Monday Message You are stepping into something new
So fresh So precious You may think you know How it's going to be How it going to play out This little dream But in the end it is only you You with Me For all of eternity I have held your soul before you became known I filled your breath Even as you pondered letting go For you I will go to the depths To the ends To fill the void and magnify the light Hidden beneath your dark sheets at night I am there I am here I am all around I am everywhere You feel the wind As I filll your breath Again And Again And Again You wake up not knowing if this day will be filled with dread Or if you will dive into the depths Of pure joy, peace, and happiness And the reality is this: This soon will end This life Here on earth From dust to dust No rebirth You are all whole All one A soul as bright as the noonday sun You shine like no other To fill others with awe and wonder You draw them And lead them here To Me My waters Fulfilling your thirst Your every need Even as you fall on your knees Begging "Lord, please Remove this cup from me Take my burdens and shatter my doubts Because I I will never truly understand what this life is all about This human body so failing And so flawed Yet, I know in the depths of my soul I have been called I hear You calling my name Saying it is you I have made For such a time as this For such a moment like this Where you are Plant Root and Grow Go deep You will never fully know The depths of your magnificent soul The battle that rages Between the good and the evil in between all the stages The spirit the flesh The constant wonder of what is next? Darling, let me tell you this What is next Is taking a breath Breathing in that life And knowing that you are blessed So, beyond blessed Of this gift This shift of wind and light That runs through your bones Shining at all hours of the night Darling, you are light Look in the mirror and see You, Yes you, Are exactly who I created you to be A beautiful Wonderful Predestined Magnificent being Now breathe And know That you can let go Because I am here to carry it To remove your yoke The only question is, will you let go? “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all.” -Psalms 34:19 ~Abigail
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February 2025