I’ve learned, those I’m still learning and even those I’m unlearning, I am pleasantly astounded at how He speaks to us thru His Word, if we’ll only stop and listen. And I don’t even know why I’m so surprised because He does it again and again, despite me.; No matter what situation we find ourselves in, this verse I’d like to share is a powerful source of encouragement. It can be a life preserver out in the stormy seas of life, an anchor for our souls. What is so sovereign about this verse is it speaks to us differently EVERY time we read it. Why or how? Because life keeps happening and with life comes different storms of trials and circumstances. Friend, may I encourage you to look at this verse, read it, then say it aloud again and again. I guarantee you that when you do this and allow it to soak into your soul, it will bloom in your life: Psalm 138:8: The Lord will perfect that which concerns me. Now put the “thing that concerns you” in that portion of scripture. I’ll go first: When I look back a year ago, my rewrite looked like this: The Lord will perfect and heal my broken heart. This year, this verse still speaks to me and calms me: The Lord will perfect my plans and all the details for a successful event… Here’s the condition to the promise: Does it concern us or consume us? If it’s consuming us, then we’re not trusting Him to perfect whatever it is that is concerning. What if we were to live like we believed the words in this promise? Would we finally stay still on the Potter’s wheel and let Him have His way, allowing Him to perfect us in the process to prepare us for the promise, not allowing ourselves to be consumed by that which concerns us? Trying to not be consumed by that which concerns me… Love, Kim-Evinda Tuesday Trench Truth Thanks for joining me for Tuesday’s Trench Truth. I love seeing the a-
ha’s that happen when I give such a reminder to the trenchers and in our “How to Love Who You Love” trench, this is a great reminder: we don’t look back to blame; we look back to learn, as Milan & Kay Yerkovich remind us. Life is all about unlearning and learning and if we don’t look back, we won’t move forward. On a less serious note, let me invite you to our fundraiser, A Night of Laughter featuring Squeaky Clean Comedy. This is going to be a great time of fellowship, food and lots of laughter. Saturday, March 2 nd , doors open at 6:30 for hors d’ oeuvres and dessert and an amazing raffle with lots of choices to choose from. Reserve your $30 ticket today! Love, Kim-Evinda Monday Message What do you do when you are surrounded by pain and loss?
Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. Today’s poem/message is a raw revealing of pain and loss…with a solution. The power of life and death is on the tongue… even when the battle is already won even when death still comes Today has been nothing short of a hard day on the ranch death seems to lurking and my heart is hurting this morning, I watched my husband attempt to bring a newborn baby lamb back to life as he washed it off in the warm water of the bathtub we prayed for a miracle to no avail another loss another fail… The sister lamb was weak and frail but is still hanging on as we attempt to keep her well and as I was trying to get this newborn baby to drink from a bottle And help her find her way to her mama my 4 year old son walks up with our beloved rooster, Tyson Hanging dead in his hands another one bites the dust… let’s just say today has not been super fun I wish i could say there’s a reason there’s a meaning as I attempt to see this silver lining between loss and dreaming there’s a fine line between death and life and ultimately we have the power to decide If our tongues will sing Him praise despite the drops of death that spill like red paint Or will we choose to let it leave a mark With our souls left in the dark despite the pain despite the hurt the power comes when we decide to look beneath the dirt 6ft deep can have two different meanings Roots that are deepening or a life defeating For me I pray for open eyes open hands and an open heart because then and only then can the work begin to start and then and only then can the darkness begin to depart like a newborn baby from the womb Searching for its mother searching for food We are too and the time is now time to make room to let His Holy Spirit move Just as it is written, “FOR YOUR SAKE WE ARE BEING PUT TO DEATH ALL DAY LONG; WE WERE CONSIDERED AS SHEEP TO BE SLAUGHTERED.” But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” - Romans 8:36-38 Faith-Filled Friday We’ve all seen mystery movies where fear causes a form of paralysis and/or a negative
