Partnering with His Spirit is part of our job ~Kim-EvindaWhen you think of your job assignment, what comes to mind? Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes United. Today’s Love Letter is a great reminder of our job assignment to enable HIM to do His. ~Love Letter~
The truth-giving Spirit has come and He unveils the reality of every truth within you. He doesn't speak on his own, but only what He hears from the Father. He will even reveal and prepare you for what is to come. Allow His Spirit to do the work He was sent to do, revealing truth to you and showing you the way to go. His willingness to reveal will be dependent upon your openness to hear. Many don't believe in the third part of the trinity as a working member. Oh, but when you spend time with Us and you're open to receive all that I have, then your understanding will be enlightened. Study the Scriptures; sit with Me and ask for discernment so that truth will be revealed. This will allow My Spirit to operate through you and to be more sensitive to My Spirit which will prove to be a lifeline for you. Not only will you learn from My Spirit but you will be empowered by My Spirit. Beloved, rise up and take hold of the truth so you will walk in My strength. ~DebraDolce #FaithFilledFriday #TrenchClassesUnited #LoveLetter #LivingForgivenAndForgiving #PartnerWithTheSpirit
Mistakes are lessons to learn inside out ~EL Wasting energy on thinking about a mistake creates yet another mistake but to learn from a mistake…well, that’s now a lesson learned. Thanks for joining me for Tuesday’s Life-Coaching Truth. On my way to Arizona last week, I heard this song – which I’ve heard many times before, but I really heard it and it reminded me of our life-coaching truth for today. One of the lines of the chorus goes something like this: My failures and my mistakes help me see the depth of His grace! Isn’t it so true that we can’t experience His grace without a failure or mistake. And if we don’t stop and learn from the mistake, we can’t understand the power of His grace.
Can I encourage you today to not beat yourself up because of any failure or mistake and allow it to help you grab onto HIS grace that you would learn from it all that you can. Truthfully, Kim-Evinda #ThursdaysTruth #TrenchClassesUnited #LifeCoaching #LivingForgivenAndForgiving #GraceInMistakes Flesh-itis requires a Red-Sea miracle ~Kim-EvindaLord, I woke up groggy and grumpy, she wrote in her journal. Why didn’t I just say no to working, she scolded herself. Her thoughts all seemed to land on some unsettled piece in her life, and as each thought parked itself in her soul, agitation seemed to rise. Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Have you ever had one of those days that began with feeling like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Today’s transparent blog talks about that very thing and how to rise above flesh-it is. She stirred her coffee, her thoughts already swirling and swirling and returning to the current conflict in her life. Tears of anger rose and dripped down her cheeks as she made her way to her comfy chair. She was still too emotionally invested in the situation and needed to step back and pray before jumping in and falling again…into her flesh.
Revelation began to separate the anger and hurt and all she could think of is the miracle God performed for the Israelites when He parted the Red Sea so they could get across. Just like the Israelites wanted desperately to escape their situation, to be rescued from unfair treatment, she too had needed a sort of rescuing not necessarily from but in her situation. “Oh, Father, I’ve had a horrible case of flesh-itis!” she cried out. “I’ve been so focused on all the hurtful and wrong things in this situation that I let my flesh swell up, get larger than You in me. I’ve been so focused on what was wrong that I couldn’t see the blessing in disguise.” The anger and frustration that had been building up over the last almost two weeks began to melt away and, in its place, peace returned, bringing clarity, and understanding. And while she knew in her heart getting across to the other side of this situation may not be the easiest, she didn’t have to concern herself with the details for He had parted the sea in this situation, and He would take her to the other side. Friends, whatever needs a Red-Sea miracle in your life, can I encourage you to surrender to the One who can part, join, empty, or fill any sea of circumstances. Remember, what He brings us to He will bring us through. Love, Kim-Evinda #WednesdaysWord #TrenchClassesUnited #RedSeaMiracles #LifeCoaching #LivingForgivenAndForgiving Sharing ushers in caring ~Kim-EvindaThanks for joining me for Tuesday’s Life-Coaching Truth. In our life-experience classes, I’ve seen this principle repeatedly and its truth is powerful. When something is consuming us, not just concerning us, and we share it with others in our life-experience classes, it begins to lose its power over us. Why is that? Because sharing can turn into a time of caring as we discover our similarities…and this ushers in hope! Can I encourage you today to share what has you consumed that you may experience a time of knowing you are cared for?
