Wednesday’s WordI sat quietly, taking down verbatim the spoken words by the attorneys and the witness. It was another day on the record… or so I thought. Thanks for joining us for Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United and Kim-Evinda. We pray that today’s blog will encourage you in your faith journey. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I was taken back to a very crucial time in my life, one of desperation, confusion, and disillusionment. There was an internal struggle happening as a result of someone else’s choices. The little girl inside me was desperately wanting them to chose differently… but they didn’t. Fast-forward to the present: I realized that, that moment from the past is colliding with my present; that the little girl inside of me is desperately wanting someone to choose differently, but I can’t make them; I can’t even help them. Instead I can only let go of them and continue to pray for them. The tears fell fast and hard. Thank God we were on Zoom. 😊 They couldn’t see me all that well because of the way my camera is situated. I sat there writing and crying silently for some time. Understanding began to shine down through my cloudy soul, illuminating light, drying my tears and helping me to continue letting go and letting God, trusting He’s always with me. I finally understood why my current “Why, God”? season hurts so much. There was still a remnant of a couple of issues that He longs to heal from that “Why, God?” season from the past and they were colliding with my current circumstance. As the revelation settled into my soul, I was reminded of how He turned that “Why, God? season into a “Wow, God!” life, not just a season, but a life that is trying to be used to help others recognize their need for Jesus. The truth that He wastes nothing brought relief and comfort, confirming that He will use this “Why, God?” season to bring about a “Wow, God!” season. People may fail us but His promises never will! Oh to live like I know that " all things, God works together for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."(Rom 8:28) Wow, God! Love, Kim-Evinda
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January 2025