reaction. But what if we were to allow our faith to speak louder than our fear? Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. Today’s love letter is a great reminder that our faith can help us overcome our fears. ~Love Letter~ Fear and intimidation is a trap that holds you back, contrary to faith. When you place your confidence in Me, the Lord, you will be seated in the High Place. Read this again and again and let it speak to your heart. Let these words go deep into your heart giving you the confidence in Me that you need to walk through anything that comes your way and that threatens to steal the peace that I give you. Everything that you go through is divided into two camps, it either stems from fear or it stems from love. And of course you know that intimidation walks hand in hand with fear. When you face your fears, that's when you will see Me, the author of truth. When you put your confidence in Me and trust that I have you in the palm of My hand, that I am directing your life, you will be able to be seated in the High Place Look at the things that you are going through and ask yourself these questions: Are you afraid you're not enough? Are you afraid you're too much? Are you afraid that you won't succeed; that you'll fail? Are you afraid you won't overcome all the things that have happened to you? Where does your fear come from? What makes you afraid? Are you afraid you can't control everything, that it's not you setting everything right in your life? Now, can you surrender all this to Me? Do you want to answer all of those questions with just one word? Am I truly your deliverer, your Lord and Savior? Am I your Alpha and Omega, the beginning, and the end, just like My Word says? Do you trust Me to deliver you out of any or every circumstance? When you determine in your heart that I am the answer to everything and you bring everything to Me, then you will see My hand in all of it, giving you exactly what you need exactly when you need it. You don't realize the bondage of fear that you are in until you've been set free. When you have been set free of fear, it's like you're a whole new person. That's why I say those who come to Me have a brand new life; the old self is no longer, but the new has arrived. But remember, this is a continual occurrence as you live for Me. We will be forever peeling back the layers that keep you from being all that I desire for you to be, from being all that you desire to be. Beloved, I want to give life to you, and not just life, but Abundant Life. ~DebraDolce Thursday's Trench Truth Thanks for joining me for Thursday’s Trench truth.
The Bible is full of examples of the power of choice…both good and bad. What is consistent throughout history is that trust is a choice; choosing to trust Him, especially when we can’t see Him or any light at the end of a tunnel, much less the end of the tunnel, is a choice. Perhaps we need to choose to re-evaluate who and in what are we putting our trust in because whom or what we trust is whom or what we’ll obey! Hey, on a less serious note, I’d like to invite you to our Night of Laughter featuring Squeaky Clean Comedy. This is a great night out with your significant other, family, or friends. Admission includes hors ‘d oeuvres, dessert, and the show. And you wont want to miss our radical raffle with amazing prizes! Wednesday Word She replayed the disagreement over and over in her mind. Her thoughts of frustration
moved like critters scurrying around and around, stuck, like a truck in the mud, unable to move towards understanding. Thanks for joining us today which picks up with Part 4 of Driving your Thoughts instead of Letting Them Drive You with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. If thoughts were a car, where would they be driving you today? Have you ever been stuck in a conflict, unable to understand the other person’s point of view? Today’s blog is meant to encourage you through it. She couldn’t believe what they had said, had done what they did. And try as she might to think of a way that she could have steered the final disagreement toward resolution, she hadn’t been successful. In fact, as she replayed the last couple of interactions, it had been obvious then, as it was now, that there was built up resentment used to defend their attitudes, actions, and beliefs, all of which were completely out of her control. She desperately wanted to make it better, to un-hear what she had heard, not just the words but the attitude with which they were spoken, but she couldn’t. She could only run them through the eight-point thought test found in Philippians 4:8 to get unstuck, own what was hers, and set her thoughts on higher ground: She began to go thru them, inviting Abba into her time: “Whatever is true.” “Well, they believed their words were true, Lord, she cried out. “Unresolved resentment shades the truth.” His answer brought some clarity. “Well, they definitely believe they were/are in the right,” she continued. “It’s not about who’s right but what is right. As they seek me in this matter, I will speak to them as I am speaking to you.” She continued through the eight-point thought test: “Well, neither of us were being pure in our words, and certainly the way it was all handled wasn’t admirable, excellent or praiseworthy, so now what, Lord”? “Do not add to the conflict by speaking about them in a way that is not true, pure, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy!” Ouch!! While His admonishment stung, its truth settled into her soul and settled her thoughts. Yes, this conversation with God and His Word had taken her thoughts to a higher place, no longer stuck like a truck in the mud on the last conversations with her friends. God’s Word had steered her clear of any detour of resentment which had begun because of their unresolved resentments and this unresolved conflict. She smiled, knowing that somehow, some way, He would resolve it if she stayed out of it by not adding to it. Friend, if you’re stuck amid an unresolved conflict, can I encourage you to take this eight-point thought test found in His Love Letters to you and me? There’s a guarantee that His Words will Tuesday Trench Truth Thanks for joining me for a little bit of truthful humor.
