Monday Message Most of us, if we’re honest, have sought the approval and acceptance of another. After all, those are two God-given desires, right? What if we were to live like we believe God has accepted us right where we are at? Would live look/be different for you?
Thanks for joining us for Monday’s Message with Abigail Rice and Trench Classes. Today’s poem is a good reminder of how easily it is to slip down that slippery slope of acceptance and approval from others and the destruction that can bring. We desire this perfection This ultimate connection To feel seen To feel loved To be known So we search For meaning For purpose For growth When beneath it all The roots in the dirt Are rotting away As we soak up self-worth and we forget we are not worthy We are not deserving Yet, our Saviour and our King Thinks the world of you and me He put on our flesh and walked in our mess Just so we can know & believe That His love for us far exceeds The feeling of worth from this momentary earth Our lives so short Our breath so quick Moments go by And we don’t even realize it Always on this search Looking for worth But darling the truth is We are nothing but dirt Our sins so big Our hearts so fragile They snap like a twig Yet, we hold on like a branch blowing in the wind Because I think we all hope for something bigger than this An Eden An Israel A place where we can feel The sun on our face The soft grass in our tows Where all we can see is rows upon rows Of flowers that have bloomed From those seeds He helped grow All because His love is so surreal A Heavenly King That believes in you and me Despite our unworthiness His love for us outweighs the Universe “Stop regarding man, whose breath [of life] is in his nostrils [for so little time]; For why should he be esteemed?” - Isaiah 2:22 “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, But we will remember and trust in the name of the LORD our God.” - Psalm 20:7 ~Abigail Rice
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February 2025