Monday’s Message
Stuck In the mud Giving up This season of life will tarry you But the Lord, your God will carry you Always preparing you For what is to come You know not But you are here willing to give it your best shot And it’s a simple as that But maybe not Blindly walking into somewhere He is pulling you Comes with a fight completely new to you Have you laced up your shoes? This one’s coming at you full force It’s not waiting for you to light the torch Get ready Stay steady Press on For this battle is long The hill & valleys you cannot foresee Always be vigilant with whom you keep company You may trip, you may fall Who will be there to hear your call? Your battle cry Your plans spun around, taken by surprise And you ask yourself “Who am I?” Who am I to be His soldier? Who am I to remove this boulder? To climb this mountain and make it to the top I must trek on My foot may slip Losing grip Grip with reality Would He be proud of me? Yes, He is calling Yes, He is nudging And through the mud you keep trudging Trudge along For this battle is long But He hears your fight song Sing on “For I consider that the sufferings of the present life are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us!” Romans 8:18
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February 2025