After she woke up, a woman told her husband, "I just dreamed that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine’s Day. What do you think it means?" "You'll know tonight." he said. That evening, the man came home with a small package and gave it to his wife. Delighted, she opened it to find a book entitled "The Meaning of Dreams" I don’t know about you, but my first internal response – notice I said internal – would have been what the heck, where’s my pearl necklace? But, when we stop and look at the heart of this sweet truth in this little funny, we can ascertain the truth that her husband was listening, and because men like to solve problems, he brought her something that would give her the solution, an answer to her question. Isn’t that just as thoughtful? Hey, speaking of humor, join us for A Night of Laughter, featuring squeaky clean comedy happening 3-2. Doors open at 6:30 for hors d’ oeuvres and dessert and show starts soon after. Get your tickets today! Monday Message Do you believe a foundation is only as strong as its roots? Thanks for joining us for
Monday’s Message with Abigale Rice and Trench Classes United. Just about every decision we make, attitude we cling to, action we take is rooted in something. Today’s message affirms this in a poetic way. Enjoy Proclaim His Name: A seed was planted and deep in its roots Is where we find meaning Is where we find truth and as it grew beyond the stars In the sky there it bloomed Knowing there were no limits To all it could do Through the power manifested in You For by the Word of Your breath It was spoken and there they sat The planets all in line The moon, the waves, and the tide From this chaos we were torn But in You We are reborn A new life A fresh wind The beginning and the end and I will forever sing Your Name Again and amen Our human souls Thirsting within and by Your love We are quenched So again I say, Amen and Godsent By Faith we affirm You are the Light You are the Way as we daily dissipate Your mercies never fail and a new life You create For by Your grace We have been saved and for that we give thanks and forever proclaim Your Name So, Lord, I thank You For the vastness of Your goodness This feeling of excitement bubbling up and I just can’t get enough Of this freedom we so long for and want That has been standing right here Right in front Saying, “Here I am” Ready, willing, and able To speak truth at Your table Where upon every tongue Honey shall drip As we sing all praises Proclaiming how great Your Name is Faith-Filled Friday What does intimacy look like to you?
Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. Today’s Love Letter gives us insight into the kind of intimacy that ushers in unconditional love. ~Love Letter~ Become intimate with Me in whatever you do, and I will lead you wherever you go. Look at all the benefits being intimate with Me brings. Isn't it wonderful to think about, to dream about Me leading you wherever you go? My desire is for you to become intimate with Me. I desire to lead you wherever you go. When you are intimate with Me, then you become sensitive to My desires for you. Your time on earth is short and I desire for you to make a difference in the lives of those around you by your love and compassion for Me. Your love for Me will grow and touch those around you and they will see Me and be blessed. My love is no ordinary love. As you spend time with Me you will recognize the difference between the love of this world and the love of My world. As you spend time with Me you will feel the change in your own life. Don't be stubborn but look at your life and what you need to lay before Me. Lay down all stubbornness and pride and accept My gentleness, My goodness, and My kindness to touch those around you. You cannot make a difference in people's lives if you don't touch them with My love. Bring Me into everything you do, involve Me and all that you do making me your priority in everything. What is it that you need from Me today? What healing do you need? Do you need healing in your mind and your thoughts? Do you need healing in your body? Nothing is too hard for Me! I am able to do above and beyond anything that you could ask or think. ~DebraDolce |
January 2025