Monday Message We’ve all heard the saying “scared of your own shadow.” Fears are like
shadows that follow us around and cause us internal distress. Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes United. Today’s message is a great reminder of how to shrink those shadows by stepping into faith. We don’t know But we believe We can’t see Yet we still believe We can’t touch, taste, or hear what is to come what’s right what’s wrong But we still believe In something bigger Something bigger than us Something that created the vast beauty of us Of the world The people The places The hearts The bodies The minds & the souls Even those that are so far gone... So led on to be deceived That they are weak fear driven & ridden Down So far down So far gone Yet He stands there still Softly saying Please come home Back to my arms To my love My endless grace Is it not enough? Because you are enough More than enough More than a face with a name But a home and a heart A mother, a brother, a father, a son Someone. Someone that someone else loves So don’t take this life for granted It is ALL that you’ve got. & don’t for one second believe that thought That thought that you are not good enough That you are not brave enough Kind enough Smart enough Wise enough to know, it’s not your time to go & it won’t be until the good Lord says so So just hold on my dear Stop living in the shadows of your own fear. Those thoughts? Yeah, those thoughts - He hears. “The LORD looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men; From His dwelling place He looks out On all the inhabitants of the earth, He who fashions the hearts of them all, He who understands all their works. The king is not saved by a mighty army; A warrior is not delivered by great strength. A horse is a false hope for victory; Nor does it deliver anyone by its great strength. Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, On those who hope for His lovingkindness, To deliver their soul from death And to keep them alive in famine.” - Psalm 33:13-19 Love, Abigail
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February 2025