Thoughtfully and truthfully, Kim-Evinda #TuesdaysTruth #LifeCoaching #TrenchClassesUnited #SharingUshersCaring #AreYouConsumed When we remember Who walks with us, we won’t walk alone ~KEPicture yourself holding the hand of a little one. You do that to keep them safe, to guide them and to protect them, right? What if we were to remember that we never walk alone? Thanks for joining us today for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. Today’s poem/message is a great reminder that when we remember His hand is there for us to hold, we don’t walk alone and we won’t wander away. Like a stubborn sheep
We bleat and we moan Not knowing which direction to go While all along our Shepherd and Savior Is right beside us to guide us Even though we stick our heads in places it shouldn’t go Getting stuck in the fence Trying to move forward While He’s trying to pull us back in His rod protecting us From the temptations of this sin His staff guiding us Leading us to Him We move one step towards Him Only to go two steps back Opening the gates For spiritual attack and in this ever present darkness Our minds only see lack Bleakness and black Yet we must remember Even on the darkest of nights The stars continue to shine Our job? When we feel stuck in the fence Or lost in the dark To listen for our Shepherd and heed His call For His sheep know His voice and listen above all The road will not be easy For I’m afraid the veil is greatly thinning So we must be on guard and We must pick up our cross Invite His Spirit in Again and again Forgiven Is what you are Do you hear your Shepherd's call? “The sheep that are My own hear and are listening to My voice; and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never lose it or perish throughout the ages. [To all eternity they shall never by any means be destroyed.] And no one is able to snatch them out of My hand.” - John 10:27-28 “Yes, though I walk through the [deep, sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I will fear or dread no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort me.” - Psalm 23:4 #MondaysMessage #AbigailRice #TrenchClassesUnited #NeverWalkAlone #AlwaysBesideUs Faith-Filled FridayWe’ve heard the saying, “preach the Gospel, and if you must, use words.” Thanks for joining us for Faith-Filled Friday with Debra Dolce and Trench Classes Untied. Today’s love letter is a great reminder of how our life will do the talking without words when we invest in time with Him. ~Love Letter~ The council members were astonished as they witnessed the bold courage of Peter and John, especially when they discovered that they were just ordinary men who had never had religious training. They began to understand the effect I had on them simply by spending time with Me. The same is true for those of you who spend time with Me. This is why I continually urge you to come and spend time in My Word and in prayer. The more time you spend with Me the more you get to know Me, understand Me, and know My character. This time spent is so important for your walk. The more you know Me and understand My character, the easier it is for you to recognize the lies of the enemy, and how he endeavors to lie to you about Me. He's always accusing Me of not caring about you, not listening to you, not paying attention to you.
All those accusations are lies and if you know My character, you'll see right through the enemy’s schemes. People recognize when you spend time with Me, because you will have a heart change, just as the council members did. And just like those observers of John and Peter were astonished to witness their bold courage, so too will your friends and family and co-workers be astonished and want what you have. This proves that you don't have to have any training to share the Gospel. You can be bold and share the "Good News" to all those around you, no matter where you are by the way that you live. Beloved, be excited about Me and all that I have to strengthen you with to share this wonderful news of Me, Jesus, the Christ. ~DebraDolce #TrenchClassesUnited #FaithFilledFriday #LoveLetter #ShareTheGoodNews #LiveTheGoodNews Jesus fired Satan at the Cross!Thanks for joining me for Thursday’s Life-Coaching Truth. So how often do you hear of or even experience getting fired from a job and then getting re-hired? Not normally, right? I had to remind myself of this truth the other day as I began, again, to take back what I had already lifted up to Him in prayer. When we pray about something, and then behave in a way that doesn’t reflect leaving it with Him, we rehire Satan on that job, for that prayer request!
