Monday Message What do you do when you feel like you are drowning
Do you hold your breath Accept the death Or do you attempt to swim To keep afloat Knowing that above the water There may be hope I think we all desire to stay alive To keep in this world And give it a try This unordinary life But what if we are supposed to drown? In order to die from ourself And come out Back to life To not just having a hold in this world But a heart and soul That inwardly glows and outwardly shows By the way we begin to live again To show up again To breathe again Knowing that this suffering These momentary hardships Are all a part of His plan To be on this earth As it is in heaven As we pray for more than our daily bread But to feel what it's worth The weight in our hands As our backs begin to bend We keep sinking Deeper And deeper into the abyss But this light momentary affliction Will make us new again As we resurface to this earth Dry land Full of thirst Thirst to be seen Thirst to be known Thirst for the only One who can satisfy our souls As He wipes the mud stains from our eyes We are no longer blind To the evil that surrounds us Amidst His joy that abounds us So I pray everyday For His presence to make way To a new life A new joy Laughter with my boys and for the smallest things I now say thanks For I know when I am drowning He is only making waves. "For whoever wishes to save his [higher, spiritual, eternal] life, Will lose it [the lower, natural temporal life which is lived only on earth]; and whoever gives up his life [which is lived on earth] for My sake and the Gospel's Will save it [his higher, spiritual life in the eternal kingdom of God]." Mark 8:35 (AMPC) ~ Abigail Rice
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February 2025