Tuesday’s Trench Truth If you want to learn how to love and live more healthily, join us for our next series, Learning to Understand and Be Understood…coming to a trench near you.
Wednesday’s Word Oh, I just love hearing, seeing the revelations of others! Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United and our guest blogger, Jenn Woolsey! I sense you will truly relate and enjoy today’s word! A couple weeks ago, we painted V's room. Some of you may have seen the before and after pictures. The room is still in progress, but it's been fun. I've been reflecting on this project and I've realized something. I like the process of taking a mess and making it better. My whole house is a work in progress. In fact, it has been from the beginning.
In my job, I enjoy the patients who are a challenge. I like to see the improvement in someone who comes in with gum disease, leaves with clean teeth and the opportunity to keep improving. I enjoy putting things in order. I like encouraging others to stay on their course. This is what God does for me. He takes my mess. He's in the business of putting my life in order. He sees in me what can be…not what is. Through all the plot twists of life, He is creating something beautiful. Some of it remains to be seen…and won't be totally done until He comes back. Thank God He doesn't leave me in a torn down state. "...being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6 Jenn The world says, go here, there, chase this and that. God says: Change your attitude and He’ll change your altitude!
Join our F.B. community for more encouragement for the journey Tuesday’s Trench Truth This is the last call to join a trench near you and learn how to Surrender to Serenity.
Join Now Join our Facebook page for encouragement in the journey www.facebook.com/trenchclasses Wednesday’s Word Have you ever had one of those weeks where you felt as though you were juggling so many things that your brain would burst and surely something important would fall through the cracks? And when everything was all said and done, your body collapses but your mind keeps running around like mouse in training for a triathlon? It’s not a good feeling and the older I get, the more I dislike that craziness.
Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. There is nothing like scripture to rein it all in, mind, body and emotions! And yet, scripture needs to be our first go-to daily in order to accomplish any and all things that we do throughout the day, whether you’re a mom of little ones, teenagers, or someone who has the freedom to enjoy volunteer work for a cause or causes, and then of course, if you’re married, maintaining that marriage in a way that we are called to. Philippians 4:13: says: I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me! But…why do we do all that we do? See, the truth is, we can get so busy being busy that we lose focus and when that happens, it’s time for a three-point balance check:
What we are doing reveals who/what we are pursuing! So as we move forward in this new year, remember when feeling overwhelmed, push the pause button and ask yourself: why am I doing what I’m doing for whom I am doing it? This will reveal if you are working WITH Abba or for Him! There truly is a difference! Love, Kim-Evinda Thursday’s Truth If you’d like to learn how to be free from that frustration, click the link below to learn how
free from frustration In the meantime join our Facebook community @ www.facebook.com/trenchclassesunited Love, Kim-Evinda Thursday’s Truth If you could give a gift that money couldn’t buy, what would it be?
This is the most wonderful time of the year, and the greatest time to begin practicing giving gifts that money can’t buy, not just in the name of Christmas, but all through the year. If I had to think of a gift that money couldn’t buy, I think I’d go with…kindness. I need to practice kindness, especially in our fast-paced, social-media driven, technologically transported society! Oh, to take my greedy grasp off my own agenda and practice kindness by…giving a genuine compliment to someone, a heart-felt thank you to anyone who serves me at a restaurant, a drive-thru, a retail store, or making time for someone lonely…I could go on and on… Join our Facebook community for daily encouragement @ www.facebook.com/trenchclassesunited Love, Kim-Evinda Tuesday’s Truth Since we are born with and in this fleshly tent, our innate tendency and propensity may not always be gratitude, but instead, we may flaunt a nasty attitude. Wouldn’t it be awesome to use some reverse psychology on our minds? What do I mean by that? Well, the other day, I had to drive allllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the way to Baldwin Park (about 75 miles away) for a deposition that I knew was only going to go 30 minutes, maybe an hour at the most. I caught myself complaining, and then began to trick myself by saying, I get to drive to Baldwin Park and while stuck in traffic, I’m going to study my memory verse flash cards.
You know what happened? He so blessed me with a request for an expedited transcript which meant that I would make almost twice the amount of money I would have made without it! God honors gratitude and frowns on a negative attitude! Join our Facebook community at www.facebook.com/Trenchclassesunited for more encouragement for the journey Love, Kim-Evinda Tuesday’s Trench Truth God says you and I must take the first step and then He will be there to join us in the journey of change.
Come be part of our community for more encouraging thoughts that will inspire you to keep moving forward. www.facebook.com/trenchclassesunited Love, Kim-Evinda |
January 2025