Wednesday Word Driving Your Thoughts Instead of Letting Them Drive You, Part 3
She stopped abruptly, almost letting go of the weights that were in her hands. She stood there dumbfounded and discouraged hearing the words repeated by her trainer that her husband had shared with her. Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Kim-Evinda and Trench Classes United in Part 3 of “Driving Your Thoughts Instead of Letting Them Drive You.” Many of us have had lies spoken about us, or things said that shouldn’t have been shared, and if we’re honest, it stings, hurts, stirs up anger and resentment. Today’s blog addresses how to not allow those lies and hurtful comments drive us toward emotional wrecks. As Kim-Evinda shares from her current SOAR (Season of Adultery Recovery) her hope and prayer is that it will encouraging any other hurting hearts out there. She didn’t know if she was angrier about the lie spoken about her to her friend’s husband, or the truth that the person who said it was no closer to returning to Christ than when their whole nightmare came to light over three years ago. The realization that he was still blaming her for his choices loomed over her heavier than the weights she was trying to lift to bring her muscles back to life. Her thoughts seemed to keep returning there, like a car driving in circles trying to find a different route. And they kept returning, and then she remembered His whisper to her all those weeks ago: Finally, Kim-Evinda, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. In the days that followed, she pushed the lie away…but it kept coming back to the surface of her mind, and when she made the mistake of talking about it on two different occasions, she found herself in an out-of-control fishtailing feeling in her mind…headed towards an emotional wreck. She knew she had to do something different. She took the steering wheel of her mind and slammed on the brakes with the first part, daring to test it against this scripture; what he had said wasn’t true. But her emotional foot came off the brake and she steered her thoughts to the next one, noble. Well heck to the no, what he said wasn’t noble; in fact, it was quite cowardly, a way to live with it, I guess, she thought. Nothing about what he had said was right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy. “Then stop allowing your thoughts to drive you,” He repeated. His admonishment settled into her soul, steering her thoughts to a better place…His presence, His promises. Friend, can I encourage you that when someone speaks a lie about you, or even shares a truth about you that hurts, grab on to the steering wheel of your mind and cling to this gentle admonishment from Abba Himself, that you may not be an emotional wreck or cause one. Thoughtfully, Kim-Evinda
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February 2025