Wednesday’s Word Have you ever tried to make sense of a tragedy? You are going to really enjoy Wednesday’s Word with Jenn. Grab your Bible, a journal and come on in for a little break from it all.
For years now I have been trying to make sense of why trials and tragedies come when the Bible speaks so often of 'no harm shall befall you' or ' My plans are only for good' You know the verses I am talking about. I have narrowed it down to evil of course, and the free will God has given us. Yet, we humans often blame God for the bad that happens as well as attribute the good. Well, this week, several things happened to cause me to think deeper. I read this in a study I am doing.. "Life happens on life's terms" In other words, there is so much that is not under anyone's control. There are consequences for actions or choices; there is free will. The devil is out to cause chaos and hurt…and all this is allowed. God isn't a puppeteer, He allows life to be. What He DOES do, is come into my story if I ask Him. He promises never to leave or forsake me, as well as to work all things to my good if I love Him. This takes faith in Who He is. If I don't know who He is, this is going to be harder for me to understand. The other day I had an acquaintance, someone I hardly know, call me and tell me she'd like to be a support for me and was wondering how she can do that. She told me she understands my heart and wants to be a friend. There is no blatant reason she should do's purely from God in my opinion. The Word says that 'every perfect gift is from the Father above". This gift came at a perfect time, when I was being torn down in another area, so how can it not be from a God who knows my need and cares? I can give God the thanks and the glory for the good that comes into my life ..because He is looking out for me. Jenn
Thursday’s Truth If you could give a gift that money couldn’t buy, what would it be?
This is the most wonderful time of the year, and the greatest time to begin practicing giving gifts that money can’t buy, not just in the name of Christmas, but all through the year. If I had to think of a gift that money couldn’t buy, I think I’d go with…kindness. I need to practice kindness, especially in our fast-paced, social-media driven, technologically transported society! Oh, to take my greedy grasp off my own agenda and practice kindness by…giving a genuine compliment to someone, a heart-felt thank you to anyone who serves me at a restaurant, a drive-thru, a retail store, or making time for someone lonely…I could go on and on… Join our Facebook community for daily encouragement @ Love, Kim-Evinda |
January 2025