I don’t know about you, but no thank you, I do not want Satan on any of my jobs I’ve given to Jesus! Friend, the next time you give Jesus something in prayer and you’re tempted to take it back by worrying about it, talking about it to anyone and everyone remember, you’re trying to rehire the enemy! Have a great Thursday. Kim-Evinda #TrenchClassesUnited #ThursdaysLifeCoachingTruth #OnTheCross #HaveYouPrayedAboutIt #FireTheEnemy What we focus on expands In the midst of all the pain, a light of truth shown so brightly that it paused the darkness named sorrow and suffering, and suddenly clarity came, out of nowhere, rendering her yet again humbled. Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United. Have you ever been so focused on what someone has done to hurt you that you had no idea you had a part in it? Today’s blog is for such a circumstance as this, and reveals something so freeing, we hope you will try it. To step out of our own pain and pray for understanding is one of the hardest, but most rewarding spiritual exercises I have ever experienced...and continue to experience. How do we step out of our own pain? The simple answer: Change our focus, and for many of us, that’s not so easy, at least for me it’s not. Proverbs 3:5 tells us to lean not on our own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path. There seems to be so many opportunities to apply this instruction lately, but let me share one from not too long ago:
I remember spending an entire night praying with a heart that cried out for help, asking my Heavenly Father to hold me and to reveal my part in a very painful situation. I had been so immersed in and blinded by my own pain, I just knew I had to do something different. So instead of sitting in my pain, focusing on my right to be mad, hurt, and angry, I changed my focus. I didn’t ask Him to change the other person; I begged Him to reveal my part. Now, this requires that we sit in that pain, if you will, and not run from it, as many of us are tempted to do. Society teaches us that we shouldn’t feel pain; we should only do what makes us happy. Why is that false? Because pain and sorrow can bring understanding, but only if we change our focus to the One whose plan is to help us, lift us up and out of ourselves that we may learn from the pain. Let me say this: God wastes NOTHING, and certainly not any pain or sorrow. In other words, sometimes it takes pain to learn a lesson, to discover more about ourselves, to cut away what needs to go that we may become more like our Creator. My heart is yet again soothed to know He is with me in it all; He’s highly invested in expanding my character as I expand my focus towards Him. As I let Him change me, the pain diminishes and turns into understanding…and my heart smiles again. May we keep our eyes on The One Who knows all things and works all things together for His glory and our eventual good. Love, Kim-Evinda #TrenchClassesUnited #WednesdaysWord #WhereIsYourFocus #CharacterExpansion #HisPlanIsOurHappiness Tuesday’s Life Coaching TruthThanks so much for joining me for Tuesday’s Life-Coaching Truth. Healthy communication is much like banking…hopefully you wouldn’t try to withdrawal from your account more than you have deposited. Communication kind of works like that; we need to make a deposit before we make a withdrawal. In other words, we can’t withdraw what we haven’t deposited. This principle applies in any type of relationship, whether significant other, child, sibling, parent. How do we do that? Listen before speaking, find something to validate them about, or say something that you admire them for.
When we make a deposit before we make a withdrawal, we don’t leave the other person emotionally bankrupt and they’re more apt to really listen to what you have to say. #TrenchClassesUnited #TuesdaysLifeCoachingTruth #CommunicationBanking #ActiveListening #DepositAndValidation Monday’s MessageHave you ever felt so burdened you couldn’t look up and/or reach out? Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. Today’s message empowers us in the area of surrendering so that the burden can become something that bends us into a position of surrendered. Trust
Is like a fall and even when you think you know it all You’re probably wrong Because trust requires faith and faith requires belief Digging deeper beneath the surface Until you finally see Beyond the veil Beyond the lies Beyond every attempt The enemy takes at your very own life Strife Will come and in seasons You will learn There is a time to rest There is a time to mourn There is a time for joy and there is a time for closed doors But the question is Do you dare to explore? Beneath the flesh There is a soul wanting more More of Him More to give More life to live More room to forgive Because that That is when The story begins A book with no ends A heart that outlives The sorrow and strife The blade of a knife Because life Is created by The Light and this life Is a mystery in plain sight “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. What do workers gain from their toil? 10 I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet[a] no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes 3:1-9 #TrenchClassesUnited #MondaysMessage #SurrenderYourBurdens #BendButDontBreak #Ecclesiates |
